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CAUGHT! Republican Guilty of Voter Fraud. The Poster Boy of the GOP Crusade to Prevent "Stealing Elections" by Changing Laws to Prevent Democrats from Voting.

He made Many TV Appearances where he made the Case for New Republican Anti-Voter Laws... Pretending that Democratic Fraud Needed to be Stopped... All the While He Knew that HE HIMSELF Was the Criminal... and Now He's Getting PUNISHED... 

Nevada Man Featured in GOP Ad on Voter Fraud Admits to Forging Dead Wife's Name on Ballot... 

GOP Corruption Voter Fraud BOGUS - Nevada man pleads guilty to voting twice

Nevada man who claimed to have evidence of 2020 election fraud pleads guilty to voting twice... 

A Las Vegas man whose claim he had evidence of fraud in the 2020 presidential election was amplified by the Nevada Republican Party pleaded guilty on Tuesday to voting more than once in the same election.

Last November, Donald "Kirk" Hartle told KLAS that someone cast a ballot in the election for his wife, Rosemarie Hartle... AND THAT SOMEONE TURNED OUT TO BE HIMSELF! 

In a statement, Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford said that "though rare, voter fraud can undercut trust in our election system. This particular case of voter fraud was particularly egregious because the offender continually spread inaccurate information about our elections despite being the source of fraud himself." The Nevada GOP has not deleted its tweet about Hartle's false claims, or responded to KLAS's requests for comment.

Gosar the Gosarian - to be sanctioned for Tweeting Cartoon of Himself Killing AOC - But he doesn't understand what he did wrong... INSANE!
Gosar the Gosarian - to be sanctioned for
Tweeting Cartoon of Himself Killing AOC -
But he doesn't understand what he did wrong...

Representative Gosar the Gosarian faces censure over an anime video of himself killing AOC... 

The House will vote on a resolution to censure Arizona Republican Rep. Paul Gosar for posting a video on social media that depicts him murdering Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.

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