Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

The TV Show "Charlie's Angels" is Based on Charles Manson. They just "Flipped The Script" so Charlie would be a Good Guy... Better Ratings, Larger Audience... and then They Flipped it again to make "The Witches of Eastwick."

I'm Delighted that the Angel Lisa Ling Has Made a Comeback with her own show."This is Life" on CNN... A Docudrama... She also was in "Futurama" as a Robot... 

Charlie's Angel on Futurama

I love Funny Hats meme by gvan42
Whenever I See a Person Wearing a Towel on
their Head I Remember the
Movie Team America: World Police... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
On a Different Subject...
Here's a Story I Wrote!
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

"The Violet Overgrow - An Eco-Warrior's Journey" by Gregory Vanderlaan - [FICTION]

This Story is Hopelessly Out of Date: It was 
Written in 2020... a Dark Time in American 
History... Thankfully, The American People 
BANISHED tRUMP to Mar-A-Loser, Florida. 
and Democrats Took Control of The White 
House, The US House of Representatives and 
The Senate... 

Chapter Zero: 

"tRUMP's EPA=Enable Polluters Agency." 
Shouted Suzy into the Megaphone. "Let's Flip The 
Mission! Bring Back Protection of the Environment#FRANCE1789 #FRANCE1789
and Everybody Chanted Along... 
"#FRANCE1789... #FRANCE1789..."

They Were at a Protest March in Arcata, CA... 
Disrupting the Military Industrial Complex... 

Billy Replied: "Oh Susan, You Are Just Preaching 
to The Choir Here... All These Earth First! People 
ALREADY Agree With You... Let's Take Our 
Message to Washington DC and Speak Truth To 
Power! Let's Go To The Actual EPA and Raise a 

"The Time Has Come for the Violet Overgrow of 
the Government!" Shouted Suzy into the 

"Will You Shut The F*CK UP?" said Billy "Don't 
You See That Short Haired Guy Wearing a Wig? 
He's an Obvious NARC! We Will Get More Done 
IF We are a Bit More Clandestine from Here on 
OUT. "

"OK... I'll Take a Break... I Won't Say a Thing..." 
Whispered Suzy into the Megaphone... With the 
Switch ON... and Everybody Heard Her...

The Violet Overgrow - An Eco-Warriors Journey by Gregory Vanderlaan - cover art - gvan42

Billy Started Making Plans for "Storming The 
Castle" and In His Mind He Remembered Exactly 
What it Looked Like... He Started Daydreaming... 
Floating Off Into a Trance... ZOOM ZOOM ZOOM


~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~
On a Different Subject...
Here's Another Story I Wrote!
~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

"Doing Evil for Money - A Novel" by Gregory Vanderlaan - Sequel to The Violet Overgrow...

Doing Evil for Money - a Novel --- creepy eye on the back of the dollar bill - gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan - Preface: I Have Had Personal Experience Working as a Defense Contractor Designing Equipment for the Air Force. By Accident I Got Laid off and the Next Job was for the United States Postal Service... Designing Machines for Sorting Mail and Vending Stamps... I Felt a Lot Happier DOING GOOD WITH MY LIFE instead of DOING EVIL. Making Weapons is Fundamentally Unsatisfying... What if My Stuff Actually Got Used? HOWEVER... It Was High Pay and so I Gladly Did Evil for Money... Most People Would... I Had a Wife and a Mortgage and was what was Called a Yuppie... Soon to Be Divorced and We Sold the House and That was Freeing... Believe it or Not, During the Late 1970s I Had DOUBTS About My Hippie Values... What IF We Were Wrong During the Sixties?   and I Was a Stranger in a Strange Land. The Only Californian Living and Working in McLean, Virginia... Everyone Else I Knew Had No Doubt At All about Working for the Military Industrial Complex... They Were All "East Coast" People... Even that Math Wizard that Seemed to Have No Tasks at Work... He Had a Decorative Box on His Coffee Table at Home Filled With Marijuana... Even He Was Not Concerned With War and Peace...

Chapter Zero: A Continuation of "The Violet 

Overgrow: An Eco-Warrior's Journey" 

They Were Motoring West on Route 66 When 

Susan Said: 

"Check This Out... I'm Reading this Website and 

The Guy Says: "We hold these truths to be 

self-evident, that all men are created equal, 

[Except Blacks and Women] that they are endowed 

by their Creator [Named Jesus, Allah, Yahweh, 

Odin, Thor, KRSNA, Buddha or a Thousand 

Other Names] with certain unalienable Rights, 

that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit 

of Happiness.”[Unless your Pursuit uses Marijuana 

or Psychedelics as a Sacrament] - DANG... So Many

 Disclaimers... Was This Written by a Freaking 

Lawyer? Pretty Damn Insightful... Ya Think?"

Billy Answered: " I Don't Worry About Stuff Like 

That. Being a White Male, All That Discrimination 

Talk is Not Interesting to Me. It's Like Rap Music... 

Endless Complaining About How Life SUCKS For 

Black People... Valid, True, Accurate BUT... I Just 

Couldn't Care Less..."

and they Eased on Down the Road...  

"You Know What I'd Like to Do? Asked Billy "I'd 

Like to Feed the CEO of Dow Chemical a Couple 

of Cannabis Cookies and See if It's Possible to 


FOR MONEY to Doing Good For The Planet!"

"Ok" Said Susan... His House is Right on the Way... 

about a Thousand Miles Ahead... 

and they Eased on Down the Road... 

"Since You've Got Google on that Phone... Find out 

Who It Is..."

"It's Jim Fitterling.." Said Susan... "and Here are 

Directions To His Country Club... The Midland 

Country Club at 1120 W St Andrews Rd, Midland, 

Michigan... Thank You Google maps..."

"Next Stop, Where the Thumb Meets the Index 

Finger in It's a Mitten, Michigan!" Said Billy.

Location of the Midland Country Club in "It's a Mitten Michigan" - Google Maps - gvan42

Untitled - None of Your Freaking Beeswax - NARC
Map to the Villain's Lair... 

Then Billy Said: "Susan, You've Got That Faraway 
Look In Your Eye... What are You Wondering 

And Susan Replied: "I've always questioned what
was happening BEFORE the Big Bang. Did
Gravity Cause the Universe to Collapse into One
Unstable point That Subsequently Blew UP? Was
Our Big Bang One of Billions of Big Bangs?
Stretching Back through time... Forever and Ever...

Billy Said: "Well, We'll Never Know the Answer To 
That One, But... "

and at That Moment a Fully Loaded Logging 
Truck Blew Its Horn! HOOOONNNNKKKK! 
Billy, Lost in thought, had drifted over the Center 
Line on the Road and was Headed for a Fatal Car 
Crash... at The Very The Last Moment He Swerved 
and Saved All Three of Their Lives! 

"Thank God You Didn't Run Head on into that 
Fully Loaded Logging Truck. Said Susan... "That's 
a Little Reminder that REALITY EXISTS No 
Matter What You Believe."

  • ~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

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