Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

GOP Says Threats of Violence is OK on the Internet. "2022 Will be the Year of Revenge!" Swears Loser Kevin McCarthy Before Losing Censure Vote on Gosar the Gosarian.

and then Kevin McCarthy Talked for Eight Hours in the US House of Representatives - Delaying the Passage of Biden's Build Back Better Bill by Eight (count 'em) Eight Hours! Dang! That Failed!

It Is Essential That WE Beat the GOP in 2022 or QAnon Wins! and The USA Turns into a Dystopian Nightmare... 

Kevin McCarthy says he'd put "MT" Greene and Gosar the Gosarian back on committees if Republicans win House... 

Trump 5150 Embroidered Hat

Attention Democrats! We Need to Double Our Campaign Efforts in 2022 because If the Republicans Steal the Election they will Outlaw Voting and Make the USA a Dictatorship. #StoptheGOPSteal

If You Can't Donate Money, Donate Time & Effort... For Example: Post memes on social media promoting your favorite candidate with a link to their website... 

MEME - Promises Made, Promises Broken - on an Upside Down American Flag - gvan42 Gregory Vanderlaan

Click HERE for More Memes:

Let's BEAT 88 Year Old Chuck Grassley. GOP Senator from Iowa. Abby Finkenauer is Running to Bring Sanity Back to the Senate... Share This Link!

I post to 12 different social media platforms every day... Others Make Phone Calls... Every Candidate Has a Volunteer Organization... Stuffing Envelopes or Whatever It Takes!

Redistricting Near Fresno, California Puts the District that Devin Nunes Currently Represents in Play... It Could be Majority Democrat Voters!

beat nunes

BOYCOTT EVERYTHING! UNTIL PRICES COME DOWN... Corporations Will Keep on Raising Prices Higher and Higher and Higher UNTIL PEOPLE STOP BUYING. They Would Charge You $100 for a Quart of Milk if They Could Get Away With It!

Prices are not Accidentally Set... Corporate Drones Do Careful Math to Determine the Highest Price the Public will Allow... They Call It: "Whatever the Market Will Bear." 

MEME - Until Prices Come Down, A Nationwide Boycott on Everything.
MEME - Until Prices Come Down...
A Nationwide Boycott on Everything!

Join the Movement to Make KAMALA POTUS! 

Campaign Merchandise For Sale Here 

KAMALA4POTUS Merchandise for sale on Zazzle/gregvan - Impeach Biden and She Becomes President. It's Obvious Joe Cannot Actually Serve... 25th Amendment... Confused Thinking...
KAMALA4POTUS Merchandise for sale
on Zazzle/gregvan 

Link to a Collection of Alien, UFO, Celtic Cross, and Antiwar Gifts!
a Collection of Alien, UFO, Celtic Cross, Jesus and Antiwar Gifts on Zazzle gregvan

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