Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Actual Reality is Better Than Looking at a Phone, TV or Computer. Smell, Taste and Touch are Missing from Digital Life. However...

Computer Art by gvan42 - Javascript Colortable Program

However there are some Dramatic Advantages to the Digital Life... Touching Actual Humans can Spread Disease... Remember the AIDS Quilt? 
and Sometimes "Surprise" Children! OOPS!

and In The Digital World it's Possible to Come Back to Life after Dying... That's a Basic Concept in "Shoot 'em Up" Video Games... Totally Different than Actually Being a Soldier... OOPS! Stepped on a Land Mine, Now I'm a Cripple for the Rest of my Life! If You Came Back to Life in Reality, They would Name a Religion after You! Look at all the Yadda-Yadda about Jesus!

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and In Reality I'm a Terrible Artist... I took Acrylic Painting in College and I Admit I'm Pathetic... However, Using a Computer, I'm a Genius!

Rainbow Atomic Power Symbol by gvan42
Rainbow Atomic Power Symbol

Free coloring book art by gvan42 - Arrest Trump Now - DOJ Do Your Job

DOJ: Do Your Job - Arrest Trump Now - Free Coloring Book Art - You can find MORE ART at Google Image Search=gvan42

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Online, "Remote Viewing" is Easy... I've Traveled all over the World using "Television" - a Word that means to See from Afar... and With Google Maps Street View, Satellite Images and Uploaded Pictures from People... I Just Completed a Virtual Journey over the Bigfoot Highway - from Arcata on the West Coast of Northern California to Redding in the Central Valley. I didn't Have to Buy any Gasoline! and I Got to Go Places that I'm Forbidden to Enter... but the Owners are Delighted to Upload Photos! For Example: This Picture of the Control Room at the Vogtle Nuclear Power Plant in Georgia... NO WAY Could I Ever See This in Reality!

Remote View Control Room Vogtle, Georgia

Remote View of the Control Room @Vogtle

Here's Another Virtual Journey: Bridgeville UFO Festival, CA, USA on Hwy 36 in Remote Humboldt County - From Highway 101 thru The Van Duzen River Valley, The Town of Mad River. All the Way to Red Bluff in the Central Valley.

and Virtual Journey: Lost Coast, CA, USA on Highway 211 - From Victorian Ferndale to The Beach, the Mountains of Mateel to the Avenue of the Giants. Humboldt County.

Just for fun I drove all over Remote Humboldt County California and Took Pictures! and I Find that Other People Have Done That TOO.
The Bridge at Fernbridge - Humboldt County California
The Bridge at Fernbridge
Humboldt County, California

Duane Flatmo's Dragon in Ferndale.
Duane Flatmo's Fire Breathing Dragon
Kinetic Sculpture

It was Rare that I would Attend the Kinetic Sculpture Race on Day Three 
when they Arrive in Victorian Ferndale... 
Mainly because I had Gone to Day 1 in 
Arcata and Day 2 in Eureka and I Had 
Seen Enough... BUT... Someone 
Else Documented The Finish Line and 
I can See it from the Comfort of my Air Conditioned Home...

Founded in 1975, the Mattole Valley Community Center (MVCC) has occupied this renovated old schoolhouse since 1978. The MVCC is home to many activities. 

Inside the Mattole Valley Community Center - Concert
Inside - Concert
In the Digital World, Time Travel is Easy... Going Backwards in Time... Going Forward is Still a Mystery... Revealed One Second at a Time!

American History: "The Thunder Machine" made by Ron Boise was used by Ken Kesey at the Acid Tests. It was a Giant Sheet Metal Sculpture that you Got Inside and Played like a Drum.

Ken Kesey and the Thunder Machine by Ron Boise
Ken Kesey and the Thunder Machine

I didn't Go to Any of the Acid Tests... 
I was in 6th Grade During the Summer of Love.
But We Have Films of the Grateful Dead playing at

I always wondered... are there any Unique 
Features of People Born in the Spring of
1968? Conceived During the Summer of 
Love... are They Special? 

and then on FaceBORG SE SAID: When it comes to live music, the venue matters to me as much as the band. If I don't enjoy the venue, I'm not going to enjoy the band either.

VKK Said: Do you like shoreline? I used to go there all the time but now a lot of these venues where you have to have clear bags, you can't even bring purses in anymore which is lame... 

and SE Replied:  I used to go there a lot, but I don't think I've been there since the 90's. There wasn't much security back then. People used to bring in outside food, and that was part of the fun, but I don't think they allow that anymore. And I've never been anywhere that requires clear bags. I understand that we need extra security now than we did then, but it does sound like it would be a huge pain.
and I Replied: I went to the shoreline to a Furthur Festival and sat on a grassy hill in the parking lot... all the people that didn't want to spend money on a ticket were there... we had a great time... Many Grateful Dead type bands... and I remember they Played "Tomorrow Never Knows" by the Beatles... and there was the Sound of a Train Driving By... and that really freaked me out because there are NO TRAINS in that area... anyway, Shoreline is built on a Garbage Dump... a Little Heads UP in case you don't care for TOXIC Chemicals...

So the Oakland Stadium is No Good? Wait! There you are in the Front Row of this Video! I See You!

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