Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Anonymous denial of service attack on the White House website. Obviously illegal. I will not be participating in this action. But I admire their good work!

 Killnet Gloats About DDoS Attacks Downing Starlink, White House... 

White House Web Site Attacked... 

In denial of service attacks, a Web site receives a flood of requests to its services, which makes it difficult for legitimate users to access the servers that make the site available.

My opinion is it any denial of service attack on an official government website is a crime... However I don't know what the law is about attacking a private Enterprise... Like 'RUMP'S Tooth SoCal or TitterX...

Denial of Service (DoS) guidance...
to help organisations understand and mitigate DoS attacks. 

Do you feel lucky Trump meme Dirty Harry
Clint Eastwood: “Uh uh. I know what you’re thinking. “Did he fire six shots or only five?” Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you’ve gotta ask yourself one question: “Do I feel lucky?” Well, do ya, punk?”

We're allways faced with the question "What can one man do to Dump Trump and Deport Elon Musk?"  

obviously... I personally will not break the law in order to save America... That requires a level of patriotism that I just don't have... I'm talking about people like George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, Obi-Wan Kenobi, YODA... 

It seems obvious that Trump is very similar to Darth Vader and Putin is the Emperor... And Elon Musk is Jabba the Hut... 

I feel that I have a duty to the world to help people escape from the brainwashing cult... Fox News broadcast Live 24 hours a day and many people watch that channel all day and all night... Their brains become soaked with propaganda and insane conspiracy theories... Did they become MAGA morons?

In a way I understand that it's fun to be part of a brainwashing cult... You don't have to think for yourself... Big Daddy will tell you what to do and what to say and what to believe... All responsibility is lifted from your shoulders... And if obviously you're wrong, it doesn't matter because wrong and right just don't exist in the world of Trump and Elon Musk...

What I choose to do is to sell slogan hats, t-shirts and buttons mocking the evil Donald Trump... And the freak Show Elon Musk... And then use the profits from my website to finance Democratic candidates and to fund the Save the Redwood League... They're doing good work in Northern California by buying land with trees on it and then not cutting down the trees... Making Parks instead...

The 25th Amendment to the Constitution is used to remove presidents that are incapacitated... When they're so so sick that they cannot do their job... For example: Insanity... Like Donald Trump... He's crazy as a loon! and needs to be locked up in the mental hospital... Because he's a danger to self and others... Police code 5150... 

Deport Musk Stickers - Click Here!

My Latest Sale! "Deport President Musk" Button - Zazzle Gregvan - Let's send him right back to Africa!
Click Here to Buy this Button

DUMP TRUMP or DEPORT MUSK Buttons ( you may change the words! ) for sale at Zazzle Gregvan - or you could change the slogan to "ARREST MUSK", "LOCK 'EM UP!" or "I LOVE SUSAN" that's your freedom to choose! Whatever makes your freak flag fly!

(202) 224-3121
Call your Senators and tell 'em to Deport Musk.


Link to my Newest Buttons - Click Here


Rainbow background and the slogan "Deport Musk" or DUMP TRUMP - you can change the words to anything! What about "Arrest Musk" or "I Love Susan" - write your own Manifesto!

Do You Still Have to Repay Your Student Loans if Trump Shuts Down the Department of Education? If I still had a student loan I would Not Pay just as an experiment to find out what happens!

I have a fond memory of the Department of Education... They loaned me money to go to college... And then after I graduated I got a high paying job... Twice as much money as I'd ever earned before... And I paid back all the student loans by taking $100 out of every paycheck... For 5 years... And then it was all paid off... Of course the real trick is that I took computer science as a major... And that's a very sellable skill that I learned at college... FAFSA... Of course, Trump hates college graduates cuz we have a tendency to vote against the crazy... He likes uneducated people who are "just coincidentally" dumb as rocks! People that dropped out of high school or Elementary School are easy to brainwash... All they know is their lives are complete disaster and it's got to be somebody else's fault...

Fox News brainwashing mind control evil

The List of Trump’s Forbidden Words That Will Get Your Paper Flagged at NSF...
It's fascism, plain and simple.

activism, activists, advocacy, advocate, advocates,
barrier, barriers, biased, biased toward, biases,
biases towards, bipoc, black and latinx, community diversity,
community equity, cultural differences, cultural heritage,
culturally responsive, disabilities, disability, discriminated,
discrimination, discriminatory, diverse backgrounds,
diverse communities, diverse community, diverse group,
diverse groups, diversified, diversify, diversifying,
diversity and inclusion, diversity equity, enhance the diversity,
enhancing diversity, equal opportunity, equality, equitable,
equity, ethnicity, excluded, female, females, fostering inclusivity,
gender, gender diversity, genders, hate speech, excluded,
female, females, fostering inclusivity, gender, gender diversity,
genders, hate speech, hispanic minority, historically,
implicit bias, implicit biases, inclusion, inclusive,
inclusiveness, inclusivity, increase diversity
increase the diversity, indigenous community, inequalities
inequality, inequitable, inequities, institutional, Igbt,
marginalize, marginalized, minorities, minority,
multicultural, polarization, political, prejudice, privileges
promoting diversity, race and ethnicity, racial,
racial diversity, racial inequality, racial justice,
racially, racism, sense of belonging, sexual preferences,
social justice, sociocultural, socioeconomic,
status, stereotypes, systemic, trauma, under appreciated,
under represented, under served, underrepresentation,
underrepresented, underserved, undervalued,
victim, women, women and underrepresented

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