TRUMP GUILTY - Million of Republicans #RUNAWAY from 'The Donald'... "I'm Not Voting for Him, He's a Pile of Sh*t!" Says Marge S. from Springfield...

I'm Surprised! and Delighted...

TRUMP GUILTY - Million of Republican #RUNAWAY from 'The Donald'... "I'm not Voting for Him, He' a Pile of Sh*t!" Says Marge S.  from Springfield...

Last Week I predicted...
Trump Trial: Jury to Decide Today... A HUNG JURY is Likely. Unable to Agree on Either Guilty or Not Guilty... and Even IF Found Guilty, the Judge May Select PROBATION as Punishment... It is Very Unlikely that WE Will LOCK HIM UP!
Rememeber: At Least ONE MAGA MORON on the Jury Will Rule that Crime is Legal for Trump and then Trump Will Shout Loudly: "SEE? NOT GUILTY! It Was All A BOGUS BIDEN FREAKSHOW!"
Why was Trump Too Chicken to Testify at his Own Trial?
He was Afraid that the Bible Would BURST into FLAME When he Swore to Tell the Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth...

meme that fits the FaceBORG My Story - Shoppong Biden vs Trump
meme that fits the FaceBORG My Story 
Shopping: Biden vs Trump

Black Lives Matter painted on the street in front of Trump Tower....
Black Lives Matter painted on the street
in front of Trump Tower....

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Why Don't We Repeal and Replace tRUMP's Tax Cut for the Rich Law? It's the Main Cause of the Federal Deficit! We Could Afford Nice things if Super Rich People Paid Taxes!
Trumpanzees are Doomed to Lose a Civil War. There are Plenty of Empty Jail Cells Just a Waiting for QuackAnon Freaks to Fill 'em UP.  Even Empty Greene says: Stand Down Mindless Vegetables!
Maybe Going Insane to Protect Trump from Incarceration is NOT a Brilliant Plan! We arrested over a Thousand People when Trump Failed to Overthrow the USA and Crown Himself King on January 6th... LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES!
empty greene says civil war cancelled - stand down mindless vegetables

Trumps Top 10 Failures: Like and Share these Facts Worldwide! We Must Beat Trump in 2024... and Exterminate the Republicriminal Party Forever!

#1 Over a Million Americans Died of COVID-19. It was NOT a "Democratic Hoax" Like Trump Said.

#2 Trump Lost The 2020 Election to Joe Biden. That's Why Trump Lives in Mar-A-Loser and Biden Lives in the White House.

#3 Trump Failed to Overthrow the US Government and Crown Himself King on January 6th. Over a Thousand Trumpanzees Have been Arrested... Including Trump Himself!

#4 Trump's Trade War With China. That Harmed American Farmers, Manufacturing Businesses and Consumers. Russia Benefited by Selling Soybeans to China.

#5 Trump Failed to Build the Wall and Have Mexico Pay for it... It's Incomplete and People Simply Walk Around the End...

#6 Trump Failed to Repeal and Replace Obamacare... He Had No Plan "Trumpcare" - He Just wanted to Harm Americans...

#7 Trump Failed to Change the Course of a Hurricane Using a Sharpie Felt Pen... Causing "Sharpiegate" and Many Joke Memes!

#8 Largest Loss of Money on the Stock Market in History.

#9 Massive Unemployment = 14.7%

#10 Huge Lines of Americans Waiting for FREE FOOD because they Could Not Buy Their Own Groceries...

and then SG Said on FaceBorg:
“Patriotic Millionaires”: I believe Facebook is Basically Censoring what I’ve Posted about these Posts from “Patriotic Millionaires”: “ “We’ve discussed before why high levels of inequality are a problem for our economy: it hurts GDP growth and social mobility and is associated with poor social outcomes, e.g. lower life expectancy, more crime, and more mental illness. But there’s another reason why we should care that so much wealth in America is concentrated in so few hands: it destabilizes our democracy.” Facebook said one of my Posts goes against “ Community Standards” But they won’t tell me which Post? After I asked which one, they made it so no one will see The Post except me! Am guessing they don’t want Americans to see the Strangle Hold the “Rich and Powerful” ( The Truth)Have on Americans, don’t know for sure Facebook won’t tell me which post! As Zuckerberg is one of The Powerful Rich Americans! You might not see this Post! For Help please like to see if these posts are being censored!

Be Woke Meme

The saddest part about this is- Donald Trump has destroyed the Republican party and there’s a chunk of Americans who will keep defending him even though he is the most unethical, immoral POS that this country has known. We all know the right wing media hemisphere is going to rally around their crook and cry victim. Playing the victim is the Fascist playbook. Get ready to be bombarded with it! The outrage machine will now go into overdrive and try to suck the money out of every MAGA supporter that has been duped by this professional grifter. Just watch same the MAGA morons that complain about the price of everything hand their hard earned money over to a billionaire!

PS - Now this dumbass won’t be able to vote for himself in November! LMFAO!

Crazy Laws - Citizens United meme

Rule of law held. Normal people made of of ny citizens viewed the fact and gave a verdict. No mater what trumpers say…it was a fair trial of his peers. He did the crimes and is now held accountable. He is not above any laws. Bring on the other cases now. We the american people have a right to see results of evidence

trump is Guilty protest

Dog Tag meme

No Brains No Service Cartoon

Donald Trump found guilty of hush-money plot to influence 2016 election

Former president calls verdict ‘a disgrace’ after being convicted in New York on all 34 counts of falsifying business records
Cartoon - Ron Death Santa - Slavery was Excellent!

Slavery was an Excellent Learning Experience

Welcome to New Mexico Sign

another "WOKE" meme

My Best Posts - These are What The People Have decided are The Best. READ MORE:
1. Tree Sitters Protest Lignite Coal Mine in Germany - in the Village of Lützerath - (Updated 4/23/2022) The village has long been doomed to disappear to allow the gigantic Garzweiler open-pit lignite mine to expand further.

Swimming in Upper Bidwell Park - Chico, CA

2. My Autobiography: Growing Up in Los Gatos, California in the 1960s by Gregory Vanderlaan - and Living in San Jose, Washington DC, Chico, Eureka and Orangevale, CA.

I Was Born March 19th, 1954. We lived Near the San Jose Airport until they Started Landing Jet Airplanes and We moved to Los Gatos - 1960. I lived there until graduation from Los Gatos High School in 1972... an Ideal Childhood...

Then I Went to West Valley Jr. College, learned electronics drafting and got a job at System Industries in Santa Clara... READ MORE:

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Link: the Highest Selling Gear on my
Zazzle Gregvan Giftshop -
This is What the People Want <--- Link to My Store!

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3. What Ever Happened to Trump's Phony Middle Class Tax Cut? This Blog Post was Written in October of 2018... Things Have Gotten Worse Since Then... Congress is in recess until after the midterm elections and cannot pass any new tax laws before November begins.

Trump's Tax Cut for The Rich Failed to Collect Enough Money and the Entire Country is on the Verge of Bankruptcy... Defaulting on our Debt... 10/1/2021... and the "Middle Class Tax Cut" was temporary... and NOW, Taxes are Higher on the 99% and Lower for the Top 1%... READ MORE:

4. Joe Biden is President. No Longer is there a Need to EXORCISE The White House... GOOD TRIUMPHED OVER EVIL... Here is a Post from Long Ago During The Dark Ages...

EXORCISM at the WHITE HOUSE. A Million Patriots Need To Surround it and Demand That Trump RESIGN NOW! JOIN US For A Spiritual Healing Ceremony... Spread The Word!

Beat the Drums, Blow A Whistle, Burn Some Sage, Chant, Sing and Dance All Day and All Night Until The EVIL ONE IS DRIVEN OUT... MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE!
If You Cannot Come To Washington DC, Stage an Exorcism in Your Own Home Town.

Ask Yourself: "What Would Abbie Hoffman DO?"

5. SADLY THIS POST FAILED: #MoscowMitch Won Anyway... Amy McGrath for Senate in Kentucky... Beat #MoscowMitch! He is a Corrupt TrumpNik Obeying His Master, Vladimir Putin - Register and Vote! Throw OUT the Corrupt Old White Men. Like and Share Her Website Address Worldwide! Campaign For Amy on Social Media...
6. Photos of Chico, California... Bidwell Park, Butte Creek Canyon and Big Al's Drive in Restaurant on The Esplanade... and My Memories of Going to College there in 1973... Then I Went Back in the Late 1990s... SEE MORE:

7. RAINBOW GATHERING 2021: Photographs of the Gathering Near Taos, New Mexico...
SEE MORE: This event Has Passed.

For Info About This Summer's Gathering in Colorado on July 1-7 Use THIS Link: Specific Location to be Announced on June 15th... With Maps and Driving Directions... Ignore all rumors of cancellation or organization!

Drumming at the Marimba Tent -
California Rainbow Gathering 2004

8. Mariia Butina: Russian Arrested in USA for failure to Register as a Foreign Agent: She Was Accused for Infiltrating NRA and Setting up Secret Back Channel for Financing Republicans. Eventually she was arrested, convicted and served time in US Prison... Then She Was Released, Moved Back to Russia and was Given a Hero's Welcome... READ MORE:

9. TrumpNiks® FAIL TO ATTEND - "Justice for J6" Rally in Washington DC on 9/18/2021 was a TOTAL WIMPOUT! ... They Truly Missed the OPPORTUNITY to Get FREE ROOM AND BOARD in America's Prison System... Like the January Sixth Insurrectionists Did... We LOCKED 'EM UP! READ MORE!

10. FREE Chart of Where the Notes Are on the Guitar and Piano. Print As Many Copies as You Like and Give 'em to Friends... and... many other Free Coloring Book Drawings... FREE!

11. FREE COLORING BOOK: Print The Drawings and Color Using Felt Pens, Pencils or Crayons... Make as Many Copies as You Like... Thanks!
More Art at Google Image Search=gvan42

Now that I've read Brian Eno's List of great books...

I'll have to write my own list!
In no particular order...

The Monkeywrench Gang by Edward Abbey,
1984 by George Orwell,
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate by John Marks,
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe,
The Whole Earth Catalog by Stewart Brand,
One Flew Over The Coo Coo's Nest by Ken Kesey,
My Problem Child by Dr Albert Hofmann,
Remember, Be Here Now by Ram Dass,
The Psychedelic Experience by Dr Timothy Leary and Dr Richard Alpert,
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence by Robert Pirsig,
America's Bogus Wars by Gregory Vanderlaan,
Island by Aldous Huxley,
Foundation by Isaac Asimov,
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein,
You are not the Target by Laura Huxley,
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley,
The Time Machine by HG Wells,
Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne,
Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol,
Thru the Looking Glass by Lewis Carrol,
The Wizard of OZ by Frank Baum,
Tom Sawyer - Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain,
The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe (and Everything
else he wrote),
The Call of Cthulu by HP Lovecraft,
The Teachings of don Juan by Carlos Castaneda,
The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz,
The Art of the Failed Deal by don Trump,
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
by Charles Mackay,
The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
2001 by Arthur C. Clarke,
Dune by Frank Herbert,
The Black Cloud by Fred Hoyle,
The Lord of the Rings by J R R Tolkien,
The Hobbit by J R R Tolkien,
#France1789 by Gregory Vanderlaan,
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card,
The Bible by Various Authors (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John,
Ezekiel, Enoch, Peter, Paul and Mary),
Still Here by Ram Dass,
The Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov,
I, Robot by Isaac Asimov,
Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley,
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda,
Alcoholics Anonymous by Bill W.

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