Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

When Camping, If you see someone from Law Enforcement... Call Out "SEVEN UP!" as a warning to other campers that a Blue Meanie is Approaching.

A Handy Warn-A-Brother System for any Public Gathering.

"When Camping, If you see someone from Law Enforcement... Call Out "SEVEN UP!" as a warning to other campers that a Blue Meanie is Approaching. If the Evil Ones are Armed with Weapons, Call Out "SIX UP!" (a reference to the Six Shooter of the Wild West, a Famous Pistol). Remember, The Ringwraiths ride in Green Sometimes.

Al acampar, Si ves a alguien de Aplicación de la Ley ... Call Out "Seven Up!" como una advertencia a otros campistas que un Meanie azul se acerca. Si los malvados están provistos de armas, Call Out "SEIS UP!" (Una referencia a la Six Shooter del lejano oeste, una pistola famoso). Recuerde, los Espectros del Anillo Verde viajar en ocasiones.
Let's Work Together. 
Al acampar, Si ves a alguien de Aplicación de la Ley ... Call Out "Seven Up!" como una advertencia a otros campistas que un Meanie azul se acerca. Si los malvados están provistos de armas, Call Out "SEIS UP!" (Una referencia a la Six Shooter del lejano oeste, una pistola famoso). Recuerde, los Espectros del Anillo Verde viajar en ocasiones.
Who will remove this Sign? Bolt Cutters ought to do the Job.

Man sitting with a giant Cannabis rug in front of the Humboldt County Courthouse and Jail 420 photograph by gregory vanderlaan 420
Math is Fun

Great Books:
"The Monkeywrench Gang" by Edward Abbey.
"The Search for the Manchurian Candidate" by John Marks.
"Remember, Be Here Now" by Ram Dass.
"The Four Agreements" by don Miguel Ruiz.
"The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe.
"1984" by George Orwell.
"Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles MacKay
"Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" by Robert Pirsig

All the American History Books by Bob Woodward... "Bush at War" and "All the President's Men" are my favorites.

"Caves of Steel" by Isaac Asimov. The start of a very long series of books That includes Foundation and I, Robot. AND! It's a Murder Mystery and Science Fiction both. 

Read more at any of the Labels below...They are Hyperlinks that display all posts on That Subject. 

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