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'QAnon Shaman' Jacob Chansley was sentenced to 41 months in prison for his role in Trump's Failed Attempt to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself Czar. January 6th, 2021 at the US Capitol.

Qanon Shaman Found Guilty got 41 Months in Prison - meme - gvan42

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Many Lock Him UP! T-Shirts, Buttons, Stickers 
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~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

It's been a Difficult week to be a Republicriminal... Gosar the Gosarian Censured by the US House of Represernatives... Did You see How Angry Kevin McCarthy was when he made his speech? So Much Finger Pointing and Shouting... I Guess That's all you can do when Your Buddy is Obviously Guilty and You Know He's Going to Lose... and Gosar the Gosarian Doesn't Even Know What He Did Wrong! 

Steve Bannon Indicted for Contempt of Congress... and... 

That Guy who was the Poster Boy for the GOP Voter Fraud Laws in Nevada... In Fact, He was the One Found Guilty of Voting Twice... No Need for Laws that Prevent Democrats from Voting Twice... It's the CORRUPT REPUBLICANS That GET CAUGHT after they Go On TV and Lie, Lie, Lie... 

It's Wonderful That People are Refusing The COVID Vaccine, Getting Sick and Dying. We Don't Need People LIKE THAT in the Future...

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