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REFUSE to Send Your Children to Early Opening Schools. PROTECT THE CHILDREN. No Matter What Evil Betsy DeVos Does, SURVIVAL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN CORPORATE PROFITS.

U.S. Education Chief Betsy DeVos Downplays Risk of Opening Schools... "Let's Just Pretend Reality Does Not Exist."

MEME -Evil Betsy DeVos - Killing Children - gvan42

I Oppose Small PLASTIC Containers for Single Servings of Food. Since We Already Have the Technology to Make Milk Cartons, WHY NOT use Waxed Paper for Cheese, Coffee, Yogurt and Sliced Ham?

I keep on seeing TV advertisements for Keurig Coffee that puts ONE CUP Worth of coffee grounds in a little PLASTIC container... Ridiculous! We have been brewing coffee for Hundreds of Years without Little Plastic Cups! You buy a two pound Aluminum Can and scoop a few spoonfuls into your percolator... or your drip coffee machine... using brown paper filters... simple, easy, clean, ecological and NOW, ALL OF A SUDDEN, WE HAVE AN INVENTION THAT CREATES MILLIONS OF LITTLE PLASTIC CUPS!

and... I see advertisements for Sargento Cheese... Enough food for one snack enclosed in a LITTLE PLASTIC CONTAINER THAT WILL LIVE FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. Yogurt Cups... Oscar Meyer Ham slices, 8 rolled up slices in a "Handy" plastic box... AND... P3 a plastic box containing Cheese,, almonds and fruit.. just enough for lunch... AND... 

Boycott Plastic MEME - "Just Crack and Egg" - a tiny amount of chopped up vegetables that you can crack an egg into the PLASTIC container and Microwave to make an omelette... MICROWAVING PLASTIC? - gvan42

"Just Crack and Egg" - a tiny amount of chopped up vegetables that you can crack an egg into the PLASTIC container and Microwave to make an omelette... MICROWAVING PLASTIC? Doesn't that cause vaporized plastic to get into the food? Eating Poison!

I have been to the grocery store and can report that it is possible to walk right up to the deli counter and ask for a half pound of sliced ham AND THEY WRAP IT IN PAPER! I have seen two pound Bricks of Cheese encased in wax... I think it's the Tillamook Brand... I do buy some plastic wrapped food... a pound of hamburger is sold in a foam plastic tray wrapped in a thin clear plastic wrap... I feel certain we could use a cardboard tray... 

I believe the plan is to MAKE A TINY AMOUNT OF FOOD seem bigger so Corporations can charge more money per pound... In the mean time we are LAMINATING THE PLANET.

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