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GOP GOES CRAZY! Republicriminals Say: "Women Should Just Do What They Are Told To Do. Old White Men Know What's Best for Everyone. OBEY!" --- The Vast Majority of Americans are PRO-CHOICE!

GOP GOES CRAZY! Republicriminals Say: "Women Should Just Do What They Are Told To Do. Old White Men Know What's Best for Everyone. OBEY!" Thankfully, The Vast Majority of Americans are PRO-CHOICE! and We Will Beat the GOP in 2024...

Keep Abortion Legal protest marches, memes and cartoons - freedom liberty - GOP is Anti-Choice - evil 

The GOP is Anti-Choice. They Want You to Believe That They are Pro-Life But That's a Lie... What's the Difference? Anti-Choice Takes No Action at All to Protect Children from Gun Violence in Schools... Anti-Choice says: We Will Spend NO Taxpayer Dollars on Free Food for Students... 

Can You Imagine What Kind of Sick Person WOULD NOT FEED A HUNGRY CHILD??? 

Republicriminals Say: "Women Should Just Do What They Are Told To Do. Old White Men Know What's Best for Everyone. OBEY!"

Keep Abortion Legal protest marches, memes and cartoons - freedom liberty - GOP is Anti-Choice - evil

and then on FaceBorg... SC Said:
I have a question about the abortion rights if it's pro-life that they're so worried about and I don't know how many of you out there remember being in the room but I don't. What about the children in the schools that are being gunned down? Why aren't they doing anything about that pro-life? It doesn't even come up, doesn't. And they're all Bible bangers. They have no consideration for life. After they're born, just have them. They're not worried about the foster system. There are so many kids out there that don't have homes. What do they doing about that? Nothing? I don't have they can live with themselves. When they're religious, they think you're gonna go meet their Maker. I wish it would happen. Cause i'd love to see that one. How are they gonna take care of that little 10 year old girl that had to go through childbirth? What are they gonna do about that? Are they gonna pay for help for her? Are they gonna pay her medical bills? No, all they want is for her to have that baby.

Keep Abortion Legal protest marches, memes and cartoons - freedom liberty - GOP is Anti-Choice - evil

Keep Abortion Legal protest marches, memes and cartoons - freedom liberty - GOP is Anti-Choice - evil

Keep Abortion Legal protest marches, memes and cartoons - freedom liberty - GOP is Anti-Choice - evil

Keep Abortion Legal protest marches, memes and cartoons - freedom liberty - GOP is Anti-Choice - evil

Keep Abortion Legal protest marches, memes and cartoons - freedom liberty - GOP is Anti-Choice - evil

Keep Abortion Legal protest marches, memes and cartoons - freedom liberty - GOP is Anti-Choice - evil

Keep Abortion Legal protest marches, memes and cartoons - freedom liberty - GOP is Anti-Choice - evil

POP QUIZ! What Do These People Have in Common??? Stewie Rhodes=Guilty, Allen Weisselberg=Guilty, Jesse Benton=Guilty, Lev Parnas=Guilty, Igor Fruman=Guilty, Steve Bannon=Guilty, Nikolas Cruz=Guilty, John Lambert=Guilty, Roger Stone=Guilty, Paul Manafort=Guilty, Mike Flynn=Guilty, Michael Cohen=Guilty, Rick Gates=Guilty, George Papadopoulos=Guilty, Alexander Vanderzwaan=Guilty, Duncan Hunter=Guilty, Chris Collins=Guilty and Over 1,000 QAnon Freaks that Have Been Arrested for Storming the US Capitol on January 6th and FAILING to Overthrow The US Government and Crown Trump King...

They are All TrumpNik® Swamp Creatures... Trumpanzees!

Inmate Peter Navarro - whiner

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