Trump's Racism Will Fail. He'll lose the election and start a Civil War... The US Army will Win that War... And 10,000 MAGA morons will go to prison. Fun!

Trump keeps on giving speeches about how much "Real Americans" hate Blacks, hate Mexicans, hate Orientals, hate College Students, hate College Graduates, hate Young People and hate Women...

That kind of CrazyTalk® is unlikely to get many votes from all those people in that list above... The only people not in that list are old white men... And to tell you the truth, the era of the old white man ruling the world is ending... 

The Founding Fathers... Said that the only people who should be allowed to vote for president are rich white men... Really! Women, Blacks and poor white men were not allowed to vote... And if the Republicans get their way, we're going to go back to the original desires of the founding fathers...

Trump's racism will fail. He'll lose the election and start a Civil War... The US Army will win that war...

Hat for sale at Zazzle Gregvan

Medicare for All. Costs Less, Works Better! 
Embroidered Baseball Cap
You may change the words if you want to... 
But who would want to?

Trump's Racism Will Fail. He'll lose the election and start a Civil War... The US Army will Win that War... And 10,000 MAGA morons will go to prison. Fun!
Trump's Racism Will Fail. He'll lose the election and start a Civil War... The US Army will Win that War...

And it's all just " secret code" for racism... Deport the Haitians allows Trump to say Deport the Blacks in a way that no one can criticize... Deport the Mexican gang members? Isn't that really just Deport all Hispanic people???

And stating that immigrants have bad genes? His wives were immigrants... His parents and Grandparents were immigrants... But they were white! So-called "good genes" - not the black, brown and yellow people...

Remember: Racism and Hate Speech Worked in Germany in the 1930s

Hexagon spaceships

Grace Slick, singer and songwriter Said:
All fairytales that are read to little girls feature a Prince Charming who comes and saves them. But Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland did not. Alice was on her own, and she was in a very strange place, but she kept on going and she followed her curiosity – that’s the White Rabbit. A lot of women could have taken a message from that story about how you can push your own agenda.
The 1960s resembled Wonderland for me. Like Alice, I met all kinds of strange characters, but I was comfortable with it. I wrote White Rabbit on a red upright piano that cost me about $50. It had eight or 10 keys missing, but that was OK because I could hear in my head the notes that weren’t there. I used that piano to write several different songs. When I started making money I bought a better one.
In the 60s, the drugs were not ones like heroin and alcohol that you take to blot out a terrible life, but psychedelics: marijuana, LSD and shroomies. Psychedelic drugs showed you that there are alternative realities. You open up to things that are unusual and different, and, in realising that there are alternative ways of looking at things, you become more accepting of things around you.
The line in the song “feed your head” is both about reading and psychedelics. I was talking about feeding your head by paying attention: read some books, pay attention.

Lewis Carroll wrote that book as a description of what it's like to smoke opium... And I say that the Cheshire Cat was the disappearing body it's a very accurate description...

To me: the best psychedelic is peyote... I did that entire tradition where you meet mescalita and she teaches you your song and then you get up in front of the whole tribe and sing it...

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