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Beto O'Rourke is Running for Governor of Texas in 2022... WONDERFUL! Let's ALL Join the Campaign!

Official Campaign Website.

Beto for Governor of Texas 2022

--->Greg Abbott is Quite Stupid<--- 

I Know, I Know... We Ought to Cut Greg some Slack... he was BORN THAT WAY... Just Like that Lady Gaga Song... 

after all... We Wouldn't Mock Greg Abbott for Being Unable to Walk... His BRAIN DAMAGE is Exactly The Same... We Need to Put Him in a Place Where He Cannot Do Harm to Himself and Others... Out To Pasture!

Here's a Link to All My "Lock Him UP!" Merchandise...

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on a different subject... 

It's Wonderful That People are Refusing The COVID Vaccine, Getting Sick and Dying. We Don't Need People LIKE THAT in the Future...

WebMD Says:

Almost All U.S. COVID-19 Deaths Now in the Unvaccinated.

Of more than 18,000 people who died from COVID-19, for example, only about 150 were fully vaccinated. That's less than 1%.

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and then on FaceBorg... SE SAID:

I just saw a discussion in a local group about an annual event called Christmas in the Park. Someone in the comments brought up another local annual event called Holiday Lights, and this person complained that it uses the word "holiday." Then the person proceeded to complain that they're not ALLOWED to say "Christmas" anymore. The entire discussion started because people were talking about CHRISTMAS in the Park! Obviously people are allowed to say "Christmas." I honestly don't understand where people are getting this ridiculous notion that somehow the word "Christmas" is taboo, simply because some people would rather use the more inclusive word "holiday." Nobody ever said that you're not allowed to say "Christmas"! It's absolutely bizarre that people continue to spread this falsehood!

and HO Said: People are convinced that there's a 'war on Christmas' because we want to make the holidays inclusive of other non-Christian religions. It is ridiculous.

and SE Replied: This particular exchange was especially bizarre to me, because they were talking about two upcoming events, one of which has "Christmas" in the name, and the other which has "Holiday" in the name. But apparently the fact that they BOTH don't have "Christmas" in the name is what made this person feel that they "aren't allowed" to say the word. But if they truly WEREN'T allowed to say the word, the other event would change its name to "Holiday in the Park." But that hasn't happened, and there is no plan for that to ever happen, because the reality is that nobody has an issue with the word "Christmas" except for these weirdos who are convinced that they're not allowed to say it.

and I Replied: It's Just Christians "Playing the Victim Card" - It's Totally Bogus... Just Like Republicriminals are Objecting to Teaching ACCURATE HISTORY in School by Renaminging it Hypocritical Race Theory... Thankfully, the same people are refusing the COVID Vaccine are are DYING in Record Numbers... We Certainly Don't Need People LIKE THAT in the Future...

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

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