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Humboldt County California - Hills and Stairs University

 Sunset over Humboldt Bay.

 Bench on campus "Hills and Stairs University" a great place to catch your breath before the climb to Founder's Hall for class.

 Bicycle Parking behind the Music Building.

 CCAT electricity generator system. Convert human fat to 12 VDC.

 Birds in the Swamp in King Salmon.

 Blue Lake Casino outbuilding.

 Humboldt Folklife Festival. A Yearly free concert in Blue Lake.

 Freight Boat leaving Humboldt Bay. Gas or Oil.

 Curved wake of boat as it enters King Salmon.

 Bear Sculpture on Highway 101.

 Chalk Drawing on Campus HSU Arcata.

 By the PG&E power plant on Humboldt Bay.

 Founder's Hall HSU.

 Birds in Arcata.

 Flyway rest stop.

Great Tile Art on campus.

 Gorda Escarpment. The Big Earthquake Center.

 In the woods...

 Hammond Trail. Viewing Trinidad.

 Road construction on Highway 299 from Arcata to Redding.
Every Summer... Long delays...

 HSU Campus. Clock Tower.

 Logging Truck at the rest stop on 299 at the top of the first hill. A great place to see the ocean.

 Mount Saint Mercy retreat in the Mateel River Area.

 HSU Bookstore. A plywood lumberjack to stand behind for a photo.

 Sculpture on Broadway.

 Stairs on campus.
 Amazing HUMCO plants.

Sculpture at a doctor's office.

Trinity River in Hoopa, CA

Sunset over Humboldt Bay with a Kayaker.

Emma the cat at home.

Children's climbing toy at the Library.

Two sided mural in Humboldt County Library.
The orange painting is viewed from the Children's reading room and the green painting is viewed from the other side. It's painted on glass so you can see thru.
The orange paintings are dark and sinister while the green side is happy joy joy.
The Sword in the Stone... The Mad King.

Convert Human Fat into Electricity.
Built by the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology at Humboldt State University.

Kinetic Sculpture Race at the school in Manila, CA.
 June Moxon's Shoe...

Kinetic Shark.

Pirate Ship

Gumball Machine.

Pushing Wile E Coyote up the Sand Dune...

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