Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

CONVERT HUMAN FAT INTO ELECTRICITY. Simply Use the Bicycle to Drive an Automobile Alternator with a Belt... Store Electricity in a Car Battery... Zero Pollution! Email Peloton: Ask 'em to Build Electric Power Generator Stationary Bikes.

Bicycle power generator. HSU CCAT
detail of Bicycle Power Generator showing the Belt Driven Alternator... and MY SHADOW

What if we installed electric power generators on every exercise bicycle nationwide... We could replace coal burning power plants and help reverse global warming/climate change. These bicycles let a person spin an automobile alternator using pedal power. Built by CCAT at Humboldt State University

12 volt bicycle generator built by Bart Orlando od the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology Humboldt State University Arcata CA

What if EVERY health club had these? What if Rowing Machines, Treadmills, Weight Lifting Universal Gyms and Stair Steppers had Generators? Imagine Pumping Iron and When the Weights Move Down they Spin an Alternator... We Have the Technology... 

There are Thousands of Health Clubs That COULD BE Generating Electricity but DO NOT... I Emailed PELOTON Exercise Bicycle Company but they Ignored Me,,, 

Designed by Humboldt State University Campus Center for Appropriate Technology. 

The MEOW... Mobile Energy Operations Wagon. A Six Bicycle Electricity Generator... HSU CCAT... CONVERT HUMAN FAT INTO POWER...

Bicycle Powered Electric Power Generator HSU CCAT
Bicycle Powered Electric Power Generator HSU CCAT

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Massive #ArrestTrump Movement on Social Media. Millions of Americans are Demanding That The DOJ "Lock Him UP!" Read More at:

Click Here to Help Defend Democracy! Post Your Own Memes, Videos and Rants! or Like and Share Mine...

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From blockages to weekly protests, environmental campaigners in Germany are angry at the continued extraction of coal. Euronews' Hans von der Brelie heads to one of the world’s largest opencast pits, Garzweiler II, to witness for himself the battle to close the country's lignite mines.

I arrive at sunrise, overwhelmed by the beauty of the industrial landscape, which stretches as far as the eye can see. An abstract pattern of earth and lignite layers bathed in the early morning light.

But it’s a deadly beauty: if all those hundreds of millions of tonnes of coal actually do get excavated and burnt, Germany can say goodbye to its climate targets. In recent years the country has started waking up to what climate catastrophe might actually look like: blisteringly hot summers and apocalyptic rainfall that has the ability to sweep both towns and lives away.

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Ahead of the international climate change conference COP26 in Glasgow, German climate activists have been pressuring Berlin to exit coal earlier than scheduled.

At the Garzweiler opencast lignite pit, they took things a step further, blocking the movement of giant bucketwheel excavators.

Also at a nearby forest, they built tree houses to try to stop the expansion of the pit.

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Germany portrays itself as a climate leader. But it’s still razing villages for coal mines...
LÜTZERATH, Germany — The yawning black-brown scar in the earth that is Germany’s Garzweiler coal mine has already swallowed more than a dozen villages.Centuries-old churches and family homes have been razed and the land they were built on torn away. Farmland has disappeared, graveyards have been emptied.

“All destroyed for coal,” said Eckhardt Heukamp, surveying the vast pit that drops away from the edge of his fields, 20 miles west of Cologne.

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LUETZERATH, Germany (AP) — Hundreds of anti-coal activists staged protesters in and around a mine in western Germany on Saturday, demonstrating against the continued extraction and use of fossil fuels in Europe’s biggest economy.

Environmental groups oppose the German government’s decision to allow the mining and burning of coal in the country until 2038, a deadline the activists say is too late to effectively tackle climate change.

Activists, dressed in colored overalls and braving wind and rain, were also protesting the planned destruction of several villages to make way for the expansion of the Garzweiler strip mine, west of Cologne.

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MADE IN AMERICA GOODS Are Not Floating in a Boat Off the Coast of California. REFUSE to Buy Chinese Junk!

I have an Online Store Called Zazzle/Gregvan That Sells Merchandise Made in Fremont, California and Reno, Nevada...  My Original Artwork is Printed on T-ShirtsButtonsStickers etc etc etc - I Also Sell a LOT of Political Slogans... Embroidered on Hats or Printed on Bumper Stickers! All My Royalties Donated to Charity!

If you want a Custom Design Printed on a Product... EMAIL ME... and If It Doesn't Violate Copyright, I'll Do It! gregvan(at)yahoo(dot)com...

Here is an Art Show of My Original Designs...
Including Peace Signs!
Psychedelic Art by gvan42 - Gregory Vanderlaan

and even More Peace Signs!

SAVE MONEY by NOT BUYING CHINESE JUNK! Thrift Store Treasures are "What's Happenin'" Now!

I See in the News That There is Trouble Unloading Cargo Ships from Overseas... Well, SO Freaking WHAT? 

I Already Have Everything I Want... The Secret Trick is NOT Wanting Much! That Way It's Easy to Get Everything I Want. Link to The Eureka Rescue Mission Thrift Shop on Highway 101 in Eureka, CA... I Bet with a Little Research You Could find a Similar Store in Your Town! Goodwill, Saint Vincent de Paul, Volunteers of America... 

Remember! Buying Used is 
Ecologically Friendly! 

Refuse to buy Chinese Junk - meme

I won't be Buying any of This...

boats waiting to unload cargo

When You Buy a New Product, the Corporation Has to Replace It. Their Computers Automatically Order another Product to Keep the Shelves Stocked... 

They Mine Raw Materials, grow plants (like cotton) using pesticides and herbicides, Log Forests, Employ Slave Laborers in the Orient, Burn Gasoline Shipping the Plastic Crap Here From China... and on and on and on... Used Products ALREADY EXIST and so Buying Stuff at The Eureka Rescue Mission Thrift Shop (my local store) does NOT Harm the Planet. Actually, They Hire Local People to Work as Clerks and Do Delivery. We Bought ALL our Living Room Furniture there. Three Chairs and a Sofa... and Men Delivered It Upstairs in Our Home. NO WAY could I Move those Heavy Objects Up That Staircase... I Tipped those Guys $10 Each... and they were really Thankful. Yes, I Could Have Spent a Fortune at Sears or KMART but... I Prefer to Keep The Money IN MY WALLET. I Like Employing Guys That Live At The Rescue Mission. The Mission Does Good Work Here in Eureka and I've Met a LOT of Real People That They Help. I did buy new Beds at Sears. Somehow, those were just too Personal to Buy Used... also, I Do Not Buy Used Underwear... BUT, Clothes? YES! It's actually fun to find thrift stores in Super Rich Neighborhoods and Live Like the TV Show "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous..." A Great Place to Shop is North Shore Lake Tahoe... Snow Bunnies often Donate Extra Stuff When the Season is Over... and There is Also DUMPSTER DIVING in College Towns at the End of the School Year... FREE STUFF! 

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On the Other Hand... You Can Buy Stuff that's Already Made in the USA... For Example: Zazzle/Gregvan offers Gifts that are Made in Reno, Nevada... and The Corporation Headquarters is Located in Fremont, CA... 

A Cosmic Button...

Link to ALL my Buttons:

and Remember...
All my Royalties are Donated to Charity... 
No CEOs Addicted to Corporate Greed Here... 

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