If You Can't Donate Money, Donate Time & Effort... For Example: Post memes on social media promoting your favorite candidate with a link to their website... I post to 12 different social media platforms every day... Others Make Phone Calls... Every Candidate Has a Volunteer Organization... Stuffing Envelopes or Whatever It Takes!
Redistricting Near Fresno, California Puts the District that Devin Nunes Currently Represents in Play... AND SO HE QUIT POLITICS! #Runaway
In Fresno, California... Phil Arballo WAS Running Representative in the US House against Devon Nunes... But Devin QUIT! Wild Cheering! and MOOOOOOOO...
Many Other Republicans Have announced that They'll run for that seat... Andreas Borgeas, Nathan Magsig, Garry Bredefeld, and Jim Patterson confirmed to Action News they're considering joining the race.
Phil Arballo Says:
"Our district needs a representative who is present and invested in this community. I stepped up to the plate so that my kids, so that our Valley, so that you, finally have the voice we deserve in Washington. It is time we capitalize on our potential and seize the greatness the Valley has always had.”
I Campaign on these Social Media Platforms: FaceBorg, Parler, GAB, Ello, Mastodon, Minds, Twitter, Deviant Art, LinkedIn, MeWe, Tumblr, Flipboard and Occupy... Please Join Me... It Costs Nothing and If Everyone Pitches in We Can BEAT QAnon and The Insane TrumpNiks® - They are a Menace to Self and Others: Police Code 5150...
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and Now for something Completely Different.
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Massive #ArrestTrump Movement on Social Media. Millions of Americans are Demanding That The DOJ "Lock Him UP!" Help Defend Democracy! Post Your Own Memes, Videos and Rants! or Like and Share Mine...
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I believe that printing vast quantity of dollars has made the dollars already in circulation less valuable...
and MD Replied: absolutely. There may have been a need for the original bailout in 2008. That’s up for debate, but this endless QE has definitely made the dollar less valuable and has created the inflationary environment we are in and has enlarged the wealth gap and now the Fed is lying to us about why they don’t raise interest rates. They say it’s because we haven’t reached maximum employment- we have. The reason they don’t raise rates is because they are used to free money and raising rates will crater the stock market. So now, the Fed has found itself in a no-win situation. Their second mandate is price stability. They have utterly failed there. Prices are far from stable.
and I Said: Yep... 2008 was needed to prevent Global Economic Collapse... Thanks to American Idiot George Bush the Son...
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My Father said the War in Iraq was a Good Idea because we needed to get Saddam Hussein OUT of Power. He said that It Did Not Matter that Ronald Reagan helped Saddam Become President. It Did Not Matter that the USA Sold Saddam Weapons... including Anthrax... Dad Said: "If You Own a Towel, You Ought to Clean Up Spilt Milk. Even if Someone Else Knocked Over the Glass."
I Can See His Point. There WAS a Justification up until the Death of Saddam. After That it was BOGUS. We had this discussion during the time that I was Going to MANY Anti-war Protest Marches. Most in Eureka but One in Laguna Beach during my Nieces' Wedding...
I wonder IF The USA Has Learned it's lesson from the Failed War in Iraq? and the the Failed War in Vietnam. and the Failed War in Nicaragua. and the Failed War in Afghanistan.
SO MANY FAILURES... Let's STOP Blowing up Random Countries for No Reason... and Let's Stop Making Crazy People President of Foreign Countries... That Never Works!
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California Gov. Gavin Newsom said he abruptly pulled out of the international climate change summit to go trick-or-treating with his family. He went as a pirate... and that is a Valid reason for missing ONE NIGHT... The OTHER Missing 12 Days are a Mystery...
The governor faced criticism in recent days after he abruptly canceled his trip to the COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, over "family obligations." Local news outlet KABC reported that Newsom’s trip had been in the works for more than a year.
I'm Impressed with Jennifer... Smart!
Newsom's wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, had previously blasted her husband's critics in a since-deleted tweet on Sunday, telling them to "stop hating" over his whereabouts.
"It's funny how certain folks can’t handle truth," Siebel Newsom's tweet read. "When someone cancels something, maybe they’re just in the office working; maybe in their free time they’re at home with their family, at their kids’ sports matches, or dining out with their wife. Please stop hating and get a life."
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I downloaded a Book from the Hoover Institute. "Trickle Down Economics and Tax Cuts for the Rich." Very Disappointing. They appear to be Corporate - Corporate Shills that will write anything for a client. They Use the Opposite of the Scientific Method. They write the CONCLUSION First, then find data to back up that conclusion... or just make up "reasonable sounding" arguments to justify their bosses... Sad that Stanford University is associated with these whores... ALSO: Beware of the Heritage Institute and That one based at George Mason University in Virginia... Their Whole Schtick is "Give Rich People More Money" or "Let Republicans win even when they are a minority of the voters." https://www.mercatus.org/
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A Friend that works in the Insulin business says the price is so high in the USA because "That's What the Market Will Bear." That's Kinda like the Price for Kidnapping Ransom... When you are faced with death... how much are you willing to pay?
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And then I Read on FaceBorg:
Join the leaf rebellion! Ok, that's a little dramatic. But my message is important: the leaves in your yard are a natural part of nutrient cycling. It is a protection and health device for the trees, giving them access to long term recycling of that matter and helping give them a boost when it's warm enough to grow again. Leaves are great compost materials to supplement your compost pile but also make great compost by themselves. This can be done by shredding them and heaping them outside.
They can be fertilizer for your garden, and piling them in it can protect it from the winter elements.
Leaf litter is also a biome in itself, playing host to hundreds of detritivores and insects and is essential to their life cycles.
If you cannot leave it in place, at least avoid using leaf blowers, which sterilize and kill whoever is living in the leaves, and leave ground nesting pollinators (note: native bees are overwhelmingly ground nesters) and mammals exposed to cats and other predators. Raking is less destructive.
Long story short, let's put aside arbitrary aesthetic values and put the health and recovery our environment a little higher on our priority list.

and then I read on FaceBorg:
I've noticed that a lot of people on the right get really angry and lash out when someone on the left asks them a question on a post. The person asking the question isn't rude in any way. They are simply asking a question, but the other person often responds with laugh reacts, and then they treat the person who asked the question as if they were trying to start trouble. I saw a discussion recently in which the person on the left politely asked a question, and the person on the right laugh-reacted and accused them of trying to start an argument. The first person replied, "I'm not trying to start anything. I just asked a question," and then got met with more laugh reacts and more ridicule, and never got an answer to their question. I'm sure that not everyone on the right is like this, but I see it often enough that it really bothers me. What's wrong with politely asking a question, and why does it make some people so angry? How are we ever going to understand each other if we refuse to answer questions from those who think differently?
and then CE Said: I observe this behavior from the right, as well, but from the left is equally despicable, honestly; try asking them a question and suddenly you're whatever the popular "ism" is that day, and you still don't get an answer because that's "demanding emotional labor". I've had to leave leftist groups after witnessing this too often. People need to learn to talk to each other again, and listen to each other, and, if they're arguing, back up their claims with facts. But I'm at the point where I've lost hope that this can happen. The country is too far gone now and has been for a while. I largely blame Facebook for so drastically altering the way we communicate.
and SE Replied: I respect your opinion, but I rarely see this from the left. In my observation, most people on the left really DO want to have open discussions, and we really DO want to understand why people on the right feel the way they do. But people on the right tend to act really condescending toward anyone who disagrees with their opinion, and they won't even bother to explain where they're coming from, even when the other person genuinely, truly is trying to find common ground. It wasn't quite as bad until Trump became president. But ever since, people on the right seem even LESS likely to engage politely with people on the left. It makes me so sad, because I honestly just want us all to be able to coexist with each other and be respectful of each other in spite of differences of opinion. But the right acts like anyone who disagrees with them is the enemy. I don't feel that way toward people on the right. We're all Americans, as far as I'm concerned...but ever since Trump, many on the right consider those of us on the left to be "un-American" simply because we think differently.
CF REPLIED: I see all the same things you're seeing from the right and agree 100%; however, I also see people on the left cutting off friends and family for differences in political views, and deciding that many people are no longer worth knowing, then shutting themselves further inside little echo chambers. There have been lots of memes about it, both from people on the left boasting and people on the right mocking. I think in certain circumstances, a person from either side may genuinely want an actual discussion and sharing of honest views, but overwhelmingly these days the trend seems to be that no one wants to associate with the "enemy" from the other side, and no one wants to even hear the other side's thoughts.
It may be more generational, too, though. I think this may be more common of younger Millennials and Gen Z, whereas I see the behavior from people on the right more in the older generations.
and I Said: I think that people on the right are FRANTIC about the Fact That Their World is Doomed... DOOMED! Most Voters are Young People, Women, Minority Groups or College Graduates... and All of those people Vote Democratic... The "Good Old Days" of the 1950's is Gone... They WISH they could Feed a Family and Buy a House on a Factory Worker's Paycheck BUT... Not Only did the Boss send those jobs overseas but... immigrants will do the remaining low skill jobs for less money... SO... Those People are FREAKING OUT! So Many of their Ideas are Obviously Wrong... so how can you defend the ANTI-VACCINE position when 99% of the People Dying from Covid are Unvaccinated! The only defense is SCREAM LOUDER! Here's a Picture of an ANTI-VACCINE Parent... He Wants to Put His Own Children in Danger...
The Underlying Meaning of Make America Great Again is that We WERE Great in the Past and We're NOT Great Now. I AGREE! Life in 1969 was better than now. We Danced at Woodstock, Walked on the Moon and Rioted at Stonewall. Now is Especially NOT Great after all the Damage we suffered from Four Years of Trump. During his time: DISEASE INCREASED causing Massive DEATHS, Unemployment, Poverty, Hunger, Homelessness Increased... Prices Higher... Jobs sent Overseas... Climate Change Ignored leading to Massive Wildfires in the Western USA...
What have I Forgotten? Ecological Madness? Trump's EPA [Enable Polluters Agency] The Secretary of Transportation failing to Have Boeing Jets Inspected... and Three Just Fell out of the Sky... Trump also kept the War in Afghanistan Running... Nothing done on Infrastructure... NOTHING!
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I had the great honor of serving in the trenches at Starbucks for the widely publicized War on Christmas 2015: Battle of Red Cup. During my tour of duty, I only experienced one moment of actual conflict. Reader discretion is advised for the harrowing details that follow.
A gentleman walked in at approx. 17:30. I naively approached the counter as my coworker prepared drinks on bar. He proceeded to place an order for a seemingly standard cup of Joe. All was well.
“Can I get a name for the order?”
As quickly as I posed that fatal inquiry, his pale visage became enveloped by the most menacing grin I had ever experienced the displeasure of witnessing.
“Merry Christmas,” he responded freedomly.
I began to reach for the button on my headset to call for backup, but it was too late. Every inch of my communist being struggled in self-restraint. I knew what I had to do, but I didn’t know if I had the strength to do it.
“Okay. That’ll be $2.75.”
It was as good as over. This brave patriot had us right where he wanted. I prepared to call corporate and deliver the bad news. That’s when I hatched a plan.
I walked over to the bags of coffee we had on extremely visible display and grabbed a bright red package that read: CHRISTMAS BLEND 2015. I chuckled quietly to myself, thinking that this would surely illustrate the futility of his mission.
I approached the customer and presented the festive edition of beans, barely concealing my excitement.
“Could I interest you in a bag of our CHRISTMAS blend?”
I waited for his smile to dissolve as he realized what I had just shown him, but the moment never came.
“Oh, no thanks. I don’t really drink coffee. I just came in to do this.”
He was unfazed. Depleted of hope and out of options, I had no choice but to accept defeat.
“Have you had a lot of people ordering like me?” he asked.
“Nah, you’re the only one so far.”
Just then, my coworker’s voice echoed from across the room.
“I have an order for… Merry Christmas?” he announced with audible confusion.
The man accepted his beverage and marched triumphantly out of the store of the corporation he had just made three dollars richer. His smug defiance that day was carved into our minds forever. Starbucks would go on to experience a compound annual growth rate of 4.1% that fiscal year. We could only hope that someday it may recover.
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