#DefundThePoliceState - I Oppose Storm troopers... Freedom of Assembly and Free Speech are Great Ideas...

Of Course, The Protests in Portland Oregon are Just a REACTION to The Police Murdering George Floyd... 
a Simpler Solution Would Be for The Police to 

FTP MEME - Censored for Faceboob - Community Standards - gvan42
The Time Has Come for the Violet Overgrow
of the Police State... a Reverse Boogaloo!
MEME - QANON SUCKS - WYSIWYG - Satire - gvan42

Why Trump Chose Portland: Violent, reckless federal forces have a friend in the city’s police. For more than three weeks, federal security forces have been terrorizing protesters in Portland, Oregon. Unidentified agents in unmarked minivans are kidnapping demonstrators without warrants, assaulting journalists, and beating people in the streets. Trump has found a police force fully aligned with his contention that violent shows of force are necessary and warranted to disperse progressive demonstrators. And in Daryl Turner, the president of the Portland Police Association, the PPB’s union, Trump has found a ready ally. 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
and Now for something Completely Different...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Vision Quest - Psychedelic art by gvan42 - gregvan
Click on the Pictures to See Them Bigger
Unemployed? Hungry? Mad as Hell? Join Us For An EXORCISM At The White House! #TrumpMustResign #DefundThePoliceState Beat a Drum, Burn Some Sage, Do a Medicine Dance, Chant, Sing, Blow a Whistle, Set OFF a 140 dB Personal Alarm... Drive The Evil One OUT! Remember: Hate Won't Make America Great... https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/07/unemployed-hungry-mad-as-hell-join-us.html

QUESTION CONSUMPTION: tRUMP's Coronavirus Has Taught Us That Buying More More More Plastic Crap is Totally Optional! Ecstatic Dancing is Possible Without Buying Chinese Junk from WAYFAIR! https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/05/question-consumption-trumps-coronavirus.html

#RUNAWAY from tRUMP - 
GOP Abandons #MadKingDonald 
HEADLINE: Republicans Aren’t Sure Saving Trump With a Stimulus Package Is Worth It... https://www.thedailybeast.com/republicans-arent-sure-saving-trump-with-a-stimulus-package-is-worth-it

Digital Rainbow Spiral Two-Tone Coffee Mug for sale...

Like a Tie-Dye T-Shirt BUT DIGITAL!


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