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Robot Music Singer: Pop Star is a Hologram... Hatsune Miku sings Crowd Sourced Lyrics. Like the book IDORU by William Gibson - CyberPunk

A Science Fiction Book becomes Reality. An IDORU (Computer Program Singer/Songwriter) written about by William Gibson is actually Created... and Goes on Tour with Lady GAGA...

Audiobook: Idoru by William Gibson...

Hatsune Miku is a virtual character created by Crypton Future Media. Originally, she was sold as the face of computer software that allowed users to generate their own music, with her as a vessel. Imagine GarageBand mixed with Sims performing your songs.
Since Miku's creation, over 170,000 sounds have been created for her, garnering a grand total of over 100 million hits on YouTube. This spring, she embarked on a ten-city tour with a live band to showcase the most shared singles — almost all the shows were sold out. Below, Miku's creator, Crypton Future Media CEO Hiroyuki Itoh, tells the story of her creation.
Synopsis of the Book Idoru...

21st century Tokyo, after the millennial quake. Neon rain. Light everywhere blowing under any door you might try to close. Where the New Buildings, the largest in the world, erect themselves unaided, their slow rippling movements like the contractions of a sea-creature...

Colin Laney is here looking for work. He is an intuitive fisher for patterns of information, the “signature” an individual creates simply by going about the business of living. But Laney knows how to sift for the dangerous bits. Which makes him useful—to certain people.

Chia McKenzie is here on a rescue mission. She’s fourteen. Her idol is the singer Rez, of the band Lo/Rez. When the Seattle chapter of the Lo/Rez fan club decided that he might be in trouble in Tokyo, they sent Chia to check it out.

Rei Toei is the idoru—the beautiful, entirely virtual media star adored by all Japan. Rez has declared that he will marry her. This is the rumor that has brought Chia to Tokyo. True or not, the idoru and the powerful interests surrounding her are enough to put all their lives in danger...

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