Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

GREENWASHING - Examples of Corporations Publishing Advertisements That Make Them Look Like They are Doing Ecological Work while they are Actually Destroying The Environment.

Many TV Advertisements SELL CONCEPTS Not Products... For Example: The CONCEPT That The Corporation ExxonValdez is a BioEngineering Pioneer and They are Ecological Saints! Just Look at Their Corporate Symbol... a TREE! 

Totally Creepy ExxonValdez TV AD - MEME - gvan42
Totally Creepy ExxonValdez TV AD

Hug It and FORGET That Their Fossil Fuels are Causing Climate Change and the Extinction of Human Life on Earth ---> It is All PROPAGANDA DESIGNED TO MAKE EVIL CORPORATIONS LOOK WONDERFUL <---


British Petroleum Shows Films of Windmills... Bayer [Monsanto] want you to FORGET That They Are the Maker of RoundUP=Cancer... They Try To Distract You... Remember... We Invented Aspirin! That's what We do!

Hot Stock Market Tip: Sell all Stock in Fossil Fuel Companies... Their Business is DOOMED! Invest in Solar, Wind and COMPANIES THAT MAKE AIR CONDITIONERS... With The entire Planet Heating UP, many People will want COOL AIR...

It’s time to rein in the fossil fuel giants before their greed chokes the planet...

Boycott Plastic Garbage! Chicken of the Sea Tuna is Marketing "Infusions" with a Plastic Bowl, Lid and Fork. Trash that will pollute the Earth for 10,000 Years. REFUSE TO BUY PLASTIC CRAP.

I Oppose Small PLASTIC Containers for Single Servings of Food. Since We Already Have the Technology to Make Milk Cartons, WHY NOT use Waxed Paper for Cheese, Coffee, Yogurt and Sliced Ham?

I keep on seeing TV advertisements for Keurig Coffee that puts ONE CUP Worth of coffee grounds in a little PLASTIC container... Ridiculous! We have been brewing coffee for Hundreds of Years without Little Plastic Cups! You buy a two pound Aluminum Can and scoop a few spoonfuls into your percolator... or your drip coffee machine... using brown paper filters... simple, easy, clean, ecological and NOW, ALL OF A SUDDEN, WE HAVE AN INVENTION THAT CREATES MILLIONS OF LITTLE PLASTIC CUPS!

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Oil and Gas Corporations are spending millions of dollars on campaigns to fight climate regulations at the same time as touting their dedication to a low-carbon future, according to a joint analysis by the Guardian and InfluenceMap.
Their global PR campaigns on social media promote a commitment to a green, low-carbon future, but across the US in particular, specific local campaigns are obstructing tighter regulations on fossil fuel extraction.
In many cases, oil and gas companies are using direct advertising but some targeted lobbying appears to be more opaque. It is channelled through so called “community” groups – which are being funded by fossil fuel companies.
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HEY, ECO-WARRIORS! I Loved Riding the Bus and Light Rail in San Jose and EUREKA, California. I Remember I was able to get to work on the Bus ...and... Drinking and Driving is Not Only Illegal But Actually Dangerous While Drinking and Riding the Bus is FUN...
Magic Bus in Eureka California gvan42

On Halloween, I Brought My Guitar and Sang for the Party Goers on the San Jose Light Rail... BIG FUN!

More Importantly, I Rode from Almaden to the San Jose Public Library and Used the Free Computers there to Build a Website in the Late 1990s. Tripod and Yahoo Geocities... I didn't know what I was doing but the Other Patrons were Happy to Help. My Content is Still Online 23 Years Later!

Solar Powered Street Lights Would Save a LOT of Electricity Currently Being Generated in Coal, Natural Gas and Atomic Power Plants (Polluting the World) and Distributed Using WIRES. That's WASTEFUL and DANGEROUS... POWER LINES CAUSE FOREST FIRES. 

Nothing NEW Needs to Be Invented... We Ought to Simply Replace the Millions of Old Style Street Lights... With Solar Cells and LED Lamps... The Concept of Generating Power in One Central Location and Distributing it to the User is Quite Wasteful... Some Electricity JUST VANISHES over the Long Distance... and DANGEROUS because the Wires Start Forest Fires... PG&E Power Company Just Burned the Entire Town Of Paradise, CA... and It Caused the Company to Go Bankrupt. Distributing Power From a Central Generator is an Obsolete Idea. What if Every House had Solar Panels on the Roof That Provided Enough Electricity to UNPLUG FROM THE GRID...

Please Let Your Elected Officials Know That WE Have Had Enough of the Madness!

Truly Creepy TV Advertisements... Power Past Impossible Pro Oil Propaganda... Trying to sell the idea that burning Fossil Fuels is Wonderful...

It has become obvious that Renewable Energy is our future but... all those people employed in the Fossil Fuel Industry are fighting for their lives to keep the USA purchasing increasing quantities of Oil and Gas... Their jobs depend on a steady flow of oil out of the ground into refineries and into our gas tanks... and all that plastic crap that is polluting the planet... Plastic does not "go away" ever... and we already see giant swirls of floating plastic in the oceans... The People that are employed by Exxon, Shell, BP, Halliburton and Koch have vast pools of money that they are now using to buy advertising talent to convince you and I that it is "cool" to buy gas... and plastic...

an alternative to buying corporate crap is to simply reduce the amount you travel in a car... In my youth it was fashionable to drive all over the USA following The Grateful Dead (an American Rock Band)... really... people (including me) would drive 8 hours or more to attend yet another concert... I'm not making this up... Well, now days traveling places is not really needed anymore... We can travel using the internet to see what's happening on the other side of the planet... It's all this driving around that is causing Climate Change.

Of Course, we all have to drive to work every day... Unless we live close enough to the office to ride the bus... Twice in my lifetime I was able to ride the bus to work. San Jose has great bus/light rail service and so does Eureka, California. One advantage to riding the bus is that you meet people... and become friends with them. In my case I met some women on the bus. I like women and was glad to have their friendship. We would sit in the back and chat for a half an hour every workday. VERY Pleasant...

Quit buying Plastic Crap. I'll say it again... Quit buying Plastic Crap. Just look for an alternative... One thing that is absurd is all the plastic bottles for drinking water... why not drink the water right out of the tap? The answer is that often tap water is poisonous... Well, what we need to do as a society is clean up the water that comes into our homes... really... Remember that showering in poisonous water is as bad for your health as drinking fracked water... and a coke at Taco Bell comes in a plastic cup... why not a waxed paper cup?

another alternative action  is to divest your stock market portfolio of oil and gas investments... Like we divested from tobacco companies... simply call your stockbroker and ask to switch ownership of stock from oil and gas to solar and wind... It's an investment strategy that will win in the long run. American Petroleum Institute Launches Pro-Oil Ad Campaign... In this latest case, the real question is why API decided to begin lobbying the public directly, rather than using its money and clout to influence politicians who actually create the laws and some of the regulations governing the oil and gas industry. The answer to that question is likely simple: The oil and gas industries are already maximizing the benefits they are receiving from elected leaders, and are now focusing on gaining public approval.

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