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Eureka Peace March. Let's END the Iraq War before it Starts. Well, Bush started it anyway and now Iraq is a total disaster...

End the War in Iraq before we start that again... and again... and again... Endless War... For Profit. 
Drums 4 Peace

Eureka Peace March 
Laguna Beach Peace March
One year I couldn't go to the Eureka Peace March because I went to a Wedding... But when I arrived in Laguna Beach, there was the Peace March and I got to protest with my SoCal friends... It was like the Peace March Followed ME. 

Every Year since 2003 we have participated in Anti-War Protests about Iraq.
Eventually President Obama ended that war.
We were successful... for a while...  

Now they are beating the drums for another IRAQ War.
Clearly the country cannot afford to continue making the same mistakes...

An ecology action organization inspired by the book 
"The Monkeywrench Gang" by Ed Abbey. 
Stop what you are doing right now and go buy that book... read it, live it.

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