You could Be HERE Now if you lived in Northern California. HERE is Clam Beach looking at Trinidad Head... Humboldt County.
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With Netflix, Facebook, Youtube, Photoshop and Google... Why would anyone Watch Television? and Farmville! |
and selling concepts... Like: We need to spend a fortune on Weapons of War.
and they do it by reporting DANGER, DANGER, ALIENS APPROACHING!
Fear of Strangers is used to Sell. Sell, Sell.
Since defense contractors do not sell to the general public they market their goods by making Everyone Believe in Endless Global War... And that way, the US Congress can award vast fortunes with Constituent Support. 640 Billion Dollars in 2014... "It's what the Sheeple Want!"
I have not watched Television since 1/20/2009... and it feels good to not let them rent space in my mind... I get my News from Google... They allow me to select what subjects to read about. That's better than letting Others Select For Me.
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TV Sells Endless War by Pumping Fear into our Brains. Look around you, things are not that bad... In Reality. |
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The Possibilities are Truly Endless... |
We Successfully got my wife onto her flight to Delaware for a week with her family. As we were driving into the airport, there was a sign stating... "threat level orange"... She asked me, with fear in her voice, what does that mean? I replied "It means the government is fucking with your head, everything is all-right"... This hit me at the biological level and made me angry. Someone was causing my woman to be afraid... without good cause... As a human male, it offends me greatly to have someone hurting my mate. That is a basic biological fact.
I'm of the opinion that 911 was a staged event. The US Government either caused the crime or allowed the crime to happen. WHY? In order to sell more weapons. Here are some troubling unanswered questions.
Question 1. Why did the US Air Force and NORAD fail to protect the country from attack??? They had over an hour to respond after the airplanes were hijacked. It was 55 minutes between the time the first airplane crashed into the World Trade Center and the time the missile hit the Pentagon. How is it possible that the entire US Air Force did nothing? According to the 911 commission they were all in Canada playing war games. Practicing what to do in case of an attack from the Soviet Union... Quite bogus... We haven't been enemies of the USSR since the Berlin Wall came down... Why was the National Reconnaissance Office practicing what to do in the event of an airplane crashing into their office building ? They had the fire drill on the morning of 9/11/2001...
Question 2. Why did World Trade Center building SEVEN fall down? No airplanes hit it... there were random fires of office equipment and flooring in that building... It is a 42 story skyscraper that fell down in what appears to be a planned controlled demolition... How did the demolition crew know a week in advance that they should place explosives to demolish that building???
Question 3. Who profited from the insider trading that happened a week before 9/11/2001 ??? According to the 911 commission report, the wall street insider trading did happen, Al-Qaeda did not profit and they did not say who did...
Question 4. Why are some of the supposed hijackers still alive? 9 of the people accused of the crime have been interviewed on television stating that they were falsely accused... go figure... How is it possible to interview a dead person??? Could it be that the names of the hijackers were bogus ? Like bogus WMDs ? Like bogus Yellowcake Uranium sales?
Question 5. Where is the plane that supposedly crashed into the Pentagon ??? There is no photographs of the airplane... none... go ahead... find a photograph and send it to me... It magically disappeared...