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tRUMP'S BRAIN IS FAILING. When tRUMP spoke of the Wildfires in PARADISE, CALIFORNIA... He called the town PLEASURE... In his aging brain the MEANING of the WORD PLEASURE and the MEANING of the WORD PARADISE criss crossed and out popped the wrong word... Quite common, it is called a "SENIOR MOMENT"... Think about it for a second... He is displaying Signs of Dementia...

and NOW tRUMP is Repeating his Delusion that Californians Should RAKE THE FORESTS just Like they Do in Norway... See? They Don't Have a Forest Fire Problem in Norway... Of Course, Norway is Near the North Pole and a TOTALLY DIFFERENT CLIMATE... but... tRUMP's Failing Brain Can't Grasp That Concept!

Here is the Tweet Blaming Californians for Our Forest Fires... 

“The Governor of California, @GavinNewsom, has done a terrible job of forest management. I told him from the first day we met that he must ‘clean’ his forest floors regardless of what his bosses, the environmentalists, DEMAND of him. Must also do burns and cut fire stoppers,” Trump tweeted.

“Every year, as the fire’s rage & California burns, it is the same thing-and then he comes to the Federal Government for $$$ help. No more,” the president added. “Get your act together Governor.”

Newsom snapped back with: “You don’t believe in climate change. You are excused from this conversation.”

Though Trump encouraged Newsom to “clean” the forest floors — none of this season’s blazes are burning in California’s forests, according to the Los Angeles Times and other outlets. The Getty Fire and others raging in Los Angeles started on hillsides.

Experts say California is experiencing intense blazes because of a rise in temperature that is drying out land and vegetation, making them more flammable, according to The Washington Post.

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Dementia is Quite common in Old People... That's why he says WINDMILLS CAUSE CANCER... Obviously, False...Trump said that He wants someone to investigate the ORANGES of the Mueller Report... I believe he meant to say was the ORIGINS of the report but his BRAIN FAILED to deliver the right word... I'm not making this up... He really asked for the ORANGES... Many times... on Television...

Trump's Failing Brain explains WHY HE LIES SO MUCH. He has lost touch with reality... For Example: Trump said that His Father was born in Germany... Actually that was his Grandfather, his Father was born in New York City... OOPS... Brain Fart!

Trump is NOT ALONE in his FANTASY WORLD... Consider the Fact that the man who invented "MY PILLOW" said in public that "God Chose Trump to be President"... really... That dude is DELUSIONAL! What kind of Delirium says that HE KNOWS WHAT GOD INTENDS... Whoo... Whoo... Crazy Train!

Sadly, Trump believes that SCARY BROWN PEOPLE are invading the USA from Mexico... Classic Paranoia... Thinking people are attacking you when there is no actual danger... So he wants to build a wall... even though people fly over walls, sail around walls or use FAKE ID to fool border guards at the road entrances thru the wall... 

Trump is Not Only Pathetic... He is a DANGER TO THE USA and the Entire World... 

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and Now, on a Different Subject... 
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MEME - gvan42 - Trump and the Robot from Lost in Space - Danger Danger Aliens

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