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TRUMP HAS DEMENTIA... I believe him when he says "He Can't Remember" over thirty times in Written Answers to Mueller's Questions. OLD PEOPLE GET LIKE THAT... THEY CAN'T REMEMBER WHERE THEY ARE OR WHO THEIR CHILDREN ARE... OR ANYTHING...

My Dad was like that in his last year of life... He would ask "Where am I?" about every 15 minutes... and I would answer "You are at Home..." and that would set his mind at ease... 

MEME Even with Putin's Help, Hillary got more votes... Illegitimate Potus

Trump is SHOWING SIGNS OF MENTAL ILLNESS... He has Absurd Ideas, He thinks that Scary Brown People are invading the USA... Wow... He claims that one of his Biggest Accomplishments is a Trade Agreement That DOES NOT ACTUALLY EXIST... USMCA is not REAL Yet... NAFTA is the Current Law of the Land...  


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