Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Photos of the Cosmic Rock Sculpture on Mount Shasta, California and... Bucket List Locations in Northern California... Including Bear Hole Swimming in Upper Bidwell Park, Chico, CA

Mount Shasta by gvan42
A Bicycle Ride Down from the Top of Mount Shasta...

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42

Atomic Waste is Forever - gvan42
Abandoned Atomic Power Plant in Eureka, CA

Bear Hole - Chico Creek, California - gvan42
Bear Hole - Swimming in Upper Bidwell Park - Chico, California
Link to More:

Kinetic Sculpture Race - Eureka, CA
Kinetic Sculpture Race - Eureka, CA
Link to More:

Blue Wave Abstract by gvan42
A Big Blue Wave Abstract by gvan42

two paths - get more or want less
There are two ways to get everything you want. 
Get More or Want Less.

Buying Used Stuff at Thrift Stores DOES NOT CAUSE ECOLOGICAL DAMAGE Like Buying New Stuff Does. When You Buy a New Product, the Corporation Has to Replace It. They Mine Raw Materials, grow plants (like cotton) using pesticides and herbicides, Log Forests, Employ Slave Laborers in the Orient, Burn Gasoline Shipping the Plastic Crap Here From China... and on and on and on... Used Products ALREADY EXIST and so Buying Stuff at The Eureka Rescue Mission Thrift Shop (my local store) does NOT Harm the Planet. Actually, They Hire Local People to Work as Clerks and Do Delivery. We Bought ALL our Living Room Furniture there. Three Chairs and a Sofa... and Men Delivered It Upstairs in Our Home. NO WAY could I Move those Heavy Objects Up That Staircase... I Tipped those Guys $10 Each... and they were really Thankful. Yes, I Could Have Spent a Fortune at Sears or KMART but... I Prefer to Keep The Money IN MY WALLET. I Like Employing Guys That Live At The Rescue Mission. The Mission Does Good Work Here in Eureka and I've Met a LOT of Real People That They Help. I did buy new Beds at Sears. Somehow, those were just too Personal to Buy Used... also, I Do Not Buy Used Underwear... BUT, Clothes? YES! It's actually fun to find thrift stores in Super Rich Neighborhoods and Live Like the TV Show "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous..." A Great Place to Shop is North Shore Lake Tahoe... Snow Bunnies often Donate Extra Stuff When the Season is Over... and There is Also DUMPSTER DIVING in College Towns at the End of the School Year... FREE STUFF! 

floating ball by gvan42
floating ball by gvan42

pyramid power by gvan42
Pyramid Power

Bear Hole in Upper Bidwell Park on Chico Creek
Bear Hole - Upper Bidwell Park, Chico, California

Bubble UP Economics by gvan42

Humboldt County Jail - home for marijuana farmers
Humboldt County Jail - home for marijuana farmers.

Who could Possibly be in Favor of keeping Cannabis Illegal? Corporations that are in the business of incarceration. FREE ALL THE CANNABIS PRISONERS AND USE THE EMPTY JAIL CELLS FOR A HOMELESS SHELTER. 


Let's Colonize Space - abstract by gvan42
Let's Colonize Space - abstract by gvan42

cosmic eye by gvan42
cosmic eye by gvan42

Heart Art - a shape that "just happens" when playing with Polar Coordinates distort in Potatoshop... gvan42
Heart Art - a shape that "just happens" when playing
with Polar Coordinates distort in Potatoshop... gvan42

That "Trippy Sugar Cube" - an Early Way to Sell LSD and the Polio Vaccine...
"Trippy Sugar Cube" -
an Early Way to Sell LSD and
Distribute the Polio Vaccine...

Swirling Liberty Heart by gvan42
Swirling Liberty Heart by gvan42

Colorful Eye - gvan42
Colorful Eye - gvan42

WINPLOT Mushroom - gvan42
Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics

Gregvan Standing on the Impossible Donut
Greetings from Clam Beach!

Solar - geometric art by gvan42

Swimming Pool on Chico Creek... One Mile Recreation Area

Spinning around in a circle... gvan42

Mount Shasta, California. A bicycle ride down from 7,000 feet - and Native American Tales of Power - Mis Misa

I drove to the end of the road and let my friend Mike off. 
He rode a Bicycle down and we met again at Panther Meadows... 
A Sacred Spring for the American Indians...

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
Mount Shasta California 2014

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
Exit Highway 5 at Mount Shasta City.

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
We stayed at the Alpine Lodge... a fine place.
reasonable price, good quality.
The Lady at the office was accurate about Driving directions
to visit Mt Shasta.Use Everitt Memorial Highway A10.. 
(South Washington Drive)

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
Mt Shasta CA

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
Mike J on the road to Mount Shasta, CA

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
Greg Vanderlaan (me)

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
View looking South from half way up Mt Shasta, CA

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
The Parking Lot at the Trailhead.

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
Rock Sculpture at Mount Shasta.
a triangle and 4 spirals...

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
Peace Sign rock sculpture

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
Mike J at the Start of his Ride Down The Mountain

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
Welcome to Panther Meadows sign

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
Trail to Panther Meadows

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
bicycling down Mount Shasta

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
view from Mt Shasta looking South as we descend...

Photos of a Bicycle Ride DOWN Mount Shasta in CA - gvan42
after this journey, it's time for lunch in Mount Shasta City

Google Map...
I Drove Up Everitt Memorial Highway... A10...
(South Washington Drive)
Ask a Local for Driving Directions...  

Cosmic Art
space art
Voyage Beyond Time and Space
psychedelic art
MindSprout 42

Isn't debating theology on Facebook Pointless?
Why not read a good book?
For Example: 'Write your own Religion' by Timothy Leary. 

The Harmonic Convergence 1987 was Held at Mount Shasta... That Was a Global Meditation Event...

Thousands flock to Mount Shasta for meditation event.

Mt. Shasta Lore:
            Indigenous people from Northern California and Southern Oregon are primarily the Pit River Indians, Modocs, Wintu, Karuk, Hupa, Shasta and Yurok tribes.

Mt. Shasta’s peak has been used as a spiritual and geographical locator.  At 14,179 ft. elevation and an active volcano, Mt. Shasta towers above all other surrounding mountains.  Native people do not reside on Mt. Shasta because it is considered so powerful.  Spiritual ceremony is conducted in areas below the timberline and when finished, the surroundings are returned to nature, with nothing left behind.  Medicine men and shamans are often taken to Mt. Shasta for training.  There is much Native lore telling how the mountain has healed through prayer, songs, dancing, doctoring and through nature.  The mountain yields a sacred spring and areas for collecting plants and herbs for ceremony and healing.  The mountain is called ‘grandfather’ as it represents the paternal grandparents of the Pit River Tribe.  Their powerful spirit called Mis Misa is said to live inside the mountain and serves to keep the universe in balance.  They consider Mt. Shasta the beginning of all life and the end of all life, where one can ascend into the sky along the Milky Way to the beyond.

The Native peoples report many tunnels within Mt. Shasta.  The Wintu say the mountain generates sound that provides information and guidance.  The Wintu lore says another realm exists inside the mountain and access might come through doorways, such as vents in caves.  Mt. Shasta must be approached with great care and respect as it is guarded by certain spirits.  Mt. Shasta is so powerful that only short visits are appropriate.  It is said that “It has it all”.  During ceremony, the Wintu frequently hear and know the presence of the “little people”, called the Mountain Boys, who live deep within the mountain.  A shaman can communicate with the little people.  The shaman also uses the bubbling brook on the mountain to gain spiritual information. 

When visiting the mountain, silence is important for meditation and fasting. The mountain spirits command respect.


As early as the 1880s, writers began their association of the lost continent of Lemuria with Mt. Shasta.  Even though these theories cannot be proved, the power of the mountain remains supreme.  People worldwide visit Mt. Shasta to be close to its spiritual energy, to meditate, to communicate with the spirit world and to be healed.  The concept of Lemurians living within the mountain has become widely popular and anyone visiting Mt. Shasta will be amazed by the abundance of literature on the topic as well as practitioners working within the vortex of an important spiritual community.

Native American stories.

"The Native Americans have always felt that the mountain was the sacred center of the universe," Ashalyn says. "They even have stories that talk about it being the home of the creator."

Mount Shasta straddles the territories of the Shasta, Wintu, Achumawi, Atsugewi and Modoc tribes. Not surprisingly, the imposing mountain shows up in a lot of tribal myths and stories. It's especially important to the Wintu tribe, who trace their people's origin back to a sacred spring on the mountain.

"They have always done their sacred ceremonies there, and they continue to do them to this day," says Ashalyn. "Every August they do their ceremonies for just the tribe and their invited guests."

Then there are the "ascended masters." In the 1930s, a businessman named Guy Ballard was hiking on the mountainside when he encountered a mysterious figure, who claimed to be an "ascended master."

"Those are beings who have had many lifetimes on this planet," explains Ashalyn, "and no longer need to come back to that birth-death cycle that we're in, because they've learned to master the physical plane."

As Ballard would later write, this particular ascended master passed on his teachings and took him on a cosmic journey through space and time.

Ballard, along with his wife, Edna, soon started a religious movement called the "I AM Activity" — a mix of Christianity, theosophy and fierce nationalism (Ballard claimed to be George Washington reincarnated, and said that America was spiritually superior among nations). At the height of its popularity, the I AM Activity had about a million followers. They were eventually charged by the U.S. government for swindling their followers out of millions of dollars, and the group fell into obscurity.

Finally, there's the legend of Telos.

According to Ashalyn, Telos is a crystal city inside the mountain, inhabited by higher-dimensional beings called Lemurians.

"That goes all the way back to the ancient continent of Lemuria that was in the North Pacific Ocean many thousands of years ago," she says. "It actually was inhabited before Atlantis was inhabited."

As the story goes, Lemuria and Atlantis got into a thermonuclear war and sank their continents. The Lemurians fled into Mount Shasta, and that's where they've remained ever since. Mostly.

What Turns People Into Spiritual Virtuosos?
"Well, there's a couple stories from the 1940s where the Lemurians were actually seen walking into town," says Ashalyn. They were 7 feet tall, dressed in long white robes and sandals. They went to the general store to buy supplies, and paid for their purchases with chunks of gold. "The shopkeeper would take the gold, turn around and try to give them change, and the Lemurian would be gone."

These days, no one reports eyewitness accounts of Lemurians in the flesh — but some locals believe the smooth, saucer-shaped lenticular clouds that often gather at the summit of Mount Shasta are engineered by the Lemurians to camouflage alien cargo ships docking at Telos.

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