Link to my Gift Shop: Political Bling and Psychedelic Art!

FREE Chart of Where the Notes Are on the Guitar and Piano. Print As Many Copies as You Like and Give 'em to Friends... and... many other Free Coloring Book Drawings...

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FREE Chart of Where the Notes Are on the Guitar and Piano. Feel Free To Print As Many Copies as You Like... gvan42 - Blog Labels:  Trump, art, evil, California, protest, idiot, war, disaster, fail, psychedelic, freedom, free, question authority, book, cosmic, fraud, music, ecology, question, global, failure, magic, election, insane, crazy, trippy, mushroom, liar, Donald, quest, #DumpTrump, Eureka, republican, Impeach, visions, vote, GOP, people, video, power, gvan42, loser, corruption, lsd, authority, #ImpeachTrump, Russia, corporate, fire, reality, climate, white, 2020, CIA, EPA, great, President, murder, vanderlaan, money, peace, USA, change, rainbow, campaign, marijuana, NRA, humboldt, American, fake, #BogusPotus, news, arcata, brainwashing, coronavirus, fun, liberty, nuclear, pollution, song, Putin, hippie, house, warming, madness, TV, death, history, guns, love, NSA, revolution, Family, facebook, guitar, #DitchMitch, FBI, corrupt, Congress, bogus sanity, Sanders, Chico, hippy, police, #runaway, absurd, economy, waste, legalize, solar, Republicans, Russian, World, life, coloring, mkultra, obama, rich satire, senate, wall, crime, lie, #MAGAKiller, America, March, cannabis

AmerIndian robot with a headdress - free coloring book by gvan42
Robot Wearing an Amerindian Headdress
Part of My Free Coloring Book
Feel Free To Print as many Copies as You Like
and Color with Felt Pens or Pencils

VW Bus - Flower Power - art

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - #Purple64ets - zazzle/gregvan

3200 Flying Saucer With a Friendly Alien by gvan42

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - #Purple64ets - zazzle/gregvan

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - #Purple64ets - zazzle/gregvan

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - #Purple64ets - zazzle/gregvan

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - #Purple64ets - zazzle/gregvan

Peace and Love - Free Coloring Book Art... Print as Many Copies as You Want and Share With Your Friends... I'm Looking for a Publisher to Print My Book, Sell Copies and Pay Me Royalties... OR... Just Pirate The Images and Keep the Royalties... FREE ART!

Find MORE ART at Google Image Search using the Words: "gvan42 Coloring Book"

Pink Floyd art

leaf - coloring book art

Inca Sun God drawing

Burning Man Stick Figure at Sunset

Tax the Rich - art

LOVE - connect the dots - drawing - gvan42

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Slide Projectors Setup with a Rotating Strobe Wheel - part of a Rock Concert Light Show
This is a Drawing of the Forbes Mill Slide Projectors Setup with a Rotating Strobe Wheel - part of a Rock Concert Light Show... It Caused Images to Briefly Flash on the Wall behind the Band. The Motor was Variable Speed. Forbes Mill was a Teen Club I Worked at In High School.

#BubbleUP Economics Works! Raise the Minimum Wage to 15 Dollars an Hour - Raise All Social Security Checks 15% - WE PROMISE TO SPEND THE EXTRA MONEY. Increasing Sales, Increasing Profits... EVERYBODY WINS!

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - Like and Share, Copy and Paste, Make as many Prints as You Like... Gregory Vanderlaan Color With Felt Pens, Pencils, Crayons or Potatoshop

What IS Bubble UP Economics and How Does it Work? Simply Raise the Minimum Wage to Fifteen Dollars an Hour and Raise all Social Security Checks 15%. Then all Those people will spend the extra money in their paychecks at American Businesses. Increasing Profits. Making Stockholders Happy! Then those businesses will have to hire more people to handle the extra Customers. Decreasing Unemployment Insurance Payments. Everybody WINS! With EMPLOYMENT AT A JOB becoming a Viable Alternative to Selling Drugs for a Street Gang, Some teenagers will choose Employment... Reducing CRIME... Reducing Costs for Prisons... Reducing Costs for Law Enforcement... People will buy more food for their Children. Causing Better Health and Smarter Kids... Starvation is Not Good for Children's Brains... Farmers will sell More. Truckers will move more merchandise to stores. Increased Competition for Workers will cause Everybody's Wages to Go Up. All those Workers will pay more in Income Taxes... That would make the Government happy... Right NOW, we are having a National Debt Ceiling Crisis because the Government is Spending More that it Takes in with Taxes... Bubble UP Economics would reverse that trend... The Money Bubbles UP Through Every Layer of Society... With a rising tide, every boat floats! We Tried Ronald Reagan's "Voodoo" Economics and It Has Failed... "People" Say That Bubble UP! Economics WILL MAKE Employers LAY OFF Workers... However... Employers HAVE ALREADY LAID OFF EVERYONE THEY POSSIBLY CAN... Have you Ever Seen a Business where People Work There but Have Nothing To DO? Never! 

Who Could Possibly be Opposed to the JOY of Bubble UP! Economics? Well, there are people in this world that have COMPULSIVE HOARDING OF MONEY SYNDROME. It's a Mental Health Disease just Like The Crazy Cat Lady...

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - Like and Share, Copy and Paste, Make as many Prints as You Like... Gregory Vanderlaan Color With Felt Pens, Pencils, Crayons or Potatoshop

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - Like and Share, Copy and Paste, Make as many Prints as You Like... Gregory Vanderlaan Color With Felt Pens, Pencils, Crayons or Potatoshop

Free Coloring Book Art by gvan42 - Like and Share, Copy and Paste, Make as many Prints as You Like... Gregory Vanderlaan Color With Felt Pens, Pencils, Crayons or Potatoshop

~~~~~~ (~);-} ~~~~~~

and then They legalized Marijuana in Oregon...

My Experience With Smoking Marijuana was that I Stayed High for ONE MONTH after Smoking a Pound of Oregon Legal over an Eight month period. Then I Quit entirely because I Wanted to Go on a Driving Vacation in California and Nevada where Weed is Illegal... and I Remembered to NOT Possess Illegal Drugs in My Van While Touring... I Meet a Lot of COPS while Sleeping in the Van... and then I went to the Hospital for an Infected Blister on my Foot and they Tested My Blood for THC... and I Still Tested Positive a MONTH Later! AmaZING!
During that Month I Experienced Events That Did Not Happen... It's Called Cannabis Psychosis... and It's Interesting!

Marijuana Tourism - my trip to Washington State, The Space Needle, The Experience Music Pavilion and then Oregon. As legalization spread across the USA I wanted to experience LEGAL weed as soon as possible. When I retired from work I did a lot of driving around sleeping in the back of my VAN... I was like a turtle with my home on my back. First I drove to Utah with my friend Mike Jensen to attend the Rainbow Gathering... After we were done with that I took a drive to Washington State to experience the Legal Weed. On the first visit I was unable to find any... I asked some local kids and asked for directions but there were very few stores and they were often closed... On the Second Trip I picked up a hitchhiker who had some hash oil and he gave me some as a thank you gift for picking him up in the rain... Later I decided to go home and attend the Kinetic Sculpture Race at home but... and this is a big but... I smoked some hash oil... then I got onto Highway #5 and I accidentally put the van into gear #2 and turned on the radio... When I hit 70 miles per hour the transmission exploded and then the engine caught fire... OOPS! I pulled over to the side of the freeway and said the Serenity prayer... I walked down the freeway and over to a Lumber Mill. The security guard called me a tow truck and I was towed to a motel... I had the van towed to an auto repair place where they said it would cost $8,000 to repair my Ford Windstar. I paid $3,000 to buy it used so I decided it was Uneconomical to repair... Eventually I gave it to the Humane Society as a donation to help animals. I did not allow this disaster to interfere with my vacation. I rode the AMTRAK to Seattle, Bought and ate TWO Marijuana Cookies, drank some of that rocket fuel coffee and rode the Monorail to the Space Needle and the Jimi Hendrix Experience Music Pavilion. (also a Nirvana Museum) Both musicians lived near Seattle. They had a musical instrument for tourists to play... It was 20 Tubular Bells that random people could whack with pool balls hung from a wire. VERY popular with children. I loved it too. Then I rode the Monorail to downtown Seattle Business District and arrived at Quitting Time on a Sunny Friday afternoon. The first big weekend of Spring. I was impressed with the JOY of the office workers and the BEAUTY of the Secretaries. One effect of a heavy Cannabis Dose is that it makes women appear more beautiful... I really had to piss and was in the center of the city with no public bathrooms... so I peed my pants... I didn't care. I stayed at motels for a few weeks and walked, rode the train, rode the bus and taxi and eventually got home. Quite a tricky walkabout. I enjoyed the friendship of kids in Centrailia, Washington... Great People! Then I bought another Van for $3,000... I wanted to not only experience LEGAL WEED but I wanted to Vote with my Money and reward Washington State politicians who voted for Legal weed. The next year Oregon legalized Marijuana, Then Nevada and California... Soon... the entire USA.

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