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The Entire Leadership of the Democratic Party Needs to Retire. [EXCEPT FOR DAVID HOGG] And All the Talking Heads on TV news that campaigned for Democrats should quit. GTFO!

Parkland shooting survivor David Hogg runs for Democratic committee post: ‘We can’t win without young voters’
Gun safety activist bidding for a DNC vice-chair post says party defends institutions when it needs to reform them...

The Leadership of the Democratic Party Needs to Retire. GTFO! And all the Talking Heads on TV news that campaigned for Democrats should quit.

After the massive loss in the election 2024... We need to plot a different course... Kamala failed... Onward to 2026... And spend all day everyday trying to prevent Trump from getting anything done... Every action of his will meet massive Resistance...

The vast majority of Americans don't care one way or another about gay rights. However, the Democratic Party became trapped in supporting GBLT+Q issues. We were painted as totally in favor of gay parades, little boys going into the bathrooms of little girls and drag queens reading stories to children in elementary school... All of those actions are freaking weird... And offensive to the vast majority of Voters... Gay parades make it seem like being a gay person is fun! They don't mention the countless hours spent in hospitals with friends that are dying from AIDS... And I believe that promotion of the "Gay Lifestyle Choice" increases the quantity of people that voluntarily choose that lifestyle... You can't march in the parade unless you're a queer! Join up!

GBLT +Q meme
a Mockery of LGBT+Q 
 (an initialism for lesbiangaybisexual

People say that I'm racist however, racism is accurate... I have some real life experience on this subject... I've lived in a black neighborhood (Washington, DC), I've lived in a neighborhood with Latinos (San Jose, CA) and I've lived in town that are almost 100% White (Chico & Eureka, CA)... The quality of life is better in the white towns... If you don't believe me, try living life in different locations... Notice reality!

We should be asking important questions: DO BLACK LIVES MATTER? Do they really matter? Can you give an example of a black life that actually mattered? It's difficult to find an example! Some people say: ALL LIVES MATTER... But... In a world with 8 billion people, Isn't that just too damn many! A billion deaths would make the world better for those that survived... Think about it! 

And as far as winning elections... Supporting the BLM movement is unpopular and leads to defeat... Please... Wake the f*ck up!

And Trump was campaigning on Racism... Trump has no plan to deport Melania or Elon Musk (both Illegal Immigrants) ... He only wants to deport Black and Brown People... The Democrats got stuck defending the policy of letting people into the USA from Mexico... Even Latino voters don't want that! Adios! Vaya con Dios! Hasta la vista baby!

Kamala was blamed for the outrageous inflation we all experienced... Everything is really expensive now and our paychecks have not increased enough to make it less painful... It is true that the President of the United States has almost no power to stop inflation but Trump said "I'll Fix It!" - he showed no plan for HOW he's going to fix it... Just a slogan... Like his 2016 campaign slogan: "Promises Made, Promises Broken." [SATIRE] That's what he ran on last time and the MAGA Morons believed him!

Trump campaigned on promoting Christianity in public schools. Kamala was stuck with defending the rights of people to worship those Weirdo Religions... The majority of Americans are Christians and it's pretty obvious that those other religions are just Crazy... Islam? Are we were supposed to forget about 9/11 and "towelheads" flying airplanes into the World Trade Center??? Hare Krishnas? Wake up people! The 60s are over! Yes, the Beatles went to India to pray with the Maharishi but that turned out to be totally bogus! Rastafarians? Pastafarians? Voodoo? Boo Hoo!

Did you know that 100% of the presidents of the United States were men? Apparently, Women Always Lose... DUH... Could the Democratic Party Leadership learn this lesson???

Did you know that 46 and 1/2 of the 47 Presidents Were White? (0.989%) Barack Obama had a White mother and a Black father... And when the time came for the Black father to actually raise the child, he ran right back to Africa! Barack was raised by Two White Grandparents and his White Mother... And that entire Black Culture "thing" was absent... He did have exposure to Indonesian culture, Japanese culture and Hawaiian culture...

The other thing that Kamala was stuck with was the crazy policies of Joe Biden... Did you know that we gave a billion dollars of weapons to Israel? That's insane! They just use those weapons to kill people! 

Let's Spend No Money for War in Ukraine or Israel. As soon as they run out of bullets, Peace will Break Out... The USA is buying them weapons... Stop the crazy!

Yes, Russia will win the war in Ukraine and the lines on the map will move from side to side... The land that is currently Ukraine will become part of Russia... And that will have no effect at all on my life... or your life... We've been spending billions of dollars for no reason... Total crazy! And why? So the Military Industrial Complex can make money supplying weapons... 

It is very likely that Israel will lose any wars that they are currently fighting... Maybe the entire country of Israel will have to go swimming in the Mediterranean? What if their neighbors just push them in? Can they swim all the way to Greece? Or will they all just die out... Is the country of Israel an idea whose time has passed... Their demise will have no effect at all on my life... or your life...

Specific people that need to just get off of TV News Shows... I never want to see Nancy Pelosi being interviewed... And giving her "Words of Wisdom" ... Just go away! And I never want to see Hillary Clinton... Liz Cheney... John Bolton (most famous for being an Idiot Employed by Trump) ... Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango? ... Joe Scarborough (but Mika is Great!) ... Al Sharpton... Joy Reid... Chris Hayes... But many of the other anchors on MSNBC are great... My defense is to Simply change the channel whenever these faces appear... Maybe Network programming will notice the lack of viewers... 

HEADLINE: Centrist Dems seize opening at the DNC: ‘I don’t want to be the freak show party’

Recriminations over Kamala Harris’ defeat are shaping the early stages of the race for DNC chair.
Centrist Democrats are revolting. As they begin to dissect their collapse in the presidential election, some Democratic National Committee members are concluding that the party is too “woke,” too focused on identity politics and too out of touch with broad stretches of America.

History: Trump's War in Afghanistan was Idiotic. He didn't start it, but he kept it running for all four years he was president... He did free 5,000 Taliban prisoners (The Enemy) - Wow that was stupid! Yes, it's true! 

In choosing their enemy, the evildoers and those who harbor them have chosen their fate." Operation Enduring Freedom, the military phase, began October 7, 2001. Since then, coalition forces have liberated the Afghan people from the repressive and violent Taliban regime... 

and then Joe Biden ended the CrazyWar® ... But now, Republicans are whining about how he ended it... Trump could have ended it but he failed... Total failure dude! 

Get 'er done Joe! Thank you!

Trump's War in Afghanistan was Idiotic. He didn't start it, but he kept it running for all four years he was president... He did free 5,000 Taliban prisoners...  The Enemy... Wow that was stupid!

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