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Remember, Think for Yourself and Question Reality - Doubt the Lies of Trump Nation

psychedelic art

When George Bush lied to you and you believed him, isn't half the problem the fact that you are easily fooled ? Didn't millions of people worldwide march in protest of the Iraq war before it started ? We were not fooled...

Did you see the movie called Fahrenheit 911 ? The last scene is of the Idiot Bush fumbling over his words trying to say... "fool me once, shame on you. fool me twice, shame on me"... Now that isn't a really difficult saying... but our 'resident got confused half way thru and a lyric from Pete Townsend and The Who came out of his damaged brain... I loved that movie...

I especially love the fact that 20 years from now, when people want to find out the history of the USA they will play that movie... Already, the vast majority of Americans think the war was a horrible mistake... Just imagine the rage when the thousands of wounded vets return... All those poor souls that were exposed to Depleted Uranium... When their wives start having miscarriages caused by the Iraq War...


When Colin Powell made a speech to the U.N. trying to get other nations to join the coalition, he made them cover "Guernica" with a curtain so that no one would think about burning civilians when he was promoting the War in Iraq . Here is what the TV image at the press conference would have looked like. I liked his Pottery Barn Rule... You break it, you bought it... Sadly, we bombed Iraq and destroyed their electric, water, phone and sewage systems... and now oil exports are half what they were before we blew the place up... opium production is twice what it was before we invaded Afghanistan... Cheap heroin and millions of new addicts... just another collateral damage from the War of ERROR.

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Beware of Make Believe Vampire-Cannibal Cults. You Know, They Pretend to Drink the Blood of Christ and they Pretend to Eat the Body of Christ but they Don't Actually Do It. It's all Make Believe! 

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