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Let's Beat Devin Nunes in 2022. Vote for Phil Arballo. Census Redistricting in Fresno Could Make Devin's District Majority Democratic. ADIOS MoooooooChacho... Hasta La Vista CRYBABY!

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Let's Beat Devin Nunes in 2022. Vote for Phil Arballo.
#RUNAWAY from the GOP

HEADLINE: New California redistricting maps would make tough elections for Devin Nunes, Josh Harder...

The Redistricting Wildcard:

Much of the credit for Devin Nunes’ long career may be due to the fact his district was designed to create a GOP stronghold that–until Democratic candidate Andrew Janz’ hard-fought attempt to unseat Nunes in 2016 almost succeeded–was practically unassailable. Nunes could well lose that geographical leg-up when California redraws maps for congressional districts, this time with both parties inking the lines.

“With redistricting this year, it’s going to get more competitive,” Arballo said.

As it stands, coupling Tulare County with more conservative-leaning areas of Fresno County has worked to Nunes’ benefit. His percentage of votes in Tulare County was far greater than his returns from the district’s northern reaches. Nunes’ disdain for public appearances and his lack of responsiveness to constituents is becoming more and more unacceptable in the current political climate.

“It’s only going to get worse this year,’ Arballo said. “There’s no reason for Devin to make himself available to anyone.”

Compounding the situation is the growing number of CD-22 voters moving away from the GOP. A final draft of the results of the California Citizens Redistricting Committee should be complete by mid-December of this year.

“It’s only a matter of time until we can put in a real representative,” said Arballo.

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