How to Survive Climate Change. It's Here, It's Real, and It's Going to Get Worse... Much Worse...

Move to a safe location in the USA... The West Coast from San Francisco to Canada. The Land within 5 Miles of the Pacific Ocean is the Best Place to Survive... Low Risk of Wild Fires, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Hail, Super Hot or Super Cold Weather...

We do have earthquakes and tsunamis... But they don't happen very often... I remember three during my lifetime and I'm 70 years old... The Loma Prieta near San Jose, the World Series earthquake in Oakland and Northridge... Just north of Los Angeles...

And we have never had an actual tsunami except for Crescent City near the Oregon border... And that was a big problem for people that own boats...

My cousin owns a cabin in the woods near Santa Cruz and they had a big forest fire in the Redwood Forest but they stopped that fire before it got to people's houses... And then almost immediately there was a flood on the San Lorenzo River... But his place was not harmed by either event... 

So far most of the wildfires in Northern California have been way out in the woods... Except for Paradise... And that's a big problem for the bears, the deer, spotted owls... 

And I figured the real solution to climate change is to reduce the human population to about 1 billion people... Maybe 2 billion people... That means 6 billion deaths... 

one of the reasons I'm so pessimistic about climate change is: I believe that a big cause are people driving Gasoline and Diesel powered cars and trucks, people flying in jet airplanes and people eating hamburgers and steaks... 

And on the rare occasions that I leave the house I've noticed that traffic is as bad as ever... And there are huge quantities of people scurrying about polluting the world... 

And I see on TV news that more people are flying than ever before... 

And then I consider my own situation and I'm not going to change what I eat... I like eating hamburgers and I'm going to continue to eat hamburgers... Even if cows are farting... A major source of methane... 

I take the Lyft Rideshare service and many of the Lyft drivers use electric cars... But the majority of cars run on gasoline or diesel and there appears to be no real solution... Electric cars go very short distances... And that's just not good enough... For example: people wanted to flee from Florida due to a hurricane... Well you're going to want to drive a thousand miles... To safety... And an electric car just doesn't go that far... Especially when the Electric power is out... 

this meme fits the faceborg "my story" go ahead and copy and paste it... It could be "your story" too! 

Infinite Rainbow Forest - playing cards, button for sale at Zazzle Gregvan 

LINK: Playing Cards

LINK: Button for Sale

The background of the infinite rainbow gifts is the redwood forest near Eureka California... Actually my backyard... I spend a lot of time out there because I was not allowed to smoke tobacco in the house so I made my own little room out in the woods... When it starts raining it takes about a day for all the leaves on the redwood tree to get wet and then start dripping so it's possible to relax out in the woods during rain... The other thing about Eureka is that there's 10,000 different varieties of rain... There's fog, drizzle, swirling droplets, torrential downpour... And everything in between...

But I owned a really good raincoat and it was about a three block walk to the bus station so I could go to work... And I just laughed at the rain! Ha Ha!

The bus came by once an hour during the daytime and it was really convenient because it went by where I lived and where I worked... And I could sleep on the bus in the morning because when I got to work the bus driver would wake me up and say... Greg wake up you're at work! And then on the way home at night I got to flirt with the ladies who worked at other businesses on our route...

LINK: collection of gifts

LINK: Pink Spiral Playing Cards

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