Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Vanderlaan Sequence 4, 42, 420, 4201, 42012, 420123, 4201234, 42012345, 420123456 etc ...and... the Cultural Meaning of all the Numbers I Can Remember. For Example: 007= James Bond, 420=Marijuana and 5150=Madness therefore 5570 is Reefer Madness!

This is a Useful math sequence for naming and sorting files. Especially photographs. It allows inserting new pictures in between existing pictures While Still maintain Numerical order... Handy for animation... Like: You Could add a Photo named 4205 between 4201 and 42012... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and then... In a Dream... I Invented this Cardboard Hearing Aid... Not as a Tool for Deaf People But as a Way to Increase Awareness in Normal Hearing People... Could be Worn with a Hat or Headband to Make it stay on Your Head Securely... Just Like a Dog With Big Ears Can Hear Better... this would be a Way to Get the Reflective Surface Area for Sound to Be Larger... and Just By Co-incidence... It Looks Like an Egyptian Pharaoh... King Tut... 
Cardboard Hearing Aid as it came to me in a dream - gvan42

Bebop Cubist Goofball - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42
Bebop Cubist Goofball -
Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42

~~~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~~~

Dear Microsoft: Here is an Idea for a Better Random Picture Generator.  Use standard algorithm to select a Picture, then MARK THAT FILE AS READ AND DO NOT CHOOSE IT AGAIN UNTIL ALL OTHER FILES HAVE BEEN CHOSEN.  No repeats for a Long Time. A Massive increase in Quality for the Random Image Slideshow.

~~~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~~~

Numbers have Flavors, Emotions...A List of Meanings. From Zero to Infinity and BEYOND!

For Example: "And It's One, Two, Three, What Are We fighting For ?" - Country Joe and the Fish

0: number invented by Indian Mathematicians.  Brought to the middle east and then Europe by an Arabian named Al Khwarizmi. (Algebra). Handy for expressing BIG numbers like, 1 followed by a hundred zeros – a googol.  A googolplex is 1 followed by a googol zeros. Spelled differently than google.

007: James Bond, a secret agent for her Majesty in England. A Character played in the movies by Sean Connery... and a gazillion other wanna-bees.

half pipe: a skateboard word referring to a part of the skate park made out of a concrete pipe sawed in half... a big concave area remains.

¾ waltz time… 4/4 rock music and folk… 5/4 Dave Brubeck’s “Take Five”

1: The traditional beginning number used when counting. For Example: One for the Money, Two for the show, Three to get ready, now GO CAT GO! But don’t you, step on my Blue Suede Shoes. also: And it's 1, 2, 3, what are we fighting for? Country Joe and the Fish.

1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34… Fibonacci sequence… add together any two consecutive numbers to calculate the next term.

1/20/09 date Obama moved into the White House.

1.44 - Size in Megabytes of a Floppy Disk. According to Larry Niven - Science Fiction Author it's the minimum size needed for a Neutron Star.  1.44 times as large as the Sun. "The Chandrasekhar limit ." The currently accepted value of the limit is about 1.39...

1.618 PHI the golden ration found in Humans, animals and ART!

2: yin yang, male-female, binary: zero and one.

There are two types of people in this world. Some people divide the world into two types of people and some don't... also: There are 10 types of people in the world, some understand binary and some don't...

2C-G: new psychedelic drug that is supposedly popular at the burning man event.

2.718281828459045 "e" the natural Logarithm. A LOG Rhythm is a beat played by whacking a LOG with sticks... see percussion instruments...

3: THE DADDIO, THE LADDIO AND THE BIG SPOOK... or the father , the son and the Holy Ghost. Biblical good luck number... 3 Wise Men. 3 AD: Birthday of Jesus. Wednesday Morning 3AM was Simon and Garfunkle's first record... With the hit song Sounds of Silence... (ZEN?)

Three Way: The French have a word for it: Menage a Tois.

Phantom 309: A tear jerking Country and Western Song by Red Sovine.

3.1415927 or PI.

For example: A clown threw a PI into the president's face... The ratio between the diameter and circumferance of a circle... also: PI R ^2 =area. The number pi times the radius times the radius equals the area of a circle.

4: You need four to play a bridge game,  mixed doubles tennis or wife swapping. Four horsemen of the Apocalypse. Four directions of the compass. Four winds: American Indian Spirituality. Four Way Windowpane was a brand name of LSD.

4: chatroom/text messaging shorthand for "for", 8 is shorthand for "ate".

Example: L8 4 Wrk GT U Frd. (late for work gets you fired)

46664: Nelson Mandela's Number in prison in South Africa.

5: fingers on a hand. The PENTAGON is a five sided building. A PENTAGRAM is a Satanic symbol. The PENTAGRAM is also the NAME of the "in house" newsletter at the five sided building in Northern Virginia. Beethoven's 5th Symphony. Dvorjak's 5th Symphony (New World). A unit of measure for Alcohol, a Fifth of Whiskey.

6: bad luck number... 666 is the mark of the beast in the Bible.

6.55 dollars: Federal minimum wage. This has changed to $7.25

7: good luck number... 777 is what you see on a slot machine when you win. Seven days a week. God created the world in seven days... Also a convenience store... "Oh thank Heaven, it's a 7/11" is their slogan. L7=square... put your hands with the thumb sticking out at a right angle to form a square-mocking conservative people...  7th son of a 7th son.

James Bond 007...

8: Octagon, octopus, octal: base 8 numbers used in computers.

377 octal=ff hex=11111111 binary=255 decimal

8.00 dollars: California minimum wage.

9: "Revolution #9" by the Beatles was an avant garde sound collage inspired by the work of Yoko Ono... samples of noise and music and industrial sounds were arranged to create a trippy "song". Love Potion #9. Beethoven's 9th Symphony: Ode to Joy. Dvorjak: 9th Symphony... Ice Nine caused the end of the world in Kurt Vonnegut's Book, 'Cat's Cradle'.

9 to 5: traditional work hours of an office worker. Movie with Dolly Parton, Lilly Tomlin, Jane Fonda and Dabney Coleman.

10: Base ten is a popular number system with people because we can count on all our fingers. Base twenty never caught on. Many people count on their toes... is that caused by wearing shoes?

11. “These amps go up to eleven.” Quotation in movie Spinal Tap explaining that the band’s Guitar Amplifiers play louder than everyone else’s…  Standard Marshall Amps go up to ten…

12: months in a year. Twelve days of Christmas Song. 12 signs of the Zodiac. 12 doughnuts in a dozen.

13: bad luck. Friday the Thirteenth was the day the Knights Templar were assassinated by the Pope in Medieval times. 13 doughnuts in a "Baker's Dozen".

14: Karat gold. a purity rating of an alloy of about half gold.

15: Beware the IDES of March. Was a Warning to Caesar of assassination attempt on March 15th. IDES is the 15th day of any month. For Example: April 15th a dark day for American Taxpayers. "Et Tu, Brutus" is what Caesar said... Literal translation is: "You also, Brutus" meaning My best friend Brutus, you are also part of this plot to assassinate me. It could be the number of doughnuts he ate... et TWO, Brutus...

16: hexadecimal numbering system used in computers. A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15. Handy for expressing colors: FFFFFF=white, 000000=black, FF0000=red, 00FF00=green, 0000FF=blue.

16: age of a "Sweet Girl"... sweet 16 birthday party... etc...

17: Magazine for Young Ladies... Fashion, dating advice...

18: age children can enlist in the military, vote… sex legal...

19: "Here comes your 19th Nervous Breakdown" a song by the Rolling Stones...

A whole century was named for 19, they call it the "Twentieth Century" why???

20: a "score" of years. Like in Lincoln's Speech... Four Score and seven years ago...

2020: perfect vision.

21: age children can drink…

.22 caliber pistol and rifle. Small, easy to hide...

23rd Psalm: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil: For I am the baddest Mother F*cker in the valley;

And a suggestion from Facebook:

The 23 Enigma, as it is sometimes called, describes the bizarre way the number 23 seems to crop up in the most unusual and significant places. It is closely related to the Discordian Law of Fives (stating that everything is connected, in one way or another, to the number 5), since 2+3=5. 23 Enigma was originally discovered by writer William S. Burroughs.

24: hours in a day, beers in a case… just co-incidence? 24 Karat Gold is almost 100% pure.

25 cents in a quarter dollar... not to be confused with 50 Cents, a Rap Singer. Is that term correct? as Rap Music performers do not actually SING.

25: LSD25 was the formula number that worked... 24 did not work, 26 had no effect... Dr. Albert Hoffman tried many variations of his migraine headache medicine before accidentally absorbing formula 25 into his body... and feeling colorful...

25 or 6 to 4: A song by The Chicago Transit Authority. Time... about 3:35AM... could have been 3:34 AM... 

Title 26 of the US code of Federal Regulations. Income Tax. IRS

27: age. Many rock stars died in their 27th year. Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Brian Jones, Alan Wilson (of Canned Heat) and Kurt Cobain.

28: days in a lunar month. Tides and a woman's reproductive cycle are in sync with the moon.

29: Days in February during a Leap Year

30 days has September, April, May, June and November... all the rest have 31... except February... 28 or 29 in a leap year... A "Handy" way to remember how many days in a month is to use your knuckles. Start with a the Knuckle at the end of your hand (index finger) January=31... then move to the space between February=not 31... then move to the next knuckle March=31... then move to the space April is not 31... keep going and use the other hand...

31 in base eight equals 25 in base twelve. Base eight is OCTAL, like October 31st, Halloween. Base twelve is Duodecimal like December 25th, Christmas.

32: temperature water freezes in Fahrenheit. Same as zero Centigrade or Celsius.

33 1/3 RPM records... The 12 inch LP (Licorice Pizza)

34th and Vine: address of Madame Ruth's Love Potion #9 shop.

36: In Jewish Tradition, in every generation there are 36 good men than prevent the world from destruction.

36-24-36: supposedly "IDEAL" measurements of female figure... Who sets these bogus standards?

.38 special handgun.

WD40: spray lubricant. quite handy!

411: temperature paper Burns. Book by Ray Bradbury. Fahrenheit 411. Movie by Michael Moore... Fahrenheit 911

42: British humor/science fiction author Douglas Adams used 42 as the answer to the question: What is the Meaning of Life, the Universe and Everything? The QUESTION was not very clear... At the end of the British TV show we find that the question is "What is 9 times 6?" so the world was based on a math error... ironic... British Humor, an acquired taste.

.44 Magnum pistol. Dirty Harry Callahan used this in the Clint Eastwood Movies... "You feel lucky, punk?"

45 RPM record. Big enough for two songs, one on each side. The Number of the Failed President DJ Trump... Like in the Elevator Cartoon: Kid asks His Dad... "Why do Hotels Not Have a 45th Floor?"

409: engine size sung about by the Beach Boys.

420: code word for all things marijuana related. Supposedly, there are 420 chemicals in marijuana... Law called SB420 in California... A TIME that a group of Marin County Teenagers arranged to meet to smoke.

49ers: The Miners came in '49 the whores in '51 and when they got together they made the native son. A football team formerly from San Francisco now in Santa Clara.

50: The Police. Because of the famous TV Show Hawaii 50. Pronounced Five Oh. Law Enforcement, not the Rock Band with Gordon Sumner.

50: The Number of States in the USA... Could increase to 51 id Washington DC Becomes a State. We Could Keep the Number at 50 by simply Throwing Texas Out. 

Area 51: alien landing site in Nevada. Military test base for experimental aircraft... supposedly ILLEGAL to photograph...

"54.40 or fight": We chose to NOT fight and that's why Canada extends all the way south to the 49th parallel... 1844 election slogan about expanding the West Coast of the USA far to the north... All the way to a border with Russia... This was during a time before Alaska was a state... Most of this land was unexplored and uninhabited... except for Indians...

Highway 61: Song by Bob Dylan about the road from the deep south towards Chicago and Detroit. Symbolic of escaping economic slavery in the 20th century as many black people migrated North on Highway 61 to take factory jobs… The Johnny Winter version is superb...

64K: Kilobytes... A standard memory size for an eight bit microprocessor. For example the Intel 8080.  Supposedly, Bill Gates said it was enough for anyone… oops… How about 4 GIG, Bill? Metric has been a popular measuring system in electronics. For example: Capacitors are often measured in Micro farads or Pico farads... whimsically referred to as "PUFFs"... as in "put a 10 puff capacitor in the circuit and it'll work just fine".  "PUFF" was also the nickname for a helicopter made by Hughes Aircraft. "PUFF the Magic Dragon"... named after the song by Peter, Paul and Mary.

66: Route number of the main East-West road in the USA. TV Show. Song.  Symbolizes escaping East Coast conservative culture for the wild lifestyle of California Surfers.

Question 67 or 68. a song by the Chicago Transit Authority. The meaning is disputed...

69: an oral sex act.

76: Trombones lead the big parade... from "The Music Man" Movie... Many other songs as well, it was a "musical"...

Agent 86. "Get Smart" was a television comedy satire of James Bond 007.

88: Keys on a piano.

911: the phone number for the police, ambulance... pronounced nine one one because there is no eleven button on the phone.

9/11/2001 usually stated as Nine Eleven without the year specified. Everything changed that day. Two Airplanes Were Hijacked and Crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. No Photographs of the Airplane That Supposedly Crashed into the Pentagon Were Ever Found... another Hijacked Airplane Crashed in Pennsylvania... 

92: Keys on a Bosendorfer Piano. An extra 4 on the bass end.

96: Tears. Song by Question Mark and the Mysterians...

98.6: temperature in Fahrenheit of a healthy person.

99 bottles of beer on the wall Song... 99 bottles of beer, you take one down and pass it around, you have 98 bottles of beer on the wall... also... 99 luftballoons!

100% equals the maximum. 110% what athletes give in sporting events.

180: to turn a car around and drive the other way. sometimes spinning on an icy road...

212 degrees is boiling point of water Fahrenheit... 100 degrees Centigrade...

215: California's Medical Marijuana Law: grass is legal if you get a 215 card from your doctor... this law's rules and provisions were clarified by SB420... hence the slang 420 as secret code for all things grass related... What time is it? 4:20! means it's time to smoke a "joint"

360 degrees in a circle. also a wide ranging world view... broad spectrum of interests.

GAY NINETIES, an era in American History of prosperity and good times... The 20’s: Roaring Twenties. The 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, 90’s… each has its own flavor… no good name for 2000-2010 yet…

883 level b: military specification defining quality of electronic components.

1000: KILO in the metric system. Popular in America as a measure of imported Marijuana. Often grass was compresses into "bricks" of one KEY or about 2.2 pounds to facilitate smuggling from Mexico. Metric is also a popular measuring system among competative swimmers as an "Olympic" sized poll is 50 meters long. People that trained in an "Olympic" sized pool had an endurance advantage over people that train in a 25 yard pool. Especially in Butterfly races, where a 25 yard pool lets you turn around and push off from the wall... 50 meters is a really really long way to swim the butterfly...

1024: a kilobyte… computer metric measurement uses powers of two. In standard metric a kilo is a thousand, in computers it’s just a little bit bigger…   the powers of two are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024…

1040: IRS income Tax form.

1066: Battle of Hastings, Norman Conquest of England... Historians use this as a turning point with the "Dark Ages" before and the "Middle Ages" after. Duke William of Normandy (a Viking region of France) crowned King of England due to victory at the battle. That same location was the scene of the "D DAY" invasion during WW2... The Operation Overlord landed at the beaches of Normandy.

1215: Magna Carta signed. The will of the king could be bound by law... big concept! Habeus Corpus.

1492: year Columbus visited the Indians living in America…

1620: Pilgrims landed at Plymouth Rock, America.

1776: American Revolution…

1812: Overture by Tchaikovsky, Russian Composer. Celebration of the defense of Russia against the invasion by Napoleon at the Battle of Borodino.

1814: Well, in eighteen and fourteen we took a little trip

along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipi.

We took a little bacon and we took a little beans,

And we caught the bloody British near the town of New Orleans.

by Jimmie Driftwood, a high school teacher in Arkansas who wrote the song to teach his students about the battle. Johnny Horton recorded the song and It became a hit.

1906: earthquake in San Francisco.

December 7th 1941: A day that will live in infamy. Pearl Harbor Bombed by Japanese.

1984: Book by George Orwell predicting government mind control and spying on civilians.

Y2K: computer programming error that caused confusion in date calculations on 12/31/1999 at 11:59 and 59 seconds… the start of a new millennium.  Acronym stands for year two thousand. Controversy as to why nothing happened... did thousands of COBOL programmers save the day? or was it all a MEDIA HYPE?

2001: A Space Odyssey. 2010: The Year we make Contact. 2061: Cash in on the series one more time. Books by Arthur C. Clarke.

2012: Mayan calendar ends… some people believe that this will be the “End of the World as we know it”.

2525: Song, “In the year 2525” by Zager and Evans

2600: Phone Phreak audio frequency. Used as name of computer hacker club and magazine. Originally the tone a payphone used to signal that a quarter had been inserted into the slot.

5150: California California's Welfare and Institutions Code for involuntary incarceration in a mental institution due to a person being a hazard to self or others.

555-1212 phone number for information.  1-800 free phone calls for customers. In motion pictures and TV shows, all phone numbers start with 555 because idiots were dialing the numbers in movies as a prank...

6630507: US Patent number for medical marijuana, an antioxidant.

8080, 8086, 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium... Intel's numbering system for microprocessors...

MIL-TFD-41: a Joke military standard. The letters spell "Make It Like The Fine Drawing For Once"

6.022 times 10 to the 23rd: Avogadro's number... Chemistry constant used to calculate... WHAT! I CAN'T REMEMBER! I passed the class and now it's not important... Just more stuff they cram into High School Kid's Brains.

 -273.15 degrees C (or zero Kelvin): absolute zero in Centigrade or Celsius temperature. Absolutely no motion in atoms...

710.77245 type this number into pocket calculator, turn upside down to spell SHELL.OIL

700,000,000,000: The amount of the Wall Street Bailout of 2008. Also the largext amount of money ever stolen in a bank robbery. JUST CO-INCIDENCE???

90210: Beverly Hills zip code. TV Show.

13 trillion: Size of the national debt. yep, trillion... $13,000,000,000,000

1,000,000 years BC: The year Raquel Welch battled the dinosaurs.

Lazy Eight: The symbol for Infinity looks like the number eight lying down... seems like a good idea to end this page with Infinity...

Magic Square: The Numbers Add Up to the same in all directions...


Slang: A "Number" is a word meaning Marijuana Cigarette.



the dimensions of the
Tycho Magnetic Anomaly in the movie 2001
(the big black box filled with stars)
the squares of the first three numbers...

L7 is a hand gesture ridiculing "squares" (people that are not hip).

No Joke here...

The Pentagon is universally known for evil...
Satanic rituals use the 5 sided figure...
WOW, just co-incidence???
And the newspaper for employees of the
Department of Defense
REALLY is called the Pentagram! Like telegram...
candygram, smoke a gram, your gram-ma!

From an alert reader:

867-5309 from the Tommy Tutone song 'Jenny'.  Supposedly the reason all phone numbers on TV and movies are 555-something since teens everywhere called 867-5309 to the chagrin of anyone actually having that particular phone number

The Jailbait Equation:


or in plain English: Are You over 18 cutie pie?

If i is the square root of minus one, am I the person observing this mathematical impossibility or am I the person NOT observing the mathematical impossibility (because it's impossible). Is this the source of all those Apple Products? iPOD, iPAD, iDON'TKNOW

Speed of Light: 186,000 Miles per Second.

Link to the greatest movie of all time...

"To Infinity and BEYOND!" a quote from Buzz Lightyear. A Character in the movie "Toy Story"

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