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Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Medicine is Best...

How I Meditate. I Ask a Question With Every Breath... Inhale "Who?" Exhale; Inhale "What?" Exhale; Inhale "Where?" Exhale; Inhale "When?" Exhale; Inhale "Why?" Exhale; Inhale "How?" Exhale; Repeat... Repeat... Repeat... I'm Looking for Answers...

Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Medicine is Best... I Just Emailed My Representative and Senator. HERE IS HOW To Find Your Own!
Please Let Your Elected Officials Know That WE Have Had Enough of the Madness!
State of California Representatives...
Click on this Link and Type In Your Home Address...
I Said: "Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Treatment is Best... Legalizing Recreational Psychedelics is a Great Idea TOO.
Legal LSD Would Be Manufactured by High Quality Scientists and PURITY, QUALITY and ACTUAL DOSE would be Regulated. Often ILLEGAL ACID is Not LSD at all but some other chemical, Like DOM (STP) a Three Day Nightmare Trip... People That Buy Ecstasy Often Do Not Get Actual MDMA but get A Bizarre Combination of Methamphetamines and WHO KNOWS WHAT!
Legalize Psychedelics For the Public's HEALTH... Criminal Chemists Pose a Hazard To The People's Sanity! FDA Approved Psychedelics Would Be Better... Do It For The Kids!"

Let's Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs on TV. Those Ads COST a FORTUNE and The Patients Pay for Them in Higher Drug Prices! Really! YOU and I PAY for Those Annoying ADS!

UFO and Alien Hieroglyphics - Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - and the Science Fiction Story "Alien Socket Wrench"
Heart Art by gvan42 - Royalty Free Images - purple64ets
Magic Mushroom Artwork by gvan42
Pyramid Power Artwork by gvan42
Original Visionary Art by gvan42
Operation MindSprout - Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - and - How to Build Your Own Idea Factory! Forge Concepts while you Sleep - It's Easy!
Wind Power Artwork by gvan42 - Peace Signs and Psychedelic Visions. https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2021/07/wind-power-artwork-by-gvan42-peace.html
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and then I found a Lot of Valuable Words on The Greta Facebook Group... https://www.facebook.com/groups/389416715074257

A Treaty With Mother Earth:
The Preamble.
We, the signatories to the Treaty, hereby state that the following treaty that we are entering into with our planet Earth on the 10th day of August in the year 2012, will be binding upon us and all of our descendants. The sole purpose of the treaty is to empower the common person to save our planet Earth and to continue our survival as a species for future generations. The treaty will combine our collective voices ...to force the governments of the world to do what is vital to save our planet Earth and us. The organization born from this treaty will be known, from this day forward as the W.O.R.D.
The Declarations.
We, the signatories to the treaty with planet Earth, hereby state that the following declarations are binding to us all and only changeable upon the event of a new treaty being made and signed by all the signatories of this original treaty, unless they are deceased.
1. From this day forth we will lobby all levels of our individual countries Governments to legislate acts of parliament or pass local bi laws that will,
(a) Abolish industrial and combustion engine pollution by abolishing the use all of fossil fuels.
(b) Abolish all products waste by enforcing the standard of all products be reusable or recyclable.
(c) Abolish the use of pesticides, insecticides and all forms of carcinogenic chemicals.
(d) Abolish the dumping of all wastes in the waterways and soils of the planet.
(e) Abolish the harvesting of native trees in all forest areas.
(f) Enforce the strict control, equal sharing of and sustainable usage of all foods.
(g) Enforce the strict control, equal sharing of and sustainable usage of all land.
(h) Enforce the strict control, equal sharing of and sustainable usage of all resources.
(i) Enforce the strict control of sustainable population growth.
2. We, the signatories to this treaty, on an individual level, do solemnly promise to
Love all living creation.
Do to all living creation the things we would have them do to us.
See all living creation as part of each one of us.
Do all our work for the benefit of all creation.
Nurture and harmonize with all living creation.
Follow a simplistic lifestyle and live in harmony with nature.
The Consequences:
If we do not fully and truly follow the treaty we sign today, the 10th day of August in the year 2012, with the planet Earth, then the only scenario that can happen is the destruction of our planet and us. We must ensure that all governments all over the world will follow this treaty as we will do. We are all here to protect, comfort and care for this entire world and all that exists on it. This world, and all that is on it, is a gift, our garden of physical life. Without our world of nature, we have no life.
List Of Signatories
Trevor John Rintoull
Heidi Sundara Rintoull
Note, the original copy of the treaty was uploaded on Care Petitions, where it was possible to sign it. This link still exists, even though the petition itself is deactivated.
List of Very Easy-to-follow things that WE ALL CAN DO every day to help slow down the process of Climate Change:
- Eat Less Beef since cattle produces Oodels of Methane Gas (a much stronger Greenhouse Gas than CO2). Choose chicken, Sea-farmed Fish and Pork instead of Beef - if You are not already a vegetarian.
- Turn Off all Unnecessary electrical lights and appliances, ie. Turn Off Stand By-power states on your TV, Computer screen etc., when not in use - Especially when You leave at Work!...
- Choose a Small Car to drive in - Thus more Economical, If Your region is not covered by adequate Public Transportation...
- Fly Less and only longer distances. if on Vacation - choose to Visit your Local Beaches instead of travelling the World looking for slightly whiter sand... đ
- Commute More Together (With fellow cozy colleagues?)
- Buy Locally produced Foods & Beverages, since Transportation Alone, uses oodles of fossile fuels.
- Support electrical power-suppliers that uses Renewable energy sources ie. Waterpower (Hydro), Sun-cells, Windmills, etc.
- Keep your car tires at proper pressure. Seems trite, but if everyone did this it could reduce fossil fuel emissions by as much as 5%.
- Walk to the store if itâs at a reasonable distance. Your National Institute of Health suggests 30 minutes of vigorous activity per day. You can be healthier and so can the planet ! đ
- Ride your bike more. Get a backpack if you donât have one, so you can bike even when youâre carrying a small load around your town. If you have touring bags for your bike, use them. Make sure to ride safe, use the bike lanes, and wear a helmet.
- Use a ceiling fan instead of the air conditioner.
There are lots of contributions we can make by just WASTING LESS:
- Waste less groceries. A lot of fertilizers are petrochemical-based. Making more efficient use of food, leaves more oil in the ground and saves the ground from the negative effects of those petrochemicals. Even if petrochemical fertilizers arenât used on your food, it takes fossil fuels to drive the field machinery and transport food to market.
- Recycle directly. Glass requires petroleum to melt. Plastic is made from petroleum. Further, most plastics that are ârecycledâ arenât actually recycled. They end up as greenhouse gases because theyâre transported to what are euphemistically called âtoxic sacrifice Dump Yardsâ in the unregulated third world, where they are burned. So whatâs better than taking glass and plastic cups & containers to the recycler? Reusing them Directly around the house !!
- Buy used. Shop at thrift stores if you can. That reduces the amount of stuff that needs to be manufactured. Manufacturing uses petrochemicals and fossil fuels. Transporting manufactured goods uses fossil fuels. Manufacturing creates jobs but we should manufacture ONLY what we need, and not simply to satisfy consumer marketing...
From Martyn Brynjolf.
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Denial of a crisis is no solution, neither in the case of climate emergency nor in the case of coronavirus outbreak. We cannot let ourselves be separated from society. We have to take over responsibility for all humans now. Treat the climate crisis and the coronavirus crises with the same seriousness.
All of Italy is in quarantine.
PFF Italy posted about our responsibilty for our fellow human beings during the coronavirus crisis:
PFF Statement
"PFF is a network that has been fighting for climate action for the future of our children and for those to come. We are currently living through a very critical and acute crisis: corona virus. PFF would like to make its contribution by inviting all our fellow citizens to remember that they are part of a collective and that united can we best face this challenge. Each and every one of us can contribute to slowing down the epidemic spread by following the scientific guidelines that are our primary defence. There are no individual solutions to a problem that has no borders!! Taking personal risk, because you are young or strong or do not feel like changing your habits can kill other people. Please do not under evaluate this!!
We would also like to speak to a theme that must be addressed: Denial. This is a normal psychological defence in a process of coming to accept a reality that is difficult. We are living exceptional circumstances, this is tough for all of us, however, letâs remember that some of our fellow citizens are battling for life and death with this disease and that there are people on the front lines, our doctors and nurses, making sacrifices we cannot even begin to imagine. It is a moment in which sacrifices must be made, a time for courage, not a time to escape reality and our own responsibilities to each other.
We take a strong stance against political voices that make noise and confusion by calling for division in a moment that requires unity. There is no place for profiting from this crisis for the squalid scope of consolidating future votes.
Finally, lets remember that life is about opportunity. This challenge to our global community is an opportunity to remember what is important and realize
e the limits in our current system. Crisis and change go hand in hand. But we must be there to imagine it and create the new together. This is our vision as Parents for Future."
Our Planet is being Destroyed by Government, by their criminal funding of the fossil fuel industry, by their intentional inaction, by them refusing to sincerely take human induced climate change seriously. They have their cosy little meetings where they pat each other on the backs, but the carnage continues unabated, without question, the economy they say, as the cost to regular people continues to go through the roof, then in ten years time, will anything have changed or been put right. These so called leaders need to be held to account and when possible, put on trial. Ecocide, neglect, complicity, the rules need to be rewritten so everybody is held responsible for our long term future, otherwise we will, as a species, have no future...
Think About It
Write Your Own Rules
#WeAreAllGreta â¤
Millions of people are already suffering from the catastrophic effects of extreme disasters exacerbated by climate change â from prolonged drought in sub-Saharan Africa to devastating tropical storms sweeping across Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and the Pacific. During the summer months for the northern hemisphere in 2018, communities from the Arctic Circle to Greece, Japan, Pakistan and the USA experienced devastating heatwaves and wildfires that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people.
While we largely understand climate change through the impacts it will have on our natural world, it is the devastation that it is causing and will continue to cause for humanity that makes it an urgent human rights issue. It will compound and magnify existing inequalities. And its effects will continue to grow and worsen over time, creating ruin for current and future generations. This is why the failure of governments to act on climate change in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence may well be the biggest inter-generational human rights violation in history.
We are humans who want the same thing every other human wants â a safe place to live on this planet we call home. So while our work must continue to be unbiased and objective, increasingly we are raising our voices, adding to the clear message that climate change is real and humans are responsible, the impacts are serious and we must act now.
Our demands
Amnesty International is calling for governments to:
Do everything they can to help stop the global temperature rising by more than 1.5°C.
Reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050 at the latest. Richer countries should do this faster. By 2030, global emissions must be half as much as they were in 2010.
Stop using fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) as quickly as possible.
Make sure that climate action is done in a way that does not violate anyoneâs human rights, and reduces rather than increases inequality
Make sure everyone, in particularly those affected by climate change or the transition to a fossil-free economy, is properly informed about what is happening and is able to participate in decisions about their futures.
Work together to fairly share the burden of climate change - richer countries must help others.
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Greta Thunberg urges us to save the old-growth forests and fight for the rights of the indigenous people who are on the front lines of the climate and ecological crisis trying to protect them.
School strike week 151.
This Friday we are in a tree plantation in SĂĄpmi, in Northern Europe. This used to be a forest, but after it was cut down forest companies have planted an invasive tree species that grows quicker than the local ones. Cutting down forests - at a time when we need to maximise every possible carbon sink - is not only disastrous for the climate, but also for biodiversity. Not to mention the local indigenous Sami reindeer herders who have lived here and cared for this land for thousands of years. When humans now change and destroy the landscape, they also completely alter the living conditions for the local wildlife, as well as for the reindeer and humans living there. It is not just the forests and carbon sinks that are being eliminated, but also the history, future and traditions of the Sami people.
Forests are not renewable, whatever the ries may say. Trees are renewable, but not forests. In a short term we only switch from one source of carbon to another when we burn biomass. Since we don't have the time it takes for the clear cut to compensate for the carbon debt (to stay below 1,5°C of global heating) it should not be considered "climate neutral". Amid the climate crisis and more frequent and intense extreme weather events (such as heatwaves, floods and wildfires) - these plantations also exacerbate their effects, increasing the devastation and suffering of people and wildlife.
The indigenous Sami people have been historically systematically oppressed, and still are so today. Indigenous peoples make up 5% of the world's population, but take care of 80% of the remaining healthy ecosystems. They are almost always on the frontline of the climate- and ecological crisis, but they are also leading the resistance. We have to listen to the guardians of the land and value their traditional knowledge to get out of this global crisis.
The exploitation of nature, land and people needs to stop.
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Unite with others locally, then eventually when everybody is involved in every community, globally, then that leads to world unity. People Power. We are not here to change the world, we are here to protect it, to respect it, to stop it being plundered, poisoned and destroyed. Love our earth, revere mother nature, for we are little specks of consciousness, each one born to really make the difference. Be silent no more. Rise up and passionately educate minds, nudge people to change their lifestyles, explain how when millions of people do small things, then great things really do happen â¤
#OnePlanet #OneChance
#WeAreAllGreta â¤
It's simply called REALITY DENIAL. In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event, when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality, such as, in this case, CLIMATE CHANGE.
These are the six giveaway signs of REALITY DENIAL.
You refuse to talk about the problem.
You find ways to justify your behavior.
You blame other people or outside forces for causing the problem.
You persist in a behavior despite negative consequences.
You promise to address the problem in the future.
You avoid thinking about the problem.
ALL OF THESE SIGNS ARE PRESENT in the ridiculous idiotic and totally irrational behavior of the Climate Change Denier.

1997, 2005, 2009, 2015 they say
"There is No Time To Lose."
This meme says it all, our leaders are just a bunch of cheats and frauds, who put the interests of the big fossil fuel companies way before the health and well being of ourselves and the entire planet. They keep their voters doped on empty promises and lies and 'creative accounting' (or in other words downright cheating). And as long as we can all consume and be happy, we continue to put our faith in these fossil fuel puppets, year after year, and decade after decade, while the planet is slowly strangled along with ourselves. If it wasn't so tragic, it would actually be quite comical.
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and on FaceBORG SE Said:
I've posted before about how much I hate it when people post "HBD" instead of "Happy Birthday." How lazy can you get?
Well, today I'm seeing a lot of posts and comments from people saying "Happy V.D." I get that people have become too lazy to write out full words, but come on, people. Surely you know that when people talk about V.D., they're NOT referring to Valentine's Day. Maybe, just this once, you can write out a full word? If Valentine is too much, you can at least write the word "Day," can't you? That would be "Happy V. Day" rather than "Happy V.D." I'm pretty sure V.D. is NEVER happy.
and I replied:
and this is all caused by people trying to type on telephones... I use a Laptop with a real keyboard and I make it a Point to write in compleat sentences with punctuation... My Ideas need ROOM that a Phone Just doesn't have... and then I copy and Paste all my words into my blog... because blog posts with a lot of words rank higher on Google... One thing that's kinda fun is that Linkdin automatically suggests #Hashtag Words and Phrases... Then I Copy and paste those as well...
and then SE Said:
I was thinking how no matter when you were born, the world moves forward and technology advances, so after you reach a certain age, you look back on an item from your childhood and it suddenly looks like an antique. And you look back on the years you were growing up, and you see the way so many things have changed, and you start reminiscing about the past and how much simpler everything seemed back then. Depending on how old you are, you may remember before we had cell phones, the internet, DVRs, VCRs, caller I.d., call waiting, answering machines, ATMs, TV, etc. and as technology continues to give us newer and better stuff, the old stuff eventually seems like an antique that belongs in a museum. Like the early home computers compared to what we have now, or the early video game systems compared to now. Even the computers and video game systems of the early 2000âs seem archaic now. And if you live in an urban or suburban area, youâve undoubtedly seen your area change over your lifetime, open space getting built up and older buildings replaced with newer ones. So then you start to view the way it used to look with rose-colored glasses. It wasnât necessarily better, but itâs no longer the way it used to be, and that makes you kind of sad. And if you live in an urban or suburban area, youâll likely have memories of playing on open land which has since been built over. Movies from your childhood become classics and seem a bit dated, and music from your childhood is played on classic stations and later becomes muzak at the grocery store. But you look back on your life and view it as a simpler time, no matter when you were born. It WAS a simpler time when you were younger, because technology keeps advancing and giving us new stuff, so there is always going to be something you look back on with fondness from your childhood, when times were simpler.
and I Replied:
I remember slide rules. They were mechanical math calculating machines. Used before the invention of the Pocket Calculator. I used them in Chemistry Class at Chico State in 1973... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slide_rule
I remember Leaded Gasoline... It caused a Horrible SMOG in San Jose... in 1972 the air was so polluted that I Couldn't see Mount Umunhum from Blossom Hill at Almaden Expressway... Where I worked as a Bag Boy at PW Super. Pushing Shopping Carts.