Join the so-called "Resistance" - Organize Your Own Anti-Trump Event or Join an Already Existing Group! March for Our Lives, Planned Parenthood, Earth First!, NOW, BLM or the ACLU... 25th Amendment.
25th Amendment!
Remove a disabled president that cannot serve
for medical reasons, including insanity.
I Never Read Twitter. Too Much CrazyTalk® For Example: for years Trump has tweeted: "I Won! I Really Won! I Won, I Won, I Won! I Really, Really, Really, Really WON! I WON! USA! USA! USA! I Won!!! Triple Exclamation Points! MAGA GAGA GOO GOO I WON! I Really, Really, Really, Really, Really WON! MAGA MAGA GAGA GOO GOO! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I WWWWWOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNN!
Actually, I Lost but... It was Rigged! Rigged! Rigged!"
Yes it's True... Twitter has always been the Home of QuackAnon Freaks... There is ZERO Chance of Reading Anything Worthy...
Arrest Trump Now
DOJ Do Your Job
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