My Digital Paintings of Ezekiel's Wheel in the Bible - Was it a UFO or Did He Eat Magic Mushrooms? The Bible Has Quite a Few Mentions of Aliens...and Flying Saucers... Like: The Book of Enoch, Where "Angels" Mated with Humans and Created Giants... Oh Really? Sex With Extraterrestrials? WTF?

Many Ezekiel's Wheel Gifts at Zazzle Gregvan

LINK to My Store:

Ezekiel's Wheel flying over Clouds of Fire... as Spoken of In The Bible
Ezekiel's Wheel flying over Clouds of Fire... 
Wheels Within Wheels and Eyes All Around...

LINK To this Artwork Printed on T-Shirts, Buttons, Glass Paperweights, Coffee Cups...

LINK to Popular UFO Artwork:

Ezekiel's Wheel on a Cloudy Day by gvan42

I have never had The Collage below Printed on a Gifts... Because THAT would be Violating the Space of The Burning Man People... Not EXACTLY Copyright Infringement BUT... Totally Un-Cool... 

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan
Ezekiel's Wheel was Piloted by a Four 
Headed Creature...The head of a Man, an 
Ox, an Eagle and a Lion
In the Bible there is a description of a 
UFO. Or was he tripping on Magic 
Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan
Ezekiel said: The Heavens Opened and I Saw Visions of God

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan - Flying Spaghetti Monster

Tales of Flying Carpets in Arabia?

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

LINK to All My Rainbow Gifts:
Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Link to all my Spiral Gifts: 

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan
A Close Encounter with Extraterrestrials

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan

Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art - Greg Vanderlaan
Ezekiel's Wheel - Psychedelic art -
Greg Vanderlaan

Grey Alien - FREE Coloring Book Art by Greg Vanderlaan - gvan42

Flying Saucer With a Friendly Alien by gvan42

Click On The Pictures to 
See 'em Bigger!
800 big brother is watching you flying UFO eyeball - free coloring book by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

Impossible Object - alien power source for UFO - gvan42

Alien Writing

Alien Graphics Found at Roswell

Hitchhiking Alien

space writing on a UFO by gvan42

alien Flower by gvan42

Alien symbol by gvan42

Ezekiel's Wheel by gvan42

NO NUKES symbol by gvan42

UFO and Flying Saucer Artwork by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - psychedelic mushroom visions

UFO and Flying Saucer Artwork by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - psychedelic mushroom visions

UFO and Flying Saucer Artwork by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - psychedelic mushroom visions

UFO and Flying Saucer Artwork by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - psychedelic mushroom visions

UFO and Flying Saucer Artwork by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - psychedelic mushroom visions

UFO and Flying Saucer Artwork by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - psychedelic mushroom visions

UFO and Flying Saucer Artwork by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - psychedelic mushroom visions

It all started when I found this artifact in 
my backyard. I guess that an alien spaceship 
had landed there and was doing some repairs. 
When they left, they forgot this wrench.

Alien Socket Wrench by gvan42

I showed it to my neighbors and they said that 
they had never seen anything like that before. 
They recommended that I take it to the poLICE,
 but I'm not THAT dumb...Soon I was visited by 
some men in grey suits and black shiny shoes 
and was kidnapped... Just coincidence? I don't 
think so!
The grey suited men took me to a small 
windowless room. They asked me if I wanted 
to help them fight the Aliens that had left the 
socket wrench in my backyard... One said 
"Have you actually seen what visited you?" 
and he turned on a television...
OH NO, I cried... These aliens are just too 
goofy to look at... I'm so glad that you grey 
suited representatives of an unnamed 
government agency spirited me away to this windowless room... I'll cooperate fully... 
Please, please, please DON'T make me look 
at those goofy Escherian aliens anymore... 
(editors note: at this point our hero starts 
behaving like a total weenie and not at all 
like a true gentleman... Therefore, the rest 
of this scene is deleted... That gives us time 

It was clearly time for me to get some PROFESSIONAL PSYCHIATRIC HELP... Well, 
I couldn't afford that so I chose to visit my 
ONLINE "SHRINK IN A BOX"... Those disturbing 
images of Aliens had put me in a classic state 
of Paranoid Schizo... It seemed that instead 
of me watching the Television, the Television 
was watching ME!...

Get Help Now!

or just continue with the story...
Eventually, the grey suited men realized that 
I was just too "LAME" to be of any use to them 
and they left. I inspected the television set 
that they had shown me the disgusting pictures 
of the aliens... and I came to the shocking realization that it was radically different to 
anything I had ever seen before...

At that moment I realized they had spirited 
me away to A parallel universe. I remember 
reading about them in a classic Sci-Fi book 
called "The Coming Of The Quantum Cats" by Frederik Pohl.

I turned on channel six and saw the president 
on the news. He said "I get no satisfaction, 
that's why I sing the blues..." Then the picture panned to his wife, she turned to him and 
said... "Don't get crazy, you know just what to 
do... Crank that old Victrola, put on your 
rocking shoes!
UN HUH!" It's Saturday Night!"...

I changed the channel and saw that they were playing an old movie called "FUTUREWORLD" 

Yet, It seemed to be like totally different than 
I remembered... As a matter of fact, ALL the stations were weird... SEE FOR YOURSELF! 
Try them all, eventually they all lead to FUTUREWORLD2525! When you think about 
it, this is true in life also... No matter what 
path you select at the "fork in the road" you 
end up in the same place... 


UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics - Free Coloring Book 
Art by gvan42

Heart Art by gvan42 - Royalty Free Images - 

Magic Mushroom Artwork by gvan42

Pyramid Power Artwork by gvan42

Original Visionary Art by gvan42

Operation MindSprout - Psychedelic Art by 
gvan42 - and - How to Build Your Own Idea 
Factory! Forge Concepts while you Sleep - It's Easy!

Wind Power Artwork by gvan42 - Peace Signs and Psychedelic Visions. 

 Feel Free to Copy and Paste these Images into 
Your Own Blog, Webpage or Social Media Post... 
OR... Use this art to Manufacture Decorated Gifts... 
Like Coffee Cups, T-Shirts or Buttons! I DID: 

Link to My Webstore:


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