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Expect RIOTS if Kyle Rittenhouse is Not Convicted of MURDER. Why wasn't his Mother Arrested as an ACCESSORY? Kyle's MOM drove him and his Gun to the Protest March... Crazy!

Dominick Black BOUGHT KYLE the Gun and Gave it to him... 17 Year Olds are NOT Legally Allowed to Buy Guns... WITH GOOD REASON! Why Isn't Dominick Black On Trial?

After a Bit of Debate on FaceBorg... I Changed My Mind... Expecting RIOTS? I Don't Think So... It's Classic White on White Crime and Those People Behave Like Savages... Let 'em Kill Each other OFF! Who Would Actually Riot? It's a BLM Cause and NO Black People Were Killed or Injured so... Who Cares?

Kyle's MOM - drove him and his Gun to the Protest March... Crazy!

The Faces of The Victims... Dead Because Kyle Rittenhouse brought a Gun across state lines to a Protest march... INSANE!

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Massive #ArrestTrump Movement on Social Media. Millions of Americans are Demanding That The DOJ "Lock Him UP!" Read More at:

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