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A Simple Way to Save Electricity in Buildings. Allow Windows TO OPEN so that Outside Air Can Freely Blow In... Allow Humans to Control the Thermostat. #Activist #Ecology #Environment

About Half the Time, the Weather Outside is Fine... No Need to Run an Air conditioner OR a Heater... Just Leave those Machines OFF, Using Zero Energy. Just Open a Window and Enjoy the Fresh Air...  

In Modern Office Buildings The Windows Do Not Open and The Thermostat is Set by OSHA Regulation. 

I worked for Years in an Office Where the Thermostat was Locked inside a Box to Prevent Employees from Changing the Temperature. OFTEN The Setting was WRONG and People took Action to Correct it. 

On Days that It was Too Cold... and The Air Conditioner was Blowing Cold Air... People Turned on SPACE HEATERS under their desks... REALLY! This Situation caused Extremely Large Energy Bills... We Were Using Power to Heat AND Cool The Air at the same time... CRAZY! On Days that it was Too Hot and the Heater was Blowing... We Ran Small Electric Fans that blew on us as we were sitting at our computers... We Were Using Power to Heat AND Cool The Air at the same time... CRAZY! 

and... We Found that The Plastic Box Around the Thermostat Could be Defeated Using a Fingernail File... Look at YOUR Thermostat in YOUR Office... so we changed the temperature AND NEVER TOLD THE BOSS... "It's Magic! I Have NO IDEA How The Thermostat Changed... " and It's a Classic Example of a MAN designing a Machine and TOTALLY FORGETTING THAT A COMMON TOOL could defeat the Machine... Because Only a WOMAN has a Fingernail File in her Purse... HA HA!

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Adobe Houses are Very Energy Efficient and Quiet. Thick Mud Walls stay Cool in the Summer, Warm in the Winter. AND THEY RESIST FOREST FIRES...

When we rebuild Paradise and Santa Rosa, California it might be an Opportunity to Use Smart Design Ideas. I remember going inside the Mission Santa Clara on a Hot Summer Day... It was Cool... and Dark... Stained Glass Windows...
Built over 200 years ago, it has withstood Earthquakes. Especially 1906 San Francisco and Oakland During the World Series Baseball Game...

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Solar Powered Street Lights Would Save a LOT of Electricity Currently Being Generated in Coal, Natural Gas and Atomic Power Plants and Distributed Using the Grid. WASTEFUL and DANGEROUS... POWER LINES CAUSE FOREST FIRES.

Nothing NEW Needs to Be Invented... We Ought to Simply Replace the Millions of Old Style Street Lights... With Solar Cells and LED Lamps... The Concept of Generating Power in One Central Location and Distributing it to the User is Quite Wasteful... Some Electricity JUST VANISHES over the Long Distance... and DANGEROUS because the Wires Start Forest Fires... PG&E Power Company Just Burned the Entire Town Of Paradise, CA... and It Caused the Company to Go Bankrupt. Distributing Power From a Central Generator is an Obsolete Idea. What if Every House had Solar Panels on the Roof That Provided Enough Electricity to UNPLUG FROM THE GRID...

Commercial Solar LED Street Lighting: THERE ARE MANY MANUFACTURERS...   HERE IS ONE...

and Here are another DOZEN...
Lighting for Streets and Roadways Provided by Sustainable Solar Power... SEPCO’s solar powered street lighting systems are an efficient means to provide lighting without the need for standard utility power. Every system provides cost savings by eliminating the need to trench standard electric wires for installation and providing no electric bill for the life of the system. Solar street lights have been installed on highways, freeways, neighborhood streets, rural roads, etc. and provide security, sustainability and an overall green image.

portrait Gregory Vanderlaan at the Office - gvan42
I did The Harmonic Convergence 2020 Last Night at 9 PM and Really Enjoyed the Sunset and the Emergence of the Constellation of The Big Dipper... Which reminds me of the Song - Follow the drinking Gourd - all about slaves escaping to the North... anyway... there was a gentle breeze and I totally delighted in the trees moving... the meditation DID MAKE ME MORE AWARE... No Aliens BUT... Maybe Tonight... 7/14/2020 Interesting Analog Synthesizer Sounds... and Bells... Playing in the Background of this video... That reminds me of a Band I Played in during the 1980s... We Had a Random assembly of Synthesizer Players and Guitarists assemble in a friends basement... with a LASER Lightshow... and we made... Cosmic Noises until the sun came up... really got into a Fine Trance...

Have a Meeting Cartoon - SILLY! - gvan42
Pay Without Work!
Have a Meeting...

How to Disrupt the Military Industrial Complex. A Step by Step Guide to the Violet Overgrow of the US Government. - by gvan42

First Realize that: We Waste a Lot of Engineering Talent Designing Better Weapons. Those Draftsmen, Designers and Engineers COULD BE Doing Something Useful With Their Life BUT, Sadly, They Work for LaughHead, Raytheon, Dow and DuPont...
How To Disrupt the Military Industrial Complex. A Step by Step Guide to the Violet Overgrow of the US Government. - gvan42

There ARE Meetings where Employees Decide WHICH CONTRACTS TO BID ON. We Simply Started Bidding on Civilian Projects.

Play the Elephant Clicker Game online...

Goofy Bird Abstract Art by gvan42
Goofy Bird Abstract Art by gvan42

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