Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Kinetic Sculpture Race in Eureka, California. Whimsical ART Bicycles

This years best: Pigasus
Pigasus Support Crew
Click on the Pictures to see them Bigger

Link to Video of Star Ship Enterprise:

Link to Video of the Wild West Wagon:

Link to Video of the Giant Shark:

Link to Video of the Pirate Ship approaching Manila School:

In the event of Sunshine, the race is still ON.
What IS this? A Coal Mining Earth Eater?

Bounce Machine...
The Elf Jumps Up and Down to create forward Motion

2001 TMA Monolith

Think Train

Egyptian Goddess
Egyptian Goddess and Mummy on Highway 101 Eureka, CA

Whirled Peas


June Moxon's Shoe
 and Posing Clown Holding up Invisible Applause Sign

Gumball Machine

Duane Flatmo: The Doomed Buggy
Duane Flatmo: The Doomed Buggy on Highway 101 in Eureka, CA
Pigasus... Highway 101
Man with Child as a Passenger Kinetic Sculpture
Mr Bubble entertains the Children.
The fellow has a long rope with a dozen loops attached to sticks that he dunks in a gallon jar of bubble mix...

More Pictures At:

Photographs from a few years ago... 

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