Visit Arcata, California for the 420 Free Speech Celebration on 4/20/2015.
14th and Union Street next to Humboldt State University in Redwood Park. Gates Open at 2:30 PM and 150 People Maximum may Attend.
A Handy Warn-A-Brother System for any Public Gathering.
"When Camping, If you see someone from Law Enforcement... Call Out "SEVEN UP!" as a warning to other campers that a Blue Meanie is Approaching. If the Evil Ones are Armed with Weapons, Call Out "SIX UP!" (a reference to the Six Shooter of the Wild West, a Famous Pistol). Remember, The Ringwraithes ride in Green Sometimes.
Visit Arcata, California for the 420 Free Speech Celebration on 4/20/2015.
Be AWARE that there is NOSMO KING in Redwood Park.
Eating Cookies is allowed...
The Gates Open at 2:30 PM and 150 People Maximum may Attend.
While walking thru the Arcata Forest...
Watch For Blue Meanies!
Play Safe!
"The drums will shake the castle wall, the ringwraiths ride in black, Ride on."
'Battle of Evermore' by Led Zeppelin...
Once Upon a Time, Marijuana Was Illegal...
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For Driving Directions to the 420 Free Speech Celebration in Arcata, CA visit 4/20/2015 Gates open at 2:30PM NOSMO KING in Redwood Park.
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Jerry Garcia is seen in this Television Commercial "Nixon for American Youth". The 1968 Nixon Campaign made a "Trippy" TV Commercial to try to get youth votes... VERY unlikely that they asked Jerry if they could use his image... VERY unlikely that he endorsed Nixon... but at that time... Nixon Was Just Doing Things Without Concern For Legality... Nixon wanted to use an Image of a Person the Youth Admired, and Captain Trips was the One!
The Arcata city manager has permitted a local constitutional rights group to hold an event at Redwood Park on April 20 — a day and place that for many years was ground zero for one of Humboldt County’s largest cannabis rights celebrations.
Redwood Park To Open For Free Speech Event On 420.
ARCATA, CALIFORNIA – The City of Arcata has agreed to keep the gates of Redwood Park open on April 20 this year to allow a local non-profit to hold a free speech event under a limited use permit.
Redwood Park To Open For Free Speech Event On 420.
ARCATA, CALIFORNIA – The City of Arcata has agreed to keep the gates of Redwood Park open on April 20 this year to allow a local non-profit to hold a free speech event under a limited use permit.
A solution to the problem of police murdering Americans would be to lay-off half of the police. Use the money the taxpayers save to retrain the police to do something useful with their lives. Understand that the type of person that voluntarily selects a career in law enforcement needs help. That career attracts people with anger management problems and limited employment skills. What we have is adrenaline junkies with weapons and not much real crime. A certain recipe for disaster. If the police just had sellable skills, they could find a job where they would not be a menace to society.
I was bragging to my classmates how much fun my Photoshop Class was at Humboldt State University... Dr Amoussou said... If you are so good, grow hair on my head! So, I did... and he liked the picture so much that he sent a copy to his Mother... Original photo by Craig Kurumada, the secretary at the Computer Science Department. That lab had some of the most blissful times of my entire life... We were taught to work in teams and I have met lifelong friends in that room.
Left to Right: ME, Dr Amoussou, Chris Olmstead and the student who worked as a substitute teacher in my Calculus Class. What's His Name?
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