Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

"Rapid Seamstress" Button for sale... It's a puzzle! What is the popular singer's name? She's real big with the kids these days!

You can transfer the artwork to many different types of gifts
You can transfer the artwork to many different types of gifts.
~~~ AND ~~~
You can change the words and the typeface... 
over a hundred possibilities!

link to the main page of my web store...

Answer: Taylor Swift... She's a Swift Tailor!

at Super Bowl LIX

and then at 55 seconds... The camera focuses on Trump and the crowd cheers... That shows that the type of person that purchases a Super Bowl ticket is also the type of person that voted for Trump... One might think that this was a representative sample of Americans in general but... you'd be wrong... Yes, I took the statistics class at college... It taught me to look for people using math and charts to lie...

During the boring parts of the football game yesterday I was able to tell my housemates all about my many visits to Philadelphia... I've had some wonderful times here... I went with my parents as a child and we took the Freedom Trail walk where you see all of the Revolutionary War historic sites... And the Liberty Bell... And then I went to Benjamin Franklin's Museum with my second ex-wife... They had his actual inventions on display... The Franklin stove... The eyeglasses... He's the local boy that made good!

And I went to four Grateful Dead concerts... 3 days in a row at the Spectrum... I left my car parked in the parking lot for all three days and walked over to the public swimming pool during the afternoon... At the first show I took the largest dose of LSD I've ever taken... I Danced on the Concourse level for most of the show where there were many advertisements for Atlantic City casinos with blinking Lights... Trippy... The other Grateful Dead show was at JFK Stadium during the daytime... We did "the wave" during the set break... And I enjoyed watching the airplanes land it Camden Airport.

Big fun! Since I lived in Washington DC it was not a long drive...

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