BOYCOTT EVERYTHING UNTIL PRICES COME DOWN! ... Corporations Will Keep on Raising Prices Higher and Higher and Higher UNTIL PEOPLE STOP BUYING. They Would Charge You $100 for a Quart of Milk if They Could Get Away With It!

Prices are not Accidentally Set... Corporate Drones Do Careful Math to Determine the Highest Price the Public will Allow... They Call It: "Whatever the Market Will Bear." 

Boycott Everything Until Prices Go Down - meme - gvan42

MEME - Until Prices Come Down, A Nationwide Boycott on Everything.
MEME - Until Prices Come Down...
A Nationwide Boycott on Everything!

Whip Inflation Now Button from Gerald Ford's Era

OK... You Have to Eat Every Day BUT... as We Learned in the Sixties... It's Possible to Eat Veggies and Brown Rice... The Entire Nation Needs to Become Organic Earth Mothers... or a Friend of an 
Organic Earth Mother... 

It's Possible to Pay Cash or Barter for Food at the Farmer's Market in Town... Sometimes They Will Trade... and then You're NOT a Part of that Corporate System that's Destroying America... 

Simply Refuse To Buy Their Chinese Junk... No Buying New iPhones, No New Video Game Consoles, No New Clothes, No New Cars, No New Trucks, No Boats, No Airplane Tickets, NO AIRPLANES! No New Diamonds, No New Kitchen Machines, No Plastic Toys, No New Records, No Concert Tickets, No New Walk In Bathtubs, No New Houses, Your Generation Will Never Be Able to Afford a House... You've Got That Student Loan to Pay Off First! ... NONE OF THAT!

AND... As a World We Need To Reduce Miles Driven to the Absolute Minimum... Have You Seen The Price of GAS? $5.00 a Gallon... Dang! I'm Gonna Keep That Thing PARKED!

Anyway... You Don't Really Have a Choice... 
At These Prices Who Can Afford it? 

Free Coloring Book: Print as Many Copies as You Like and Share With Friends. Color with Felt Pens or Pencils... ALL FOR FUN!

California's Governor, Gavin Newsom Attended this Wedding but Couldn't Go To COP26 Climate Change Summit...

WIN Garden - from the 1970s

Remember... Their Entire Way of Life Depends on Americans Consuming... Especially Poor Americans Using Credit Cards... So You End Up Paying MORE MORE MORE... The Same People That Own the Businesses that Sell the Merchandise Own the Banks... and they are Out of their Minds With Greed... Compulsive Hoarding of Money Syndrome! and They Own the TV Stations Broadcasting ADS that Brainwash People into Believing that Happiness Can Be Found by Buying Plastic Crap!
Just Look at All Those Dancing People Experiencing Total Bliss By Consuming... 

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Remember: If the GOP Wins the House in 2022 they will Impeach Biden. Remember: Biden would not have to Actually Commit an Impeachable Offense...

He would only need to be ACCUSED by Republicriminals! A Majority VOTE!

and then He will Not be Convicted in the Senate. So They will Impeach Him again... and again... and again... Many Many Many Times before the 2024 election... and Biden Will Not Run in 2024... Exhausted by Endless Attacks and OLD AGE.

Maybe the GOP Will Only Impeach Biden Three Times... So He will Hold the Record of the Most times Impeached... after all they will need to Impeach Kamala Harris as well... and SCOTUS Jackson... That way the Speaker of the House Becomes President! and they OUTLAW Voting, Crown Trump King and Pass more Tax Cuts for the Rich Laws, Steal all the Social Security Money, Throw all Old People OFF Medicare, Outlaw Abortion and Birth Control, Rewrite all History Books so White People are always Wonderful and Right! Imprison all the Gays, Declare Jesus is the ONE TRUE GOD... and Send all the Non-White Immigrants Right Back Where they Came From!

Headline: Video Shows Man Stealing Piles of Clothes From San Francisco Store Amid Shoplifting Surge... Another SYMPTOM of Insane Inflation and Corporate Greed is the Large Increase in Shoplifting... People Generally Pay for their Purchases at stores IF THEY HAVE MONEY... But With our Disaster Economy... Jobs paying Less than Survival Wages... People Will Do Whatever It Takes...
Headline: What’s Behind the Fascination With Shoplifting?
Retail theft has emerged has a hot issue in San Francisco as stores cope with a crime spike. But feelings about shoplifting can be complicated.  

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

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