One Mile Pool Chico California Bidwell Park Picnic Area 37 Redwood Tree Grove

Students "Horsing Around" at the pool

Students competing in a "fill up the bucket with a sponge race'.

Three teams. A person runs to the pool, soaks sponge,
run back to bucket, empty sponge...
repeat with next team member...
much shouting needed... I Guess...
My Staircase... No Diving, so I just crept in Gradually...
When the Lifeguard is Present, no bicycle riding allowed...
This Kid is taking advantage of the LACK of Law Enforcement
to have a great time... Also, no smoking in the park... I lit up
since there was no-one to enforce the rules.

Picnic Area 37. Redwood Trees.
These trees were brought from the coast where they are a
native species and planted in Bidwell Park.
Note how the forest floor is swept clean...
Photo taken from within the Redwood Grove.
Note that the native trees are Not Redwood.
Train Depot Chico, CA
Caution: Don't stop on the tracks.
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