Hundreds of Thousands of exercise Bicycles
ALREADY EXIST and they Create ZERO Electricity...
Let's All Email PELOTON and ask them to
Build USEFUL Power Generator Bicycles!
Bicycle power generator. HSU CCAT |
What if we installed electric power generators on every exercise bicycle nationwide... We could replace coal burning power plants and help reverse global warming/climate change. These bicycles let a person spin an automobile alternator using pedal power. Built by CCAT at Humboldt State University
What if EVERY health club had these? What if Rowing Machines, Treadmills, Weight Lifting Universal Gyms and Stair Steppers had Generators? Imagine Pumping Iron and When the Weights Move Down they Spin an Alternator... We Have the Technology...
There are Thousands of Health Clubs That COULD BE Generating Electricity but DO NOT... I Emailed PELATON Exercise Bicycle Company but they Ignored Me,,,
Designed by Humboldt State University Campus Center for Appropriate Technology.
The MEOW... Mobile Energy Operations Wagon. A Six Bicycle Electricity Generator... HSU CCAT... CONVERT HUMAN FAT INTO POWER...
Bicycle Powered Electric Power Generator HSU CCAT |
Maypole dance at Humboldt State University...
Campus Center Appropriate Technology in Arcata California
12 volt bicycle generator built by Bart Orlando of the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology at Humboldt State University in Arcata CA |
Campus Center for Appropriate Technology (CCAT)
1 Harpst St
Arcata, CA 95521
Phone: 707-826-3551
Staff Locator for the EPA
including EMAIL Addresses and Phone Numbers.
I Remember the TIME FREAK EFFECT of Doing Programming on the Computer... I Sat Down in the Lab at School and Drew This Silly Hat... and When I Looked Up at the Clock... HOURS HAD PASSED... I Was Lost in the ZONE... WONDERFUL!
Note the Formula: Z=((6-|X|)^2)*((6-|Y|)^2)) |
LINKS TO MORE BLOG POSTS! Here’s a look at Operation Fast and Furious. From 2009-2011, the Phoenix Field Division...
and then I was Reading Facebook... and Found These Posts about how Great it is to Ride the Light Rail Train in San...
Moscow Mitch McConnell thinks about his life of evil. This post was written long ago... before The 2020 Election That Donald Trump Lost... ...
Trump Caused: Massive Unemployment, Endless Business Bankruptcies, the Stock Market Crash and TOTAL FAILURE TO PROTECT AMERICA FROM DIS...
To set the stage: We are at a meeting at the Campfire Council Ring with about 50 people on a Hot Summer Sunday Morning. People Come from Al...
The Bakken Formation supports an unconventional oil and natural gas play in North Dakota and Canada. The main product is oil, but most we...
an anthropological study of White people in the South... The author is a professor at UC Berkeley who went to Louisiana and interviewed &qu...
Now It's 5/10/2021 and Joe Biden is President, Both the House and Senate are Controlled by Democrats and Trump Has Been Banished to Mar-...
Sadly, Elizabeth Warren Did Not Win. We Got Biden, who has a History of being on the Wrong Side of Every Issue... but he's Better than T...
Now... a Million Patriots Need to Create Short, Sharp, Shocking Memes... To Campaign Against the GOP... MONARCHY SUCKS! Please Copy and Pa...
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Free Coloring Book by gvan42
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Photographs of Arcata, CA
Located on Highway 101 in Northern California near Oregon. Arcata is a UNIQUE Town… Home of Humboldt State University and Countless Artists, Musicians and Hippies!
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Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42
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Legalize Medicinal Psychedelics. Let Doctors and Patients Decide for Themselves what Medicine is Best…
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Photos of The Sacramento River near Chico, CA
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Legalize Marijuana Nationwide, Tax It and Free All the Cannabis Prisoners
A Dramatic Savings of Government Spending CURRENTLY WASTED On Law Enforcement and Incarceration and a MASSIVE INCREASE IN VOLUNTARY TAXES! Everybody Wins! We Could Use the Extra Money to Pay for Education and Healthcare for All.
If you don’t smoke you wouldn’t pay a cent. It’s a Win-Win situation. More money going into the Treasury and Less going out. In addition, states that have legal medical marijuana have fewer deaths due to opioid addiction. Some people simply choose the safer drug… DUH…
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LEGALIZE VOTING – Fight the GOP Attempt to Overthrow of the US Government...
DEMOCRACY is Vastly Better than MONARCHY… Especially Mad King Donald… LOCK HIM UP!
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Let’s Stop Advertising Prescription Drugs on TV. Those Ads COST a FORTUNE and The Patients Pay for Them in Higher Drug Prices!
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Secret Trick to Life: Learn How To Do a FACT CHECK on Google.
That Way People CAN’T Lie to You. Because You Refuse To Believe Their Lies… Simply Type the Words “Fact Check” and the Statement You Want to Verify… Read the Results… It Can Be Quite Eye Opening!
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1619 Project: #MoscowMitch McConnell is Reviving Interest Again… Now, It’s a GOP CANCEL CULTURE CAUSE!
He Wants the US Government to BAN Teaching the History of Slavery in the USA… In Public Schools…
I Did a Scientific Experiment On How Drugs Effect My Skill Level Playing Chess.
Results: Coffee Made Me Play Better. Alcohol and Marijuana Made me Worse. LSD Made Me Reject the Entire Idea of Tests and I Refused to Play Games…
It was a Simple Test and You Could Recreate it Yourself for a “PEER REVIEW” – I owned a Chess Computer that Played at Different Skill Levels… I Took Those Drugs – I Played against the Machine and Determined What Level I Could Beat the Machine… and That’s Why… all these years later… the only drug I take is Coffee… and a Dozen “Doctor Drugs” That Don’t Seem to Do Anything but Don’t Seem to Do Any Harm Either… After All... “One Pill Makes You Larger, and One Pill Makes You Small… and The Ones That Mother Gives You Don’t Do Anything at All…” – Grace Slick