Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The Unemployment Rate was 4.7% in 2016 When Obama was President. Now it's 11.1%... Case Closed... #TrumpHasFailed #Purple64ets

Chart - Unemployment - USA - Proof of Trump's Failed Economy - gvan42

#PatriotsArise It Is Essential That We Beat Trump, Take Back the Senate and Keep the House. CAMPAIGN ANY WAY YOU CAN. Online, In The Streets, In Your Own Neighborhood... #Vote4Joe

Make MEMEs for People to Like and Share... Write Books, Write Facebook Posts, Write Songs... Write #DumpTrump in Chalk on the Sidewalk... Walk Down Main Street Holding a Sign that says #Vote4Joe... Perform an Exorcism at the White House... Blow a REAL WHISTLE at tRUMP a Campaign Rally... Start a Legalize Marijuana Smoke-In Upwind of the White House... WHATEVER YOU CAN DO... DO!
Rainbow Heart Sticker at my zazzle gregvan webstore - gvan42
Rainbow Heart Sticker at my zazzle gregvan webstore.

MEME - gvan42 - tRUMP Adulterer Moses

MEME - tRUMP's Trade War is Hurting Montana Farmers - Senator Jon Tester - gvan42

MEME - Vote4Joe - Heart - gvan42

#LiesDoNotCureDisease Hospitalizations From Coronavirus Increase Dramatically... #BehaveSmart or #BelieveTrumpAndDie Your Choice...

I'm GLAD That Republicans are Volunteering to Get Infected and Die... WONDERFUL! If we Remove Stupid from Future Generations, Everybody Wins! They Get to Meet Jesus Quickly and We Do Not Have to Suffer From their Insane Behavior... THANKS! 
Spread the Disease at a tRUMP rally - MEME - gvan42

#Vote4Joe He's Not Insane! Button

"RISK MY CHILD'S LIFE? NO!" - Vast Majority of Parents REJECT Trump's School Early Reopening Plan. "Corporate Profits Are Not as Important as Children's Health."

#QAnon: LOOTERS ARE FBI AGENTS - COINTELPRO - Paid By Taxpayers to Make the George Floyd Peaceful Protests Look Bad. Justify Military Action.

Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners. A Dramatic Savings of Government Spending CURRENTLY WASTED On Law Enforcement and a MASSIVE INCREASE IN VOLUNTARY TAXES! Everybody Wins! We Could Use the Extra Money to Pay for Education and Healthcare for All.

tRUMP Has Made Crime Legal For His Friends... and Himself... It's VERY Important To Campaign Against Him. Online, In The Streets, On The Phone... EVERY WAY POSSIBLE! The Time Has Come for a Million Patriots To Surround The White House and Perform an EXORCISM... Burn Sage, Beat Drums, Dance, Chant, Sing, Blow Whistles, Set Off 140dB Personal Alarms... What Ever Works! We Must Drive The Evil One OUT!

A Simple Way to Save Electricity in Buildings. Allow Windows TO OPEN so that Outside Air Can Freely Blow In... Allow Humans to Control the Thermostat. #Purple64ets #Ecology #Environment - About Half the Time, the Weather Outside is Fine... No Need to Run an Air conditioner OR a Heater... Just Leave those Machines OFF, Using Zero Energy. Just Open a Window and Enjoy the Fresh Air...  In Modern Office Buildings The Windows Do Not Open and The Thermostat is Set by OSHA Regulation.

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