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SCOTUS ABORTION DECISION MONDAY - DO NOT STORM the Supreme Court... Let Them Make Abortion Illegal Peacefully... Behave Quietly... Be Good Little Girls and Boys! LEARN NOTHING From 1/6/2021... Do Not Surround the Building Setting Off 140dB Personal Alarms... NO Bear Spray... That Would Be RUDE! Make Little Brett CRY! *Just Joking* #France1789

Corrupt TrumpNik® SCOTUS

Make a Joyful Noise! *Just Kidding*

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Massive #ArrestTrump Movement on Social Media. Millions of Americans are Demanding That The DOJ "Lock Him UP!" Help Defend Democracy! Post Your Own Memes, Videos and Rants! or Like and Share Mine...

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If Angry Protesters Wanted to... They Could Walk all around the SCOTUS Building... 1st street, Maryland Ave, Constitution Ave, 2nd Street, East Capitol Ave... Sounding Off 140dB Personal Alarms... and Wearing Foam Ear Plugs to Protect Their Hearing. 

BUT NO BEAR SPRAY... NO Polluting the Air on All Four Sides... No Wearing of Gas Masks! None of that Crazy Action! No Food Fights in the Cafeteria! None of That!

Note: Out of concern for the health and safety of the public and Supreme Court employees, the Supreme Court Building will be closed to the public until further notice. The Building will remain open for official business. All public lectures and visitor programs are temporarily suspended. That way they Can Do Their Evil Deeds Without anyone Noticing... and then Escape before the Press Alerts the Public... 

Headline: These Aren’t Justices. They’re Used Car Salesmen, and They’re Coming for Your Abortion Rights.
The Supreme Court’s new conservative majority doesn’t just want to take your rights away—they want you to thank them for doing it.

The high court agreed to hear the Biden administration’s challenge to the law on Nov. 1, on an expedited schedule. Legal observers predict that the court will toss the law out. I—and many wary pro-choicers—predict that after tossing the law out, the media will fawn over the court’s newfound social moderation, and the Susan Collinses of the world will crow that they were right, the hysterical feminists were wrong, and the Supreme Court was never going to toss abortion rights on—as Mike Pence would say—“the ash-heap of history.”
The following month SCOTUS will hear oral arguments in the case of Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health, testing the constitutionality of a Mississippi law that directly confronts Roe v. Wade by banning abortion after 15 weeks’ gestation. Roe established in 1973 that the government has no right to interfere with abortion access prior to fetal viability—around 24.5 weeks’ gestation (a full-term pregnancy takes 40 weeks). Dobbs is the direct challenge to Roe that conservative activists have had a hard-on for since Reagan.

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