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The GOP Says: Murdering Police is Legitimate Political Discourse. Do YOU REALLY Want to Be Part of The CRAZY PARTY?

Republican party calls January 6 attack ‘legitimate political discourse’.
Party censures Cheney and Kinzinger, the only Republicans on the Capitol attack House panel, as Pence says ‘Trump is wrong’

GOP Splits! Pro Freedom or Pro Trump CHOOSE meme
GOP Splits! Pro Freedom
or Pro Trump CHOOSE!

and then on FaceBORG SG Said: 

This is not a joke, but a real suggestion. We are all getting antsy about inflation. I am worried that when the Fed raises interest rates it will impact the wrong end of the economy much more severely. I lived through the era of Carter and Reagan and remember that time with significant pain.

We are also, one more time having a difficult time with minimum, wage, and livable income discussions.

How many of you still remember from your School Daze, a thing called a grading curve? if you remember it you had the highest grades and the lowest grades at the two ends and in the middle were the C students which not so coincidentally was where the median grades resided. What if you did the same thing to corporate payrolls? Find that median point in their payrolls.

Now take a look at the right-hand side of that curve, which probably houses all the executive pay. Establish the mean point in those two combined groups.

And finally, establish the differential of the figures. Use that figure to set an auxiliary corporate tax rate. The higher the difference in those income levels, the higher the taxes.

and then SC Said:

So many of you fell prey to the logging industries’ propaganda. Truth is the logging companies didn’t care about anyone but themselves as Is true for all resource extraction industries. A good governing body would allow for some extraction and some preservation, in a case involving a global treasure as great as 5000 year old redwood forests they should’ve leaned more on the preservation side but there wasn’t and the extraction companies greedily took everything they could in 100 years. They took down almost every old growth redwood in an unsustainable period of time, ruining one of earths great treasures. This meant a few years of logging and milling, any loggers who thought there’d be work in the area for their descendants for many generations to come were screwed as well as the work was unsustainable. Logging is good, people need lumber, but the earth needs forests and cutting down an ancient forest with 3000-5000 year old trees in 100 years is not sustainable or acceptable.

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