Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

CONVERT HUMAN FAT INTO ELECTRICITY With an Exercise Bicycle Power Generator. ZERO POLLUTION. Simply Use the Bicycle to Drive an Automobile Alternator with a Belt... Store Electricity in a Car Battery...

Hundreds of Thousands of exercise Bicycles
ALREADY EXIST and they Create ZERO Electricity...
Let's All Email PELOTON and ask them to
Build USEFUL Power Generator Bicycles!
Bicycle power generator. HSU CCAT
detail of Bicycle Power Generator showing the Belt Driven Alternator... and MY SHADOW

What if we installed electric power generators on every exercise bicycle nationwide... We could replace coal burning power plants and help reverse global warming/climate change. These bicycles let a person spin an automobile alternator using pedal power. Built by CCAT at Humboldt State University

12 volt bicycle generator built by Bart Orlando od the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology Humboldt State University Arcata CA
What if EVERY health club had these? What if Rowing Machines, Treadmills, Weight Lifting Universal Gyms and Stair Steppers had Generators? Imagine Pumping Iron and When the Weights Move Down they Spin an Alternator... We Have the Technology... 
There are Thousands of Health Clubs That COULD BE Generating Electricity but DO NOT... I Emailed PELATON Exercise Bicycle Company but they Ignored Me,,, 

Designed by Humboldt State University Campus Center for Appropriate Technology. 

The MEOW... Mobile Energy Operations Wagon. A Six Bicycle Electricity Generator... HSU CCAT... CONVERT HUMAN FAT INTO POWER...

Bicycle Powered Electric Power Generator HSU CCAT
Bicycle Powered Electric Power Generator HSU CCAT

Maypole dance at Humboldt State University...

Campus Center Appropriate Technology in Arcata California
12 volt bicycle generator built by Bart Orlando of the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology at Humboldt State University in Arcata CA

Campus Center for Appropriate Technology (CCAT)
1 Harpst St
Arcata, CA 95521
Phone: 707-826-3551

Staff Locator for the EPA 
including EMAIL Addresses and Phone Numbers.

I Remember the TIME FREAK EFFECT of Doing Programming on the Computer... I Sat Down in the Lab at School and Drew This Silly Hat... and When I Looked Up at the Clock... HOURS HAD PASSED... I Was Lost in the ZONE... WONDERFUL!
Note the Formula:


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