Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Keep Abortion Legal. #RUNAWAY from the GOP. They Are Anti-Choice! The #TexasTaliban Just Passed a Law That Forces Women to Have Children Due to RAPE or INCEST.

Should We Storm the Supreme Court? Stage Our Own 1/6 Style Insurrection? Well, I Personally Will Not be Joining the Violet Overgrow but... YOU Will Have to Make Up Your Own Mind on that Question... 

We Can March Peacefully in the Streets... We Can VOTE OUT All Republicans... We Can Campaign Online by Liking and Sharing Memes... Here are Over Two Dozen... Remember: In 2016 Putin Proved that Campaigning Online Works... HIS PUPPET WON... 

Keep Abortion Legal - reject the #TexasTaliban
Keep Abortion Legal
reject the #TexasTaliban

#RUNAWAY from the GOP. They Are Anti-Choice! The #TexasTaliban Just Passed a Law That Forces Women to Have Children Due to RAPE and INCEST.
When you Campaign Online, Remember to Keep Your Message Simple. Many Republicans Didn't Do Well in School and Have Difficulty Understanding Basic Ideas... They're DUMB AS ROCKS! So, Write at the Third Grade Level. 
Handmaid's Tale Planned Parenthood
For Example: a Picture of the Handmaids Tale is Pretty Complex if You Haven't Seen the Show... They May Not Understand Your Message... #StandwithPP - Planned Parenthood
safe abortion meme

Texan Anti Choice Cartoon

#ImpeachAmyBarrett #ImpeachBrettKavanaugh

KEEP ABORTION LEGAL. I know a Woman that threw herself out of a speeding car and landed on her belly in order to Cause a Miscarriage... Really... At that time, Abortion was Illegal and She Really Didn't want to have that Baby... The GOP IS ANTI-CHOICE.

Boycott Texas

KEEP ABORTION LEGAL... I know another woman whose boyfriend did not want her to have his baby... so he kicked her in the belly and she miscarried... There ARE better surgical methods... Really...
Get Religion OUT of Government

KEEP ABORTION LEGAL... I remember that a friend of mine drove his girlfriend to Tijuana to get an abortion. Was that "Hospital" the highest quality? It is likely that Actual Doctors in the USA give better Health Care than TJ's Finest. In Olden Days abortions were often performed by random lawbreakers... Not a great system... This is important because BOTCHED abortions can leave the woman sterile. Maybe she doesn't want a baby at age 15 but at age 22 she does.. A Botched abortion removes that option. NO Choice. 

Reject the #TexasTaliban

For those not familiar with the image, it's from the terrifying dystopian series The Handmaid's Tale.

Back to the Future satire - Texas Travels to the Past...

Tandy Radio Shack is Based in Ft Worth, Texas... I Would Boycott them But I Haven't Bought Anything from them in 20 Years...
Boycott Texas Business - end the Anti-Choice Law - It's Crazy!
Boycott Texas Based Businesses.
Reject the Anti-Choice Law - It's Crazy!


Back to the Coathanger meme


Simple Solution to Texan Anti-Choice Law

Texas blue robe

RGB Statement

Handmaiden's Tale Dance at Texas State Capitol - Keep Abortion Legal MEME
Handmaiden's Tale Dance at Texas State Capitol
- Keep Abortion Legal MEME

Texas Abortion Law Cartoon

abort Greg Abbott shirt

protest march

personal story about Texan Anti-Choice Law

Texas Road Sign

Republican Logic Cartoon

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