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Trump fires 57 scientists at EPA. Promises to remove Regulations on Energy Companies. The Plan is More Profit with More Pollution.

By reducing the number of scientists at EPA he paves the way for legislation that removes Environmental Pollution Protection in favor of corporate profits. Like DOW chemical's ruling that their pesticide is safe... or Monsanto's Roundup that causes cancer but is legal to sell.

More fracking will cause more pollution of drinking water.

Now we have the Dakota pipeline which allows Canadian tar sands to be shipped to New Orleans to be sold to foreign countries... At risk of pipeline leakage in the USA for another countries energy needs.

EPA just gave notice to dozens of scientific advisory board members that their time is up.

The Environmental Protection Agency has given notice to dozens of scientists that they will not be renewed in their roles in advising the agency, continuing a scientific shake-up that has already triggered resignations and charges from some researchers that the administration is politicizing the agency.
Members of the EPA’s Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) whose terms end in August will not see them renewed, according to an email sent to members and obtained by The Washington Post, though they can reapply for their posts. Moreover, five meetings of subcommittees of the board, planned for the late summer and the fall, will now be canceled because of lack of membership. They will be held once the board is reconstituted, according to EPA officials.
“It effectively wipes out the BOSC and leaves it free for a complete reappointment,” said Deborah Swackhamer, the current chair of the board’s executive committee and an emeritus professor of environmental health sciences at the University of Minnesota.


Trump EPA's slash of drinking water protections trickles down to N.J.

EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt formally initiated the repeal of the agency's Obama-era "Waters of the United States" rule that expanded federal protection of 20 million acres of wetlands and 2 million miles of streams.
In February, the president signed an executive order demanding the EPA "review and reconsider" the EPA's Clean Water Rule, to which agribusiness and fossil fuel companies alike objected and against which some 16 mostly rural states had filed suit in federal appeals court to block in 2015.

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