Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

If you see a MAGA Moron with a Gun in public... Call the Police! Tell 'em he is threatening people...

MAGA Killers suck... Trump gun meme

We Need Common Sense Gun Laws. Here's How to Contact Your Senator. Let's Motivate Congress To BAN ASSAULT RIFLES.



GOP LOVES GUNS meme - gvan42 purple64ets


I Wrote to Them and Said: "Let's Outlaw Guns, Collect Guns and Melt Guns. Too Many People Die Each Year in the USA From Gunfire and YOU May Pass Laws Disarming America. There is Historical Proof that Outlawing Assault Rifles Reduced Deaths. The Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 Worked!"

Scientific Study: CONCLUSION 

"Mass-shooting related homicides in the United States were reduced during the years of the federal assault weapons ban of 1994 to 2004."

Did you Know that Trump Signed the HELP CRAZY PEOPLE BUY GUNS LAW? H.J.Res 40 - If a person is getting a Social Security DISABILITY Check Due to INSANITY... They No Longer have to report That Fact on a GUN BACKGROUND CHECK... Because... The One Sure Way to Make America Great is to Arm The Insane!

WAKE UP! That's a Crazy Law! #MAGAKillersSUCK

LINK: The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act or Federal Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) was a subsection of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, a United States federal law which included a prohibition on the manufacture for civilian use of certain semi-automatic firearms that were defined as assault weapons as well as certain ammunition magazines that were defined as large capacity.

The 10-year ban was passed by the U.S. Congress on August 25, 1994 and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton on September 13, 1994.[1]

If we simply Outlawed Guns, Collected Guns and Melted Guns there would be Fewer Gun Deaths... Fewer Gang Related Deaths... Fewer Suicides... Fewer Massacres in Schools... Fewer Deaths by Accident... 

and Then AJ Said on FaceBorg: "If the teachers would have had a gun back when I was in grade school I guarantee we would have stole that thing."

NRA Skull Word Art by gvan42 purple64ets

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Trump's plan of ARMING TEACHERS is astonishingly stupid. What happens when a student grabs the gun and takes it away from the teacher? The Teacher gets DEAD. Many High School boys are bigger and stronger than their teachers and could wrestle away a gun. This is a classic BONEHEAD TRUMP IDEA... The answer to gun violence is making guns illegal... FEWER GUNS lead to FEWER DEATHS. #OutlawGuns
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Crazy Texas GUN LAWS!!!!
Please MARCH JUNE 11th for Gun Laws.
Please Please REGISTER And #VoteBlue

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Did You Know? For Unpopular Men, Guns are a Practical Alternative to Having a Girlfriend... Firing a Gun Causes a Massive Endorphin Dump similar to SEX...

MEME - gvan42 - Trump spelled with guns
Does Gun Ownership Cause Impotence? Look at a Field and Stream... The back of the magazine is PACKED with ads for erection pills... 
MEME - gvan42 - How can we NOT SEE that Guns are Evil?
MEME - gvan42 - Repeal Trump's Help Crazy People Buy Guns Law

Music Video: "MELT the GUNS" - by Greg Vanderlaan - Feel Free To Record This and Make a Top Ten Record. Pass this On to a Friend... Chords and Lyrics Provided.

Video is at:
Too many Children Dying... [A* C*]  
Too Many Families Crying... [A# A]
Everybody Realizes... [A* C*] 
We Should Collect 'em All... [A# A]
and Melt the Guns, Melt 'em... [G D A] 3X
Then They'll Never Kill Again... [E]

They say: "Guns Don't Kill People, [A* C*]
Bullets Kill People" [A# A] 2X
But If We Melt All the Guns... [G D A] 3X
The Bullets will be Harmless... [E]

Hey, Hey, NRA, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today? 4X
[CHANT - Knuckles Knock on the Guitar Body]

No, It's Not Video Games... [A* C*] 
No, It's Not Mental Health... [A# A] 2X
That's Just Our Puppet President Pretending... [G D A] 2X
When The NRA Jerks His Chain, He Jumps! Good Dog! OBEY! [E A] 3X

Too many Children Dying... [A* C*]  
Too Many Families Crying... [A# A]
Everybody Realizes... [A* C*] 
We Should Collect 'em All... [A# A]
and Melt the Guns, Melt 'em... [G D A] 3X
Then They'll Never Kill Again... and Again... and Again... [E] 
and Again... and Again... and Again... and Again... [E F F# G Ab A]

[Spoken] Are You Happy Buying Bulletproof Backpacks for Your Children?

A* = E0 A7 D7 G6 B0 e0
C* = E0 A0 D5 G5 B5 e0
A# = E0 A0 D3 G3 B3 e0

I like the fact that some lyrics are Sung over Very Discordant Chords and Others are Very Consonant. Like, Good Ideas are Consonant and Bad Ideas are Discordant... 

I Heard The Chant in the Sixties: Originally it was: "Hey, Hey, LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?"

I Intentionally Misquoted the NRA Slogan: "Guns Don't Kill People, Bullets Kill People"

MELT GUNS - MEME - Free Coloring Book ART!
Free Coloring Book ART!

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Hey, Hey, NRA, How many kids did you kill today?

NRA chief calls for more guns at school. Arming teachers. Well, that wouldn't have done anything to prevent the Las Vegas Mass Murder... AND... The Florida High school Murderer was wearing full body armor and a helmet... Teachers with pistols would have had no chance to out gun an teenager with an Assault Rifle. AND... Reality shows that the more guns we have the more likely hood of gun accidents... Suicides... and what if an Armed Teacher "Goes Postal" and shoots up students and other teachers? Who will pay for all these new guns? We already can't afford to buy basic school supplies like chalk and books... Who will pay for Gun Training? The real solution is LESS GUNS... OUTLAW Assault Rifles and Raise gun ownership age to 21 and increase background checks.
Remember, President Trump signed a Law that makes it easier for mentally ill people to buy guns. People that are getting a Social Security Disability Check for Mental Illness would be allowed to pass background checks. That's what Trump's ACTIONS have been... The exact opposite of his words...

and NOW That Biden is President We Need to Get The US Senate to Act... Now is the Time!

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Why should we all vote against all Republicrimes Everywhere, Everytime? Because Republicrimes are the paid puppets of the NRA. The Gun manufacturers business plan depend on people that already own guns to buy more guns. Everyone who wanted a gun has already bought one and so the industry depends on people that want to increase their arsenal from 5 guns to 50 guns. The Gun Lobby publishes hysteria producing propaganda about dangerous evil strangers that plan to attack your family. The Brainwashing causes gun owners to spend money buying more and more and more guns to defend themselves from an imaginary enemy... In FACT, having a gun in the house increases the chance of having a gun accident... Families are LESS SAFE with firearms in the house because they are often used upon the family. 

Suicides and Accidents Outnumber the 
Lives Saved Shooting "Bad Guys" 
Get Smart America! 

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On FaceBORG BZ Said: 
It’s scary that the tragedy of the gun violence epidemic is being re-framed exclusively as a mental health issue. The reality is that they are two very separate issues. Millions of people with mental health issues would never hurt or harm anyone ever. Millions of gun owners would never go on a rampage to kill innocent people.
Clearly, politicians desperate to dodge a “do nothing” label from their constituents are deflecting the issue to it being a mental health issue. In so doing, any progress made to destigmatize mental health issues will evaporate. And it is highly probable the proposed legislation from this myopic, misguided effort will cause great harm to those who suffer from mental illness without addressing the social evil of no background checks and assault weapons.
People with mental health issues may lose their rights or have them severely infringed upon. Law enforcement and EMTs are likely to treat this vulnerable, suffering segment of our population more severely because of proposals legislators are crafting solely to protect their major campaign donations from the NRA and gun manufacturers. Actions which will only exacerbate mental health issues for people who are already suffering.
Who will defend people with mental health issues from becoming the scapegoat of gun violence? Which agencies will advocate for the mentally ill? And which mental health experts will misguided politicians engage prior to crafting policy?

and then JB Said:
Yeah, I really don’t understand this stance. It is both a mental illness problem and a gun control problem. This isn’t a one issue agenda. The world doesn’t work like that. You don’t solve problems by piecemeal legislation. Everything is interconnected. We need healthcare, we need a living wage, we need childcare, a better educational system, we need more mental health care, affordable housing, ALL OF IT. Studies show that mass shooters have mental health problems.

BZ Replied: 
There’s a huge difference between mental illness and criminally insane. Obviously. As politicians rush to boost their poll numbers or the likelihood of their own re-election, will they recognize that critical distinction or blindly rush forward with harsh but ineffective policies to protect guns and the NRA?

and then I Said: I think Governor Greg Abbott is Just Using the Mental Health Issue so He Won't Have to ACTUALLY Outlaw Guns... He'll have Meetings... They'll Blame Video Games and Lack of Jesus in the Schools and in the End... People will forget about Mass Murder in TEXAS and People Will Be Outraged by the Mass Murder in Tulsa, Oklahoma... and then the NEXT Mass Murder... and Then The Government of Texas Will DO NOTHING... Not Even Fund Mental Health Help... because... The Public is Not Interested Anymore... Why Spend Money on Something No One Cares About? That's the Plan!

Drama Free Zone Buttons & Free Drama Zone Bling by Zazzle gregvan
Hat and Bling - Zazzle gregvan - Drama Free Zone & Free Drama Zone - gvan42 purple64ets
More Art at Google Image 
Click on the Link Above!

Biden's Accomplishments by June 1 2022... 
Brad Butcher
1) $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package Passed
2) The $1.9 trillion COVID relief deal Passed
3) Highest appointment of federal judges since Reagan
4) Commitment to Combating Climate Change
Biden re-joined the international Paris Climate Accord,Last November, the President joined an additional agreement aimed at reversing deforestation as well as presenting a 100-country strong pledge to reduce greenhouse emissions by at least 30 percent by 2030. Additionally, in December, Biden ordered all government agencies to immediately halt the financing of new international carbon-intensive fossil fuel projects, and instead work towards clean energy use.
5) Support for Transgender Service Members
Within his first week at the White House, Biden issued an executive order to overturn Trump-era ban on openly transgender members of the U.S. military.
6) Reduced unemployment
The Biden administration has also been faced with the challenge of restoring a semblance of normalcy to an economy burdened by the pandemic. In his freshman year, Biden has managed to reduce the rate of national unemployment.
In December, the national unemployment rate dropped to 3.9 percent while jobless claims sunk to their lowest levels since 1969. When Biden took office, the unemployment rate stood at 6.3 percent.

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