Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Let's Stop Hating Each Other. In Fact, Most Democrats and Republicans are Just Poor People Trying to Survive and All of Us are Afraid of the Future.

TV News Endlessly Broadcasts Hate Speech Targeting the Other Side... When in Fact, It's the Super Rich that are the Enemy... #ClassWar #TaxtheRich #GuillotineNow #France1789

Let's Stop Hating Each Other. meme gvan42

meme: Let's Stop Hating Each Other

It's Easy to Hate Republicans because What They Say is Often Wrong... But We Ought to Forgive them for Believing Lies Because Many of Them Were Born Stupid. 

Sure, They are Confused... But Isn't the Main Problem that they have been Brainwashed by Trump, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh? Taking Advantage of Simple People for High Ratings? Hate Speech For Profit!

Their Marketing Plan is to Frighten People by Shouting DANGER DANGER... People WILL Continue to Watch TV Shows that Promise to Tell You Exactly What the Danger IS... That's because for Ten Thousand Years, When we were Tribes Living in Caves, People That Were ALERT when Someone Shouted DANGER Survived... If You Ignored the Warning, a Sabre Toothed Tiger Ate You and You Stopped Having Children... So... Like Darwin Said... Staying ALERT had a survival value. And Fox News, Trump and Rush Limbaugh have USED THIS Fact as a Marketing Plan!  To Gain and Retain Viewers... 

What's The Difference Between Rush Limbaugh and The Hindenburg? One is a Flaming Nazi Gasbag and the Other is an Aircraft!
What's The Difference Between Rush Limbaugh and The Hindenburg? One is a Flaming Nazi Gasbag and the Other is
an Aircraft!

Duck God Rabbit God Cartoon
Sometimes I Feel Like the Democrats are Supporters of the Duck God While Republicans are Friends of the Rabbit God... But Then I Realize that The GOP is Truly EVIL... 
IN LEADERSHIP... #MoscowMitch, The Koch Brothers, Governor Greg Abbot, Devin Nunes, Governor Ron Death Santa, Rafael (Ted) Cruz, #FreeNestor 

Those People are Demonically Possessed...

Our Governor, Gavin Newsom Couldn't Make it to the COP26 Climate Change Conference because he was too busy Trick or Treating with his Children BUT He found time to Attend the Getty Wedding... Getty OIL Heiress... 

and Is The USA Really so Different Than Conditions in France in 1789 Just before the Revolution? 

Is The USA Really so Different Than Conditions in France in 1789 Just before the Revolution?

UNTIL PRICES COME DOWN... A NATIONWIDE BOYCOTT OF EVERYTHING! Corporations Will Keep on Raising Prices Higher and Higher and Higher UNTIL PEOPLE STOP BUYING. They Would Charge You $100 for a Quart of Milk if They Could Get Away With It!

Prices are not Accidentally Set... Corporate Drones Do Careful Math to Determine the Highest Price the Public will Allow... They Call It: "Whatever the Market Will Bear." 

MEME - Until Prices Come Down, A Nationwide Boycott on Everything.
MEME - Until Prices Come Down...
A Nationwide Boycott on Everything!

If You Wear a Bicycle Helmet,

You're "Living in Fear" according to Anti-Mask Idiots.

Whip Inflation Now Button from Gerald Ford's Era

OK... You Have to Eat Every Day BUT... as We Learned in the Sixties... It's Possible to Eat Veggies and Brown Rice... The Entire Nation Needs to Become Organic Earth Mothers... or a Friend of an Organic Earth Mother... 

It's Possible to Pay Cash or Barter for Food at the Farmer's Market in Town... Sometimes They Will Trade... and then You're NOT a Part of that Corporate System that's Destroying America... 

Simply Refuse To Buy Their Chinese Junk... No Buying New iPhones, No New Video Game Consoles, No New Clothes, No New Cars, No New Trucks, No Boats, No Airplane Tickets, NO AIRPLANES! No New Diamonds, No New Kitchen Machines, No Plastic Toys, No New Records, No Concert Tickets, No New Walk In Bathtubs, No New Houses, Your Generation Will Never Be Able to Afford a House... You've Got That Student Loan to Pay Off First! ... NONE OF THAT!

AND... As a World We Need To Reduce Miles Driven to the Absolute Minimum... Have You Seen The Price of GAS? $5.00 a Gallon... Dang! I'm Gonna Keep That Thing PARKED!

Anyway... You Don't Really Have a Choice... 
At These Prices Who Can Afford it? 

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If You Wear a Seatbelt, You're "Living in Fear"
according to Anti-Mask Idiots.
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Free Coloring Book: Print as Many Copies as You Like and Share With Friends. Color with Felt Pens or Pencils... ALL FOR FUN!

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

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