FBI chief Wray urges employees to never anger Trump and to keep ‘following the facts wherever they lead’ in resignation speech...
Jenna Ellis=Guilty, Scott Hall=Guilty, David DePape, attacker of Nancy Pelosi's husband=Guilty, 4 Proud Boys=Guilty, 23 Oath Keepers=Guilty, Allen Weisselberg=Guilty, Jesse Benton=Guilty, Lev Parnas=Guilty, Igor Fruman=Guilty, Steve Bannon=Guilty, Nikolas Cruz=Guilty, John Lambert=Guilty, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty...
and Over 1,000 QAnon Freaks that Have Been Arrested for Storming the US Capitol on January 6th and FAILING to Overthrow The US Government and Crown Trump King...ANSWER:
They are All TrumpNik® Swamp Creatures... Trumpanzees!

House Next Door - Christmas Decorations - California
My Best Posts. These are the Most Worthy...
My Autobiography - Growing up in Los Gatos, CA in the 1960s
Free Coloring Book: Print as Many Copies as You Like... Color Using Felt Pens or Colored Pencils... Share with Friends!
Numbers have Cultural Meaning: A List from Zero to Infinity and Beyond! For example: 007 Means James Bond. 420 Means Marijuana. 5150 means Insane... and... 420 + 5150 = REEFER MADNESS!
Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics: Let Doctors and Patients Choose What Medicine is Best for Themselves... No Need for Bribed Politicians Making Medical Decisions!
CONVERT HUMAN FAT INTO ELECTRICITY With an Exercise Bicycle Power Generator. ZERO POLLUTION. Simply Use the Bicycle to Drive an Automobile Alternator with a Belt... Store Electricity in a Car Battery...
#BubbleUP Economics Works! Raise the Minimum Wage to 15 Dollars an Hour - Raise All Social Security Checks 15% - WE PROMISE TO SPEND THE EXTRA MONEY. Increasing Sales, Increasing Profits... EVERYBODY WINS!
Generate Electricity and Clean Drinking Water AT THE SAME TIME. A Solar Powered Desalinization Plant Would Convert Seawater into Energy, Pure H2O and NaCl.
SEE? Do Evil, Get Punished. Stewart Rhodes of the Oath Keepers Found Guilty... Did You Know that He Shot Himself in the Eye with his Own Gun? He was working as a Firearms Safety Instructor and Had an Accident! SEE? I Told You So! Playing With Guns is CRAZY!
How to IMPEACH THE SCOTUS - Take Action Now! Contact Your Representative in the US House.Tell 'em to Throw The Corrupt GOP Justices OUT!
FENTANYL KILLS: This Information Has Been Kept Secret by The Deep State... But... NOW YOU KNOW!
#FRANCE1789 The Violet Overgrow is Coming. The Failure of the Ruling Class Is Obvious. Join Us in Washington DC for an EXORCISM...
Rainbow Gathering 2023 - July 1-7 in a National Forest In the northern Appalachians, including and between the Alleghenies and the White Mountains National Forest, New Hampshire, USA.
Operation MindSprout - How to Build Your Own Idea Factory! Forge Concepts while you Sleep - It's Easy!
HEADLINE: Deadline for "Real ID" for Air Travel Postponed AGAIN Until May 7, 2025... WONDERFUL! Will they Keep On Postponing? FOREVER? I Hope SO... It's a Totally Bogus Plan designed by Trump to Punish Immigrants... Since Trump is No Longer President the "NEED" to Hassle Immigrants Has Vanished!
The Real Reason Merrick Garland Refuses to Arrest Donald Trump. They are afraid that the Next Time a Republican is Elected President, He Will Have Joe Biden Arrested... As Long as Donald Trump is "Above the Law", they ALL are "Above the Law" and No One Will Ever Be Held Accountable.