Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

Fox News is on a Frantic Search for Robert Hunter's Laptop... But He Wrote Most Lyrics with a Pen on Paper... "How Can He Even Read This? Get a Word Processor, Hunter!" - Sucker Carlton

Fox News Satire meme - Robert Hunter's Laptop - Sucker Carlton

Stewart Brand all worked as 
LSD Test Subjects for 
the CIA - Project MKULTRA.

Sunflowers and Blue Sky painting

Sunflowers are symbols of nuclear disarmament.
Not only are sunflowers symbols of optimism, they also possess a special capability: they absorb radioactive isotopes from the environment. In fact, sunflowers have been planted at both the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disaster sites because they help to remove radioactive toxins from the environment.
When the Soviet Union broke apart in 1991, the new nation of Ukraine held the third-largest arsenal of nuclear weapons.
In 1996, Ukraine committed to total nuclear disarmament. To honor the occasion, representatives from the U.S., Ukraine, and Russia planted sunflowers in the locations where there had previously been nuclear missile silos.

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Attention Focus meme

It is Possible to "Change Reality" by Choosing to Focus Your Attention on a Specific Subject.
In My Humble Opinion: You do not "Actually" Change Reality, Just what You See and NOTICE!

That White Truck Effect only Pointed out to me that there were a LOT of White Trucks... A Fact That I Didn't Care About before Purchasing my White Truck... SOON, I Painted a Giant American Flag Heart Motif on the Hood... Then it wasn't White After All.
My Truck with an American Flag HEART Painting on the Hood
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It's wonderful that Anti-Vaccine People are Refusing and Getting Sick and Dying. We Certainly Don't Need People Like That in the Future... Go Ahead... Believe Whatever You Want... I'll Dance on your Grave.

I got two Pfizer/BionTech shots and then had mild symptoms when I got COVID... I'm 68 years Old and IN THAT GROUP of people that are Dying... Glad I Got Those Shots!

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Here's a Subject I'm Trying to Focus Attention on.
I Share It on 13 Social Media Platforms...
To Awaken the Public!
Disposal of Guns Will Prevent Gun Shot Wounds...

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How to Dispose of Unwanted Firearms...
Suppose you Inherited a Gun but Hate Guns?
Call the Local Police and Tell 'em You are Coming... They will help YOU Get Rid of the Killing Machine.


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I saw Rand Paul on TV Saying that the Cause of Inflation was Excessive "Printing" of Money by the Fed... Specifically, the US Government is Not Collecting as Much Money in Taxes as it Spends... So the ROOT of Our Current inflation was Trump's Tax Cut for the Rich Law. Really! He Said that Both Republicans and Democrats were to Blame for Excessive Spending (not Collecting Enough Money in Taxes) ... and That Causes Excessive "Printing" of Money by the Federal Reserve Bank.

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

Are You Tired of Having Your 
Words of Wisdom Vanish after Three Months? 
FaceBORG AI Erases Them... 
Comments HERE Will Live Forever.  Try IT! 
Your Comments Here will live forever in the cloud

Boycott Everything Meme - gvan42

AK Said: There are still supply chain issues, disruptions. My wife is in the industry and knows all the different aspects.
Some businesses are gouging but the vast majority are struggling to get basic commodities to manufacture their products.
Consider the home contractor. He/she has no control over building material costs so he/she either absorbs it or passes it on.
Another big problem is transportation. Many long haul drivers got tired of all the bullshit (regulations, drive cams, dot physicals, random drug tests....covid being the final straw) and retired.
Not only are finished goods not being distributed but as well, raw goods aren't being distributed.
Be careful who you boycot I guess.

I replied: Boycott gasoline... obviously corporate greed... "Hey! I Know... Let's use Any Excuse to Raise Prices! More Money For US!"

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Here's a FaceBORG Meme that 
Gets a Few Comments... 
Question about God and Suffering FaceBORG meme

PA Said: He doesn't! Sorry. I'm not religious my friend. Figured I'd better put that in there..!
I replied: If He Doesn't, What DOES He Do? Make the Birdies Sing and the Flowers Bloom in the Tiki, Tiki, Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room? No that was Walt Disney... 

SM Said: Supposedly Satan betrayed God, that means he caught God off-Guard, if true, it means God can't be all knowing. There are thousands of religions, Athiests practice none. Believers practice one. Everyone is an Athiest to someone else.

SL Asked: HE? I Replied: He, She or It... I corrected the Original Question... 

HB Said: Because God (A.K.A. human beings) is an asshole. I Replied: It could be that God Enjoys Our Suffering. Like a Child with a Magnifying Glass Burning Ants... It's a Symptom of a Mental Health Problem.

SS Said: We allow it. I Replied: There are Plenty of Events That We Have NO Control Over. Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Wildfires, Floods, Blizzards and Earthquakes Come to Mind. All those Events are Called an "Act of God." We Don't "Allow" Any of Those.

KDS Said: I am free from this quagmire as I am a Deist. I do NOT believe in an interventional G.O.D. I Replied: In Alcoholics Anonymous G.O.D. is an Acronym for Group Of Drunks. As an Agnostic in AA, I couldn't use a Higher Power to Cure My Drinking... So I Used G.O.D. Many People in AA Have Lost all Faith in Christianity... I Don't Know what the Buddhists, Muslims, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Shintos, Scientologists, Rastafarians or Pastafarians Do in AA... I guess they have Lost Faith as Well... Otherwise Their Religion would solve their Problem...

JL Said: Adam loved Eve more than G?D. I Replied: I Too Love Women. and when my First Wife asked me to Convert to Christianity, I said Yes... and Was a Christian until we got divorced five years later... Then there was Nothing in That Religion that Interested me. I'm not alone in this behavior. I was interested in Sex and Couldn't Care Less about Religion... 

SB Said: Because the invisible friend doesn't exist. 
I Replied: This Meme is a Classic Example of FaceBorg AI... My Posts are only shown to people that already agree with me... They did a study and found that people will stay on FaceBorg Longer if Everyone Says "You are Right." and More time on FaceBorg means More Advertising Dollars Paid to ZuckerBorg... I wrote a Poem Called "My Invisible Friend." because a Real friend of Mine decided to Fast until He Saw God... About the Third Day he started acting weird and I stayed Far Away from Him... I'm an Agnostic and Don't Believe in an Invisible Friend... But I'm Not Enthusiastic About this Subject to Be an Atheist. 

I Said:
"If the World Was Already Perfect, Why Would Anyone Aspire to Go to Heaven?" - Paramahansa Yogananda.

and then I Said: 
Was God Taking a Nap when all those Catholic Priests were Molesting Children?

JH Said: There is No Gawd. I replied: How do you know? Got any Evidence? Why is Your Opinion any More Valid Than the Billions of People that say there Is? What about the Opinions of the Buddhists, Muslims, Zoroastrians, Hindus, Shintos, Scientologists, Rastafarians, Pastafarians or Jesus FREAKS?

JH Replied: because I am not delusional... I don't feel compelled to convert others so that I can sit back and feel superior to anyone else.

I Replied: That Missionary Complex is Popular with The Followers of Jesus... I read in the Newspaper that a Dozen Missionaries were Kidnapped in Haiti and Held for Ransom... for a Couple of weeks... They were released because the people that were hoping to get Paid gave up hope of ever getting a penny... Everyone in that Entire Scene was Insane. Why Go to Haiti in order to Convert The Locals?

MB Said: Because God doesn't exist. It's simply a coping mechanism for weak humans. I replied: and we are all weak eventually... Facing Death is Difficult... I just read "Still Here" by Ram Dass and That is a Pretty Interesting Book... for a 68 Year Old...

RC Said: Because God did not make robots! He made all with a brain so we can think. Gave us a heart so we could reason, He gave us legs and feet do we could walk, gave us ears so we could hear, eyes Si we could see, a butthole so we bout sht and fart, and a very carnal body do we could enjoy different parts and surroundings. So if you made somebody suffer or someone made you suffer? Don’t blame God, of course if you believe and have faith in the Lord and follow his Biblical scripture (please don’t include the 86% so called Christians that voted for #45, cause many are called but only a few are chosen as it shows in the book of Mathew), you’ll have a much better chance of enjoying a much more sweet life and He’ll even allow ya’s into heaven. Idiots and hateful people make others suffer and God has nothing to do with that. It’s like if you decide to get a gun and shoot someone? You’re the one pressing the trigger, not God. If you shoot at me? Me being a “real”(not perfect)born again Christian I “will” have a better chance to survive your craziness. Regardless? I’ll end up in heaven, where’s no more suffering, headaches, problems, etc and I’ll eat from the Tree of Life, which has various fruits that we can endlessly enjoy and live in a beautiful place, etc: Revelation 21.
I Replied: That Reminds me of Dr. Seuss... “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You're on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who'll decide where to go...” Oh the Places You'll Go at Burning Man. 

RC Replied: We’ll? See? Even a myth creator knows what I’m talking about. Trust me! I was a worse non-believer than you, till I saw the light and the light showed me the way. And trust me my carnal tastes of the flesh were and are delicious, yet today I have 98% control over them.
🥵Only Jesus(God in the flesh) was, is and will be perfect!

and I Replied: Thanks. I Read every Word of your post... I Too am Going to Heaven. In 1976 I Accepted Jesus as My Personal Savior... and I went to a Baptist Church with my Wife for 5 Years. Then we got Divorced. And I never went to Church again... However, The Rules State That you Only Have to be saved ONCE and You are Good for ALL ETERNITY! I'm a Backsliding Christian but... SAVED!

and then I Asked: Why did God Create So Many Magic Plants? Magic Mushrooms, Peyote, DMT, Marijuana, Opium, Ergot (LSD) - Is That All a Part of The Plan that we Don't Understand? Just Be GRATEFUL? Did the Prophet Ezekiel Eat Mushrooms before he Rode on the UFO to Heaven?

Magic Mushroom art by gvan42
Magic Mushroom Art by gvan42

TC Said: God is a logical fallacy invented by humans in order to cope with the temporary condition that is life, and to assign answers to phenomena we can’t explain.. there isn’t a shred of evidence that a sentient god exists, which means if their is one, it is none of our business to understand.. If you feel god allows too much suffering, then task yourself to act to minimize the suffering in this world… the beauty of it is, that you don’t have to believe any religious doctrine in order to act on behalf of the better angels of our nature, just an able enough heart mind and body to do so.

I replied: Yes. We May Help People... and It's a Great Idea to do so...

John Lennon Said: "God is a Concept by Which We Measure our Pain." I Wonder What That Means? and then he Lists all the Things He Doesn't Believe In... and at the End... The Only Thing He Does Believe in is Yoko and Me... and That's Reality...

Smart Drugs Question meme
I Said: There is The Placebo Effect. If You Truly Believe that They Work, Then They Work. But I'm Skeptical, So That Won't Work for Me.

Sports Announcers on TV

I'm always amazed that anyone can find anything to say about sports. These men get paid to talk... about Nothing... I'm Especially amazed by Basketball announcers... The players run one way and then they run the other way and sometimes a Ball goes into a Basket... Well, That's the Entire Game! and One Team WINS! and even more absurd is Soccer... because the announcer says GOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAL!

I went to a Protest of the US Navy at the Warfinger Building in Eureka, CA.  They were planning to Train Sailors how to deploy depth charges off the Coast of California... Those huge explosions underwater cause DEAFNESS in Whales and Dolphins. Being DEAF is the Dolphin Equivalent to Being BLIND as they use echo-location...  Whale Song is Ruined if They are Deaf... 

anyway... there was a "Inform the Public" meeting where Navy Employees were there to Answer any Question a Concerned Citizen might ask. So we asked... and They answered... And then 2 Years Later I got an Email Stating that the US Navy Had Decided to Do the Training anyway... 

absurd... How much training could POSSIBLY be needed? I think the main reason they wanted to train was as a cure for boredom... Sailors during Peacetime don't have much to Occupy their time... Blowing Things UP! is FUN!

and then I realized that the USA Tested Atom Bombs underwater. Causing a Giant Noise... Perhaps Causing Deafness in The Entire Pacific Ocean... 

and then SE Said: I just got into a weird argument with a friend of mine, and now I'm wondering what other people think. My friend and I both rent apartments here in the Bay Area, which is one of the most expensive rental markets in the country. We were having a discussion about housing and cost-of-living and rent control and all that stuff. My apartment building is older, so it's rent controlled, which means they can only raise my rent 8% each year. My friend's building is also rent controlled, and he thinks that when you live in a rent-controlled building, that you should NEVER call the management about maintenance issues or repairs. He claims that he does all of his own repairs, and if something needs to be replaced, he pays for the replacement out of his own pocket. His reasoning is that he believes that if you ask management to fix things which are broken, management will kick you out and bring in a new tenant at a higher rent.
I disagree strongly. It's in my lease that if something is broken, we are supposed to notify management as quickly as possible so they can send someone to repair it. Obviously, if it's a minor issue, I'll do my best to fix it myself. But if it's a major issue, or if something needs to be replaced, of course I'm not going to pay for the repair out of my own pocket because I don't own this place, I rent it. The main benefit of renting vs. owning is that you DON'T have to pay extra for repairs. That's included in your monthly rent payment. Recently, my garbage disposal was jamming. I could occasionally un-jam it myself, but sometimes I had to call management to send someone to un-jam it. After a few times, they replaced it with a new garbage disposal. My friend feels that I should have just bought a new garbage disposal with my own money and installed it myself! But I think that if I did that and management found out, it wouldn't be cool. Or maybe they wouldn't really care, but I'm pretty sure they want every apartment to have the same type of garbage disposal. If you replace your own garbage disposal and it's not the one you're supposed to have, then management wouldn't be responsible for it if something else goes wrong with it. But according to my friend, management shouldn't be responsible for it anyway, the tenant should.
I've never heard of anyone having this attitude before, and it really surprises me that there are actually people renting apartments who think they need to pay for their own maintenance and repair issues. Is this a common thing?

I Replied: I think the Landlord Should Fix Things. They Make a Profit Off Their Investment... They Collect Rent and Pay for the Mortgage and Repairs... and Hopefully, When they sell, it'll have appreciated a LOT... My Experience in Owning a Rental was: We Bought a Condo. That's an Apartment that We Owned... We Lived there for a few years and then we Bought a Small House. Rented Out the Condo to a Woman on Section 8 Funding... We Paid for all the Repairs and we Paid a Mortgage and a Monthly Condo fee that Paid for Gardeners to Mow the Lawn and Clean the Swimming pool... anyway... We got Divorced and I Got the Ownership of the Condo in the Settlement... After the neighborhood changed from a Reasonable Black Neighborhood with a few White people and a Few Retired People... Into a Crack Crazy Ghetto... I tried to Sell that Condo... and to my surprise, NO ONE Was Buying... SO: I simply Failed to Pay the Mortgage for Three Months and The Bank Owned it... and I Left Washington DC and Drove to Los Gatos and Lived with my Parents for a Little while. Got a Job at Radio Shack and Rented a room in a House on Bascom Ave. and then another Room on Foxworthy... and another room in Willow Glen... and eventually Rented a room in One of the Original IBM Almaden Houses... and THAT was Excellent!

JZ Replied: I'm in property management. We absolutely do not want residents attempting to fix anything beyond, say, plunging their own toilet. We don't expect renters to be skilled in everything and they usually don't fix things correctly. This is exactly what you pay rent for. Unless it's plainly evident it's your fault (like a hole punched in drywall), we expect things to break and part of what you pay monthly is allocated to fix things. It doesn't matter how much your rent is.

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