Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Bipartisan Rejection of Matt Gaetz for Attorney General. Everybody Knows Matt's Insane... Except Trump, He can't figure it out! His Dementia is obvious!

Bipartisan Rejection of Matt Gaetz for Attorney General. Everybody Knows Matt's Insane... Except Trump, He can't figure it out! His Dementia is obvious!

Bipartisan Rejection of Matt Gaetz for Attorney General. Everybody knows Matt's Insane... Except Trump, He can't figure it out!

Join the so-called "Resistance" - Organize Your Own Anti-Trump Event or Join an Already Existing Group! March for Our Lives, Planned Parenthood, Earth First!, NOW, BLM or the ACLU... 25th Amendment.

25th Amendment!
Remove a disabled president that cannot serve
for medical reasons, including insanity.

Trump 5150 button

I Never Read Twitter. Too Much CrazyTalk® For Example: for years Trump has tweeted: "I Won! I Really Won! I Won, I Won, I Won! I Really, Really, Really, Really WON! I WON! USA! USA! USA! I Won!!! Triple Exclamation Points! MAGA GAGA GOO GOO I WON! I Really, Really, Really, Really, Really WON! MAGA MAGA GAGA GOO GOO! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I Won! I WWWWWOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNN!

Actually, I Lost but... It was Rigged! Rigged! Rigged!"
#ArrestTrump - meme - fear in his eyes - gvan42

Yes it's True... Twitter has always been the Home of QuackAnon Freaks... There is ZERO Chance of Reading Anything Worthy... 

Arrest Trump Now - DOJ Do Your Job - free coloring book art by gvan42
Arrest Trump Now 
DOJ Do Your Job 

free coloring book art by gvan42

BOYCOTT EVERYTHING UNTIL PRICES COME DOWN! ... Corporations Will Keep on Raising Prices Higher and Higher and Higher UNTIL PEOPLE STOP BUYING. They Would Charge You $100 for a Quart of Milk if They Could Get Away With It! READ MORE:

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