Many Colors of Hat and Thread Available. You MAY Change the Words. What IF You are TOO CHICKEN To Think the Unthinkable... WELL, Say Something ELSE! With a White Hat You May Draw Psychedelic Patterns with Permanent Felt Pens or Acrylic Paints.
Now that I've read Brian Eno's List of great books...
I'll have to write my own list!
In no particular order...
The Monkeywrench Gang by Edward Abbey,
1984 by George Orwell,
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks,
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe,
The Whole Earth Catalog by Stewart Brand,
One Flew Over The Coo Coo's Nest by Ken Kesey,
My Problem Child by Dr Albert Hofmann,
Remember, Be Here Now by Ram Dass,
The Psychedelic Experience by Dr Timothy Leary and Dr Richard Alpert,
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence by Robert Pirsig,
America's Bogus Wars by Gregory Vanderlaan,
Island by Aldous Huxley,
Foundation by Isaac Asimov,
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein,
You are not the Target by Laura Huxley,
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley,
The Time Machine by HG Wells,
Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne,
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol,
Thru the Looking Glass by Lewis Carrol,
The Wizard of OZ by Frank Baum,
Tom Sawyer - Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain,
The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe (and Everything else he wrote),
The Call of Cthulu by HP Lovecraft,
The Teachings of don Juan by Carlos Castaneda,
The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz,
The Art of the Failed Deal by don Trump,
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Charles Mackay,
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
2001 by Arthur C. Clarke,
Dune by Frank Herbert,
The Black Cloud by Fred Hoyle,
The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien,
The Hobbit by J R R Tolkien,
#France1789 by Gregory Vanderlaan,
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card,
The Bible by Various Authors (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Ezekiel, Enoch, Peter, Paul and Mary),
Still Here by Ram Dass,
The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov,
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov,
Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley,
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda,
Alcoholics Anonymous by Bill W.
Keywords for Future Reading: CIA, NSA, FBI, NRO, DARPA, GE, MKULTRA, LSD, brainwashing, mind control, TV News, Advertising, Consumption, NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, MSNBC, CSPAN, CNN, NPR, Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, FaceBorg, love, Boeing, Blackwater, Mad Bomber, George Bush, Martin Marietta, Haliburton, NDAA, money, defense, Lockheed, peace, DOD, Pentagon, insane, Dick Cheney, KBR, corruption, profit, Donald Rumsfeld, propaganda, Union, Revolution, Assassination, Corporate Greed, Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome, Think Tank, SDS, SNCC, Weathermen, Weather Underground, Abbie Hoffman, Albert Hofmann, Jerry Rubin, YIPPIE!, Rainbow Gathering, Diggers, Question Authority, don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreements, Carlos Castaneda, don Juan Mateus, Peyote, Psilocibin, Magic Mushrooms, DMT, AMT, Psychedelic Art, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Santana, Steve Miller, Journey, Sly and the Family Stone, Haight Ashbury, 1984, Brave New World, Be Here Now, The Monkey Wrench Gang, Earth First!, ecology, environmental action, Exploratorium, Stewart Brand, Whole Earth Catalog, Zorro, Joaquin Murietta, Junipero Serra, Judi Beri, Darryl Cherney, Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome, Bubble Up Economics, Voodoo Economics, Trickle Down Economics, QAnon, Tea Party, WOKE, Anti-Woke, Pro Life, Pro Choice, Anti Choice, Pro Death, 8 Billion People, Population Bomb, Genocide, Depleted Uranium, Giant Stinky Seaweed Blog, Governor Ron Death Santa, Futurama, World of Tomorrow, Tomorrowland, Hollywood, Beautiful Downtown Burbank, Rowan and Martin, Laugh In, Smothers Brothers, Pyramid Power, Think for Yourself and Question Authority, Timothy Leary, Richard Alpert, Ram Dass...
and If You Have Never Heard of These Words or These People... Simply Google Them and Learn...
I pasted all those words into google and the Result was an NPR MKULTRA Story... CIA LSD
I pasted all those words into google and the Result was an NPR MKULTRA Story... CIA LSD
and then Caroline Posted:
I will not eat 10 out of 60.
My Response:
I will not eat 0 out of 60. It’s your turn. Use an X to mark what you will NOT eat. All fun people. Don’t take it too seriously.
01. Miracle Whip
02. Anchovies
03. Pig feet
04. Black Jelly Beans
05. Chitterlings
06. Sardines
07. Oysters
08. Sushi
09. Candy Corn
10. Vienna Sausage
11. Brussels Sprouts
12. Mushrooms
13. Liver
14. Circus Peanuts
15. Bologna
16. Black Olives
17. Green Olives
18. Blue Cheese
19. Fruitcake
20. Spam
21. Cabbage
22. Potato salad
23. Eggnog
24. Black Coffee
25. Lima Beans
26. Grits
27. Sauerkraut
28. Chicken gizzards
29. Okra
30. Coleslaw
31. Hot dogs
33. Yogurt
34. Broccoli
35. Hominy
36. Asparagus
37. Black Licorice
38. Eggplant
39. Cottage cheese
40. Tofu
41. Onions
42. Cilantro
43. Raw tomato
44. Beets
45. Capers
46. Canned Tuna
47. Bean sprouts
48. Cantaloupe
49. Baked Beans
50. Rice Pudding
51. Avocado
52. Coconut
53. Eggs
54. Nutella
55. Peas
56. Marshmallow
57. Green Bean Casserole
58. Kimchi
59. Frog Legs
60. Artichokes
Well that was fun. Your turn! You have to COPY…then change MY responses to YOURS.
I'll also eat SPAM... BUT...
What will You BUY?
I won't Buy Chicken Gizzards... or Sushi... or Miracle Whip... or Chitterlings...
and then Joe Blow Wrote of FaceBorg:
Notes on my insanity...
It seems that virtually all the stories of the gods and God started with a holy cow. The first letter of many of our alphabets start with a symbol of a cow. Some time deep in our past people had become powerful. They left huge monuments that defy logic. They were learning fractions and multiplication and more. They were trying to divide the circle into multiples of 2's, 3's, and 5's. They were studying the stars. They were setting up cities and trade networks. They learned many new things and they were making temples to share their ideas and teachings, their visions of what our world was and some worked for the enlightenment of all and others used the treasures of our labor for their own amusement and self-glorification, hoarding it to themselves as has always been.
Then a great catastrophe changed all the world, destroying almost all the work of the past and leaving their whole known world in shambles. Almost all those that had been on the coast that day would have been mercilessly destroyed by the wrath of her eruption. The whole world was chaos.
It was the largest volcanic eruption in recent history, the aftermath of which has changed us forever, even torn our souls apart leaving forever fearing the gods wrath and yet it is but the tiniest little footnote in our history, albeit, a history that is known to be corrupt, not much more than a well edited patriotic hymn to corrupt political systems helping to make palatable the unsavory nature of what really happened to all of us yet still one would think... Obviously people don't really want to know.
But if you do, it's like I insinuated at the start, all of our first stories come from one event but the stories all come from many different sources that were woven together from verbal transmission, many hundreds of years later with whatever editing and extras that have gotten into what they wrote since.
In order to make sense of them, imo, you have to reverse the idea given to us in the story of tower of Babel. Instead of God scattering people after they built this tower, people instead came together to find out what had happened then after learning new things and new words and languages, they took them back and added them along with their own spin to their own stories.
But for us, the significance of the Minoan eruption isn't even touched on. Can you see the story of Moses as a remnant of the story of people who escaped to the mountains after a massive flood had left frogs all across the land, after having had a huge poisonous gas cloud pass over. Can you see Lot's wife perishing going back from behind the mountain. Can you see the Bull god, Baal, or Zeus and Hera each, the god as seen by different survivors, married later when they were not understood for what they were originally. Can you see the end of the Titans and Atlantis? Can you see a ship washed into the endless sea for forty days or a one eyed monster that eats 40 sheep at a time or the awful Medusa with hair like fiery snakes and all those who had looked upon her turned to stone, like those of Pompey or some other god mountain that people came to worship. Even our word for story comes from that bull story. Why did they call the first five books of the OT, The Torah?
They called the volcano, Thera, like Hera.
What about the Sahara? Could it possibly be that the Sahara was actually mostly caused by the eruption of Thera? In my mind I can see it clearly that Sahara means "the wrath of Hera".
Let's ask ChatGPT...
How would they say the wrath of Hera?
In Ancient Greek, the wrath of Hera would be expressed as "ὀργὴ Ἥρας" (orgē Hēras), where "ὀργή" (orgē) means "wrath" or "anger", and "Ἥρα" (Hēra) is the Greek name for the goddess Hera.
What other words mean wrath?
θυμός (thymos) - wrath, rage, fury
μῆνις (mēnis) - wrath, anger, rage
χόλος (cholos) - wrath, anger, indignation
ἔκθυμος (ekthymos) - wrathful, furious, enraged
These words were commonly used in Greek literature and mythology to describe the anger and fury of the gods, heroes, and other characters.
Czar, Ceasar, keiser, geezer, Sar in Hebrew, all come from the word for king or prince and Sara means princess.
The name "Sahara" comes from the Arabic word "ṣaḥrāʾ" (صحراء), which means "desert". It is not clear exactly when this name was first used to refer to the vast desert region that covers much of North Africa, as the region has been inhabited for thousands of years by various indigenous peoples who had their own names for the desert.
Now meditate on the these syllabic connections...
Zeus, Theos, Deus, Jesus...
They are all the same theme from different folks and they all have a ton of baggage that goes with them.
There are those who see the power in these symbols as a way to heal and transform our society and help us understand ourselves better and their have always been those who use them to look down on others and lord over them while lying about what the truth of our past was and doing the best to cover it up. It is no less true today than it was then.
Burn your illusions. Free yourself from the nonsense.
But we can keep the true spirit of love that it was built on and not deny people their incredible heritage and the right to think for themselves. All of us deserve better.
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